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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. Found it on Google maps, 1930 US-220/Main St. Ellerbe NC. .....Hippy https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0626194,-79.7633115,3a,15y,82.74h,87.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLUE6siqKQQBgiUZJnJQ_Eg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  2. Don't know if it sold or not. Sale ended 12/28 at 7:17 pm. Price still shows $8,000.00 or B/O. .....Hippy
  3. Paul, Are the trailers with a cheese block set up so the block can be removed or retracted? Then the trailer can be pulled by a non- ballrace turntable equipped truck? .....Hippy
  4. Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!! .....Hippy
  5. protection meme
  6. You might be You are a "Redneck" so here are some bacon recipes for Xmas morning! https://www.traeger.com/search?term=bacon Enjoy! Merry Christmas! .....Hippy
  7. Keep your polish and test light out! .....Hippy
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