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Everything posted by TimberJack

  1. Has anyone tried the HP tuners for the MP8? I bought a 2011 CHU and it’s got the 415 hp and Mack will not turn it up due to the transmission. I was gonna delete it but truck only has 56,000 original miles on it. https://heavydieseltuner.com/mack-08-13/
  2. I washed the core out an there doesn’t seem to be one. That’s on both truck, got me scratching my head
  3. Got 2 CHU’s having the same problems. Both Ac will freeze up. I had a problem with the drivers messing with Freon. So now they are gone I replaced driers and expansion valves pulled vacuum an charged 3 lbs. one truck the low side line will freeze from compressor to expansion valve. Doesn’t seem to be cycling. The other truck cycles but freezes the core. Does these trucks have a freeze switch like the older ones?
  4. Well I swapped ecm from one of my other trucks an it runs fine. Looks like I’ll be buying a new ecm.
  5. When it does it going down road I knock it in neutral truck comes to idle it want shit off with key but once it rolls to a stop it shuts off. All the dash light stays on. It will start right back up an run fine for a few mins. Yes truck is deleted. I have 3 that’s been done from the same guy with zero problems. I can’t start truck at shop it will idle then shut down. It’s got me pulling my hair out.
  6. Seems electrical bc when you lose throttle going down road you can kick it in neutral an it will idle just fine until you come to a complete stop. When it happens you don’t even have to turn switch off it will fire right back up an runs just fine until it does it again
  7. It’s driving me crazy!
  8. Now it want even idle for 3 mins then cut off.
  9. 2008 chu mp8 starts an idles for about a min then dies. You can start it back up an go down road an then all of a sudden loses throttle pedal. When you pull off road an set brake truck will die. I can start it back up an it will normally run fine the rest of the day. This one is a new one on me. There’s no codes except fifth wheel solenoid.
  10. The 18 I have came out of a Mack chu with 3.56 rears I believe, so it has the correct bell housing an top plate. I know the drive shaft with need to be redone an that’s no biggie. Only difference between the truck it came out of is mine has 3.63
  11. It’s just a standard T310 (105yx). I’m just thinking why rebuild it when I have to perfectly good transmissions laying in the shop, a 13 and 18 Eaton. All my out Mack’s have either the Mdrive or Eaton. I swapped one years ago in a 2004 ch. it had same transmission an I put a 8ll in its place.
  12. The 18 I have is a RTLO18918B. Yeah when the ground is really soft we normally push with dozer or skidder.
  13. Ok thanks, this is the only Mack I have with the Mack transmission besides the Mdrive. The others have Eaton. I’ve got a 13 and a 18 was hoping to be able to use one.
  14. Fjh it’s a whin noise, pulled back box an the bottom counter shaft tapered bearing is gone.
  15. I’ve got a CHU with a 505 and 3.63 gears. The transmission is a T310 but started making a noise like a bearing going out. My question is how would a Eaton 13 speed do in it? Not really looking for high speed but better low rang for coming out of the woods.
  16. Would it matter if I put one in without a pump?
  17. No problem bud thanks anyways! I talked to my dealership an the guy I normally talk with has moved so of course the other had no clue lol.
  18. No they are both regular 310. What it is the 11KB105y has a really bad whin like a bearing going out so I was going to swap since I had this other one.
  19. I have two T310 transmission with different part numbers. One is a 11KB105Y and the other is a 11KB75Y. Guess what I’m asking does anyone know what the difference is between the two? Thanks
  20. Thanks for the info MackPro. They told me everything would bolt up with no problem.
  21. No it plugs right up. The top one is the new one they gave me, the bottom is what was on it. That bottom one has a long hard plastic stem that goes up to a bracket to keep it from moving side to side. Well the new one doesn’t have it so there nothing to keep it from spinning around.
  22. Yeah I check, I looked an the plug is round for the mp8. I looked up part number an it shows it’s for mp8.
  23. Picked up a new fan clutch for my 2008 CHU and the wires coming out of it looks nothing like the old one. Called my dear an they said the old part number is no good and it has a new number. I asked them was there a new bracket for the wires since there wasn’t the long plastic stem coming up off the new style. They said no, what’s supposed to hold it from spinning the wires around? Has anyone installed one yet?
  24. I replaced my cab on my 2008 chu with a 2013 cab. How much of a difference is there in the wiring in the cab? I plugged everything up an truck starts but I have no high beam, parking lights and the wipers don’t work. The truck was deleted before it got turned over.
  25. So that a air line running into the bracket
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