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Everything posted by gxbxc

  1. Yes on Ward Lafrance ,did not know it was a chrysler design. A friend of mine was a salesman for Ward back in the seventies and eighties.
  2. Does any one know what make of tractor is on the flat bed behind one of the F models, I think I know but was wondering about any else ?
  3. looks like he didn't even put on the brakes until just before impact.
  4. I remember when Knapp was just a tree service who did power line clearance , when they got there longest reach bucket truck, they built a dog house on the back of the garage for the long boom so , they could park it in side . That was vary late seventies if I remember right .They ran Fords back then
  5. if it is in NYC maybe that is a theft detourant, at least no one will want to park real close to you
  6. 1952 was my first hard year,started school in the first grade ,we played a lot of army ,my street alone fought the north Keorans to a stand still. saw my first big mack LT??? dump truck it was yellow,and I was in love with it .
  7. In two years the market will be flooded with beat to crap sprinters ,then we will know how well they held up
  8. It's to bad, I think they look pretty good but MACK hasn't made a good truck since volvo took over hagerstown. And yes I know it was an epa green push that killed all the big V8's
  9. I would appear that some MACK dealers still know enough about trucks, to be able to build what the customer wants not just what is in the brochures on his desk.
  10. what kind of beams are those in the first steel pic's,never saw any with three flanges before
  11. just a tad crusty but still a great find enjoy it.
  12. Ah I don't want to start any thing but the picture of that last girl ,does she have her panties down to mid thigh or is that a gost of some kind
  13. Saw my first Anthem this morning pulling a lowboy with a load of paving equipment on a new looking Rodgers trailer . Truck was white with an aluminum chain box behind the cab. And it looked pretty god ,as for the mirrors they were better than the rolloff truck be hind it who had those school bus trye pod mirrors on the front fenders .Oh and it was in Fairfax Va
  14. Hey Otherdog have you tried soaking your feet in cold Tonic water ,it is supposed to miracales
  15. Cell phones drive me nuts and the texting will make my head explode. I had some serious hospital time this spring almost 3 months , and could hardly walk ,any way I fell and couldn't get up, had no way to call for help because the dam phone was in my truck with my keys (panic button ).I laid there thinking would this be the night I die from hypothermiera .after about an hour of struggling I just called for help ,lucky me it was an early warm night and people had their windows open.My two neighbors heard me and came over . so good and evil with cell phones .
  16. That apron could be cleaner! And the the food must not be that good ,as the mule looks to have died in the traces hooked to the wagon.
  17. I remember Tropicania OJ used to run macks on the old 301 / US1 /95 north south rt. .I had never seen the OJ trains until I lived in lorton Va
  18. I was wondering about a GMC diesel. The 860 had diesel engines from the same time period
  19. I like that big beast
  20. I guessed Volvo because of that black shosh on the side of the hood, but just looked up a picture of a t680 yup your are right.
  21. It's only a Volvo who cares
  22. Shake shack and five guys are just small potatoes in the game ,and I do not like either one
  23. Too much rust that is not patina .Take a good picture of the door lettering paint the whole truck and reletter it like the original
  24. UP will get sued ,and stop running the steam train again, all because someone is too stupid to breath air
  25. first though was it must be from the NYC area ,then I spied the NJT sticker and realized I probably saw it working in the fifties /early sixties
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