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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. Where was this picture taken, any idea? The picture itself is funny but look at the kids shirt. What's with that? .....Hippy
  2. On the tailgate it says "DANGER AIR BRAKES". This must be were people got the idea we could stop on a dime! .....Hippy
  3. Aterriblesound, Welcome to BMT! And yes you will learn things here you wish you never knew! lol .....Hippy
  4. How many of us get senior discounts?! lol .....Hippy
  5. Steve, You have more pictures of it? .....Hippy
  6. The two Democrat Senators representing NH throwing more of our money away again. Scared they are going to loose the Teamsters to Trump. How many more times are we going to bail out the unions and union trucking companies? .....Hippy https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/biden-allies-celebrate-giant-relief-of-pensions-rescue-for-72000-teamsters-in-new-england/ar-BB1qQmBU
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