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    sussex wis

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    b models superliners 7220 quadraplex transmition 39 years in dump trucks , most macks. lots of parts.

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  1. Bought two busted 7220 transmissions , think I can make one good one but could use one or two more for parts.
  2. Bought two busted 7220 transmissions , think I can make one good one but could use one or two more for parts.
  3. If you're not going to use that shirt paternity tag I'd like to buy it.
  4. check for a wire from the hot lead on the starter up to the buss bar on the fire wall
  5. I got some 2180 18 speeds. one I have to take the lines off the cylinder on the back of the trans and get just a sqwirt or 2 of oil in each side and its good for months.
  6. like the truck but it looks like 38 rears
  7. Where in south east wis, I'm in Sussex. And does it miss fire too.
  8. I thought Lund made them but I got a few
  9. I am new on this sight but I need a trq 7220 or trql 7220 quaddraplex
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