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Donald smith

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Everything posted by Donald smith

  1. this truck is a roll off cv model i believe dip stick is original i did leak down tests of cylinders all hold 100 psi for about 20 seconds or so then drop off it doesnt blue smoke i was thinking there are plugs behind cam gear maybe one is loose ?
  2. i think after a short drive it begins to leak out + sprays down chassis
  3. we had another aset engine leaing fuel into crankcase from fuel plug behind front cover
  4. it was sent to another shop they replaced air compressor but still oil comes out when running engine /driving hard is it possable to have eups leak
  5. i was thinking i have internal fuel leak lie maybe from eups but doesnt seem to be making oil
  6. the turbo was replaced because it was leaking oil in ex. pipe i think but still oil comes out road draft tube
  7. got a 02 etech engine blows oil out road draft tube when driving cv model 400 engi tested compression all are 450 + higher any one know comp. spec ?
  8. 2012 mru injecter codes 4,5,6 fm1 5 can an injecter cause this or maybe harness ?
  9. what does learned data reset do ?
  10. this is a natural gas engine the oil is very clean ( amber ) I press. tested trans. cooler didn't seem to leak
  11. 2014 mack leu with cummins islg has orange foam in cooling system possible oil from leaking head gasket or liner ? any ideas ?
  12. check your ground + power stud posts near radiator fo corrosion
  13. its a front load refuse truck 10 stud hubs with new style axle thread on hub cap we tried replaceing hub still breaks the studs in a couple of weeks it has new aluminum wheels cheap china steel ?
  14. hi we have a 2012 mru that keeps breaking front wheel studs dealer claimed wheels the problem bought new wheels still keeps breaking studs is there any heavy duty stud solution studs are 22mm
  15. hi does anyone have any info on codes psid 90 + nox. monitoring failure 46 data valid but above normal range other than tech tool truck is 2012 mack mru
  16. Hi. I have. 2012. Mru. Def. System code. PSID 90. Fmi. -14. Special. Instruction Any. Ideas. ??
  17. anyone know if aset ai + ac heads are the same i have same casting numbers + parts numbers on valves identicle also has pins for powerleach eng. brake yokes ?
  18. thats asking for trouble
  19. this truck does have a very worn trunuion + saddles it also does haul some heavy containers
  20. hi i have 2004 mack cv model keeps breaking scam tubes at mounting flange to spider on front drive axle only anyone have any ideas ?
  21. hi does anyone know if ai + ac engine crankshafts interchange ?
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