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Everything posted by Firebuster

  1. You stalked me on FaceBook. You seem to have posted screen shots to your advantage. You refused to identify who you are, let alone why this is your business. I also told you this has been handled. So, once again, why is this any of your business? As I said this was already taken care of months ago.
  2. You stalked me on FaceBook. You seem to have posted screen shots to your advantage. You refused to identify who you are, let alone why this is your business. I also told you this has been handled. So, once again, why is this any of your business? As I said this was already taken care of months ago.
  3. That didn't come up on my phone. My power is out here. I'll try that when it comes back on. OK! Power is back. That's it! Talked to Dennis and will email him tomorrow. WooHoooo!
  4. Edited to show that is it.
  5. It was re-titled to Fire Master Fire Apparatus Inc. on 12-17-1984 in Springfield, Missouri. They still have the records but say they have no way to know where it came from. Hell, I know where it came from and have the serial number. Since it is still in their name that means it was sold outside of Missouri. In the Pre-911 days and before the computer age one state evidently didn't contact the previous state when titling a vehicle that comes into the new state. I was told because of the postal costs was why. I've practically begged them to search to see where it was sold to. They would have to have records of their sales, which they say they do, so look after 12-17-1984 until you see a Mack engine with the VIN B85F1079 to see who bought it. Sounds simple to me. Next step is to find one of their salesmen that wants to make some quick cash and offer a finders fee. A couple hundred bucks may perk someone . I even asked if the found it if they would broker a deal to sell it to us. That was a no go also. I'm with FDNYTRUCKScom that it is probably sitting behind someones station or in a field, but hopefully not scrapped. It was in awesome shape when the borough sold it in 1984. I would also think with all the photo bombing and posting in various forums, along FaceBook pages someone would have recognized it. There are several features that made it stand out and the big one was the booster reel was just in front of the rear step in what would have been the bottom compartment. I've been calling the DMV offices in each state. That is a breeze in some and others take forever. I'm 26 states into all 50. But some states only go back so many years if a vehicle hasn't had the plates renewed in x number of years. 7, 10, 11, and 15 years in different states. Some go into an archive database. Illinois does this but it takes an act of congress and a court order to get any information. I'll just keep digging in the mean time.
  6. But on a second phone call to a different person the results were a little better. I talked to someone that actually wanted to help. He asked me to send all the information I had so in an email he received everything I had. Then I dangled the carrot on a stick to this salesman. I asked if he would be interested in assisting us with the sale should he find it. I'm hoping the little green salesman light bulb in his head was turned on with the prospect of some $$$$ dangled his way.
  7. Anybody know of Fire Master Fire Apparatus Inc. in Springfield, Missouri? They purchased this Mack from my volunteer department in 1984. They are still in business in Springfield and Eureka, Mo. They said they don't have records of who they bought from but they have records of who they sold to. I understand that but they said they can't do any check because they don't have a record of where a fire engine came from. I tried telling them I know where it came from and I want to know where it went to. They didn't get what I am looking for.
  8. I've found out today that most all states DMV offices are legally permitted to tell you if a vehicle is titled within that state. They are not allowed to tell you who the owner is. If I can find the state I can find the owner. I've got 6 states so far that it isn't in. 44 to go.
  9. A little good news, now that it has been learned the title is still in the borough's name the mayor is a little concerned. They have started pulling minutes of council meetings from back then to see where it went.
  10. I'm thinking a hoarder may have bought it and has had it parked since. It legally couldn't be scrapped without junking the title with the state. Not to say it hasn't been done. Thanks for checking! I'm retired and have plenty of time to search for it.
  11. I'm not ruling out anything. I believe someone came with a flatbed trailer and took it away. That's about all. There was a flood in 2004 that may have destroyed the records of meetings. I've now got the mayor looking into the records because of the liability this may pose. I don't know where the title is located, just that it is still in the borough's name. There was a fire apparatus hoarder in western Pa. that passed away in 2005 and the family auctioned his collection in 2006. There was a piece of equipment from a town 5 miles from Evans City in the auction so anything could be possible.
  12. I got all the build information from the Mack Museum and I understand they don't track vehicles after they have been sold to the original owners. I did however get valuable information along with the serial number. It was run by a police friend by searching their nationwide database that police regularly use. It came back still titled to Evans City Borough. Whatever this may mean could be so many different reasons. No sales tax would have ever been collected. No Insurance has been on the vehicle since 1983. It was never resold. It could be parked in someones barn. It could have been scrapped. There was some internal strife at that time between the fire department and city council over the sale and we could have been lied to. Council members are all dead now.
  13. For some reason this Mack is still titled to Evans City, Pa. We don't know why but are researching to find out. We do know this not to be true. And yes I have bombarded forums and FaceBook pages searching for this engine. Somebody somewhere knows something. Myself and several others are intent on finding where it is or what happened to it. I've talked via email with Mike Martinelli and he knows nothing of this engine.
  14. Only cars manufactured after 1981 are listed on Carfax.
  15. If it has been junked or is still alive and kicking at least I will know where it is. I have noticed West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona is virtually void of people that post anything about fire apparatus or their volunteer departments. Not everyone is as tuned in at showing off their equipment as others. Now that we have found more information from the Mack Museum we have a better chance of finding what happened to it or where it is.
  16. Well, courtesy of the Mack Trucks Historical Museum I have what I believe to be the serial number. B85F-1079 Anyone know how to find it now?
  17. I see Black with a white background?
  18. I'm a retired Richmond, Va. Firefighter originally from Western Pa. I'm looking for one Mack in particular. It is a 1955, maybe a '56. It was owned by Evans City, Pa. and was bought way back then with Civil Defense monies in the '50's. It was in service with the Evans City Volunteer Fire Department until 1981 or 1982 when it was replaced and sold to the highest bidder. The borough lost many records in a flood in 2004 and so far we haven't been able to find a thing like registration, serial numbers or who the high bid was. We believe it went to a used apparatus dealer in the south, possibly Texas. We believe it was then sold to a volunteer fire department in West Texas possibly. Way back then we were told it went somewhere in Texas We have very little to go on other that a couple of pictures. Anyone know how to find an old Mack that has been lost for 30 + years? I posted first in the Introduction forum, but should have posted here instead. Dan Waldron Mechanicsville, Va.
  19. No Lime Green anything. Red until this was replaced with a Yellow Sutphen.
  20. Still looking. I've been banging my head thinking of ways to find this Mack.
  21. I'm a retired Richmond, Va. Firefighter originally from Western Pa. I'm looking for one Mack in particular. It is a 1955, maybe a '56. It was owned by Evans City, Pa. and was bought way back then with Civil Defense monies in the '50's. It was in service with the Evans City Volunteer Fire Department until 1981 or 1982 when it was replaced and sold to the highest bidder. The borough lost many records in a flood in 2004 and so far we haven't been able to find a thing like registration, serial numbers or who the high bid was. We believe it went to a used apparatus dealer in the south, possibly Texas. We believe it was then sold to a volunteer fire department in West Texas possibly. We have very little to go on other that a couple of pictures. Anyone know how to find an old Mack that has been lost for 30 + years?
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