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70mackMB last won the day on March 24

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About 70mackMB


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    New Hampshire

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    Macks. Tractors. Trucking

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  1. PRESIDENT TRUMP DELIVERS: The Declaration of Independence Now Hangs in the Oval Office – The Most Patriotic Oval Office in the History of the United States https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/president-trump-delivers-declaration-independence-now-hangs-oval/
  2. HUGE: Barack Obama Was Using USAID to Pretend to Send ‘Aid’ Overseas But Was Laundering It to Train ‘Rent-a-Riots’ Instead https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/huge-barack-obama-was-using-usaid-pretend-send/
  3. Leftist Activist Judge Boasberg Claimed J6 Defendants Deserved Harsher Charges and Called for ‘New Laws’ to Punish Them https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/leftist-activist-judge-boasberg-claimed-j6-defendants-deserved/
  4. New Jersey Police Officer Wears Palestinian Flag — Not American Flag https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/paterson-police-wear-palestinian-flag-not-american-flag/
  5. WATCH: Colorado Rep. Forced to Cover ‘Offensive’ Second Amendment Sticker on His Laptop During Heated House Gun Debate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/watch-colorado-rep-forced-cover-offensive-second-amendment/
  6. Thank you reb87 for the information on that. .....Hippy
  7. Bob, l was not sure if it was a Tachograph or not with what ever it is on the top of it. .....Hippy
  8. As seen on FB, not mine just a question about it. What are the black boxes, one on the dash and one inside on the back of the cab. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/448996417940505
  9. Driving dump truck way back when we had a four hour safety meeting. The company set up a tent with chairs and tables in the pit and a guy from "MSHA"(?) Mine Safety and Health Admin came out and gave a long winded talk. At the end of the day we got a little card that said we knew all about mine and open pit safety operations. .....Hippy
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