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Everything posted by 70mackMB

  1. eightup, Welcome to BMT. Sure as hell off to a good start, short to the point story and with PICTURES!! .....Hippy
  2. Oh come on! That rubber block suspension should just glide along nicely on those smooth Jersey roads. Friend of mine put rubber block on an F model to haul potatoes out of Aroostook county Maine. Said the aggie inspectors wouldn't stop you for being over loaded if they didn't see the suspension sagging. lol .....Hippy
  3. WalkinBackwards, Welcome to BMT. And yes you have joined "Group B" but there is one more thing. Pictures, pictures, and more pictures the better for the crew here at BMT! lol .....Hippy
  4. And the next word is...............
  5. From one to another. ls the "another" happen to be yours? lol .....Hippy
  6. How about pulling the dipstick, wiping it off and putting it back in? Then read it to see if there is a difference in the oil level. l have had a couple motors l had to do this to. One that does it now is my 18 hp B&S in a Craftsman mower. .....Hippy
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