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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. The plugs come in a one or two prong/stud/post style. We have them on power cords (tractor to trailer) to recharge the batteries for the lift gates. l know, it's asking alot for a Volvo to do anything! .....Hippy
  2. Brocky your not alone on the cost of fuel. We didn't make it down either. Hopefully next year. .....Hippy
  3. I'm all done the end of Nov. after 48 yrs (legally) of looking thru a windshield. Going inside for a minor cut in pay rate and hours for a few months. NO more ELDs, VIRs, DOT, and azzhole four wheelers! Nov. can't get here (170 days and counting) fast enough!! .....Hippy
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