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Everything posted by gxbxc

  1. those logs must be for fire wood or paper ,because they look like one or two 2x4's at the most.
  2. The problem with vehicle design today is what I call the Google plug and designers which turns out. a vehicle along the lines of spell check software ,which calls for spelling corrections with out under standing the .meaning of the word .
  3. It might be true metal workers at 80 plants are on strike for a 28 hour work week . Which would be like a 25% + pay raise. and they complain about a little tarrif. Ok I was wrong they wouln't get paid for a full week but would get a 200 dollar a month bonus to work less hours as part of a famialy leave type of thing. they only work 35 hours a week now,and are probably the highs paid factory in the country
  4. Black dog where did the hard nose DM come from, use to see a lot like it when I lived in Ct, and it is one nice looking truck
  5. looks kinda nice but mixers have a lot of rust because they clean then with acid and if the driver is lazy it didn't get rinsed good ,so take a good hard look at the double frame
  6. Belardinelli is one of the tire shops as was Kovac's on south street, but I can't remember where Belardinelli was located
  7. any tire shop should be able to put it on a spin balancer and see if it is bent
  8. if you need an old White motor Sindorf trading in holland has a waerhouse full of them in crates
  9. gxbxc


    Rough and tumble is on 30 in KinzerPa
  10. gxbxc


    there used to be a crane and A/C dump just like those at rough and tumble in Pa .By any chance are they from there?
  11. back in the eighties are shop replaced the trunions etc, on almost 20 trucks in our fleet.And I can tell you I am tired just thinking about all the work,think I had better take a nap so I can finish wrighting this
  12. didn't there used to be a Holiday inn by the key bridge that was a real hot spot pickup place late 60's early 70's
  13. The storied knowledge on this site is amazing
  14. No Bourbon and beefsteak must have been after my times I was there Christmas 1969 and Oct 1970. But I suddenly remembered a couple of teen age fight bars ,The Dialtone Steak house (where you used a phone to call in your order I don't think they sold a steak after the first week)The two boweling allies were also teenage fight clubs.and because it was a college town there were floating dance /booze parties that would set up where ever they could rent a space .At one time Danbury Ct had more bars than any other city it's size in Ct
  15. you boys down under may not know of these places but they were the in places in Sydney in the late 1960's ,assoc motor club (had big bar slot machines and resturant ) Used to go in earlyplay the slots until we had enough extra money to pay for supper .Whiskey ago go, kind of a dive with plenty of hookers competing,same for the Cheetah .then there was The Texas Tavern up on the cross,they were not so much hookers as hustlers .getting a kickback on you food and drink sales then there was the Mandarin club another gambling place.Best time I had was Christmas eve at a Greek social club. good food but the english girl I was with would only eat english food .There is a circluar hotel on King street and the other side of the street was one strip club after another ,the hustlers really worked to get you in there
  16. the same way half of the female owned government contractors do with a figure head on paper .
  17. they are hauling by the load ,only time and number of loads matter to them
  18. If I remember right both of those trucks were red,green,&white before being just plane old red
  19. back in the early eighties when Gerosa still owned the tractor I had a chance to play with it, Con Ed was a heavy user of their equipment,.there are pictures around the internet with their M 50 at Indian Point station .
  20. Look for snow in yellow stone until almost July .my son and I went out there the first of June and had snow every night or day.
  21. Are the springs on this truck upside down? https://northmiss.craigslist.org/cto/d/model-mack/6554401307.html
  22. I was thinking the same thing I also looks like it has a long hood,wonder what motor was under it.Could the trailer be an early Rodgers ,I read in an add that there trailer were built so that any beam could carry the full tonnage rating of the trailer so if it was a 30 ton trailer each beam was 30 ton rated.They used to side load in those days
  23. now that last truck is interesting!
  24. Any one think about a 49/51 chevy visor could something like this be adapted for a B61 https://www.ebay.com/itm/FULTON-700-SUN-SHIELD-NOS-SUN-VISOR-ORIGINAL-COMPLETE-EXCEPTIONAL-CONDITION/192484227516?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D44040%26meid%3D630133d81a014a8a94db97849273637f%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D7%26sd%3D192155423288%26itm%3D192484227516&_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850
  25. how long is that bed ,wood looks kinda short ?
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