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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. Joey my Hero! 🍻 Thats one fine looking U model in the first pictures! lol ls that the only show he goes to with that one anyone know? .....Hippy
  2. Drove an Ottawa yard horse/dog/donkey/spotter/etc. that had a bad cab to frame ground. Back under a trailer and the air ride cab would bounce. The computer (for trailer moves, door numbers, yard positions) would go off just long enough so it had to be restarted. As blackdog2 said, used a jumper cable from the cab to frame and no more problems. Had the mechanic add a ground strap on at the next PM service. .....Hippy
  3. Welcome Sdscalise! Your off to a good start on here with the great pictures! Nice looking truck. .....Hippy
  4. Welcome Todd496! lll be looking for some part time driving work soon. Too damn bad the daily commute would be so long!! LOL! Good luck with your new puppy. .....Hippy
  5. l didn't know there was going to be a test! Bobby Labonte? .....Hippy
  6. Keith, Didn't you build an electric B model? .....Hippy
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