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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackdaddy1911a1

  1. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    This is the second version of MACK 1. This little baby makes the mad max truck look like a sissy. Mack forever baby.
  2. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    This MACK was drawn some time in the 1980's when G.I. JOE was going strong on T.V. and in Marvel comics. Though I've lost the second picture this truck was an armed and armoured transporter that would have given alkida hell if I could only have convinced the army....oh well.
  3. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    This was the best of the R-models that I have drawn but some how or other it got stained up.
  4. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    I'll tell you the truth when I saw the first CX models I realy hated them. I now own one and love it but man the first time I saw em I wanted to scream. So I sat down and tried to come up with an aerodynamic MACK truck that looked like a MACK. Well this drawing and several others were almost destroyed during a move but I just couldn't part with it.
  5. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    Why I never finished this one is one of the great mysteries of the universe. A true R-model MACK.
  6. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    Anouther attempt to get it right. Close but not yet.
  7. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    When I drew this picture I had no good photos in which to learn from and the company I was working for didn't own any MACK'S. So based soley on memory of the R model from the movie "CONVOY" and "ROAD WARRIOR" I drew this picture of my dream truck.
  8. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    I'm not sure when I drew this but it is one of the oldest that I still have. Probably in the 5th or 6th grade.
  9. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    Later I got my hands on several copies of the Truck Paper and using photos of various R-models I drew this picture. This picture represents the first truck I ever road in and the first truck I ever drove. Both were R-model Macks and both made a big impression on me. I rode in my first MACK about the time H.B.O. started showing CONVOY on T.V. for the first time.
  10. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    I drew this picture while reading the book CLASSIC MACK TRUCKS by Henry Rasmussen published by Crestline. Located on pages 20 and 21 the photo was awsome and I just had to draw it. I really didn't do it justice but I don't draw to get attention I do it for the love of it.
  11. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    I also took this picture from an R-model from the Truck Paper. I was trying to teach myself how to draw in 3D instead of one dimention side, front, back, ect. .It's a lot harder than it looks.
  12. From the album: MACK TRUCK ART

    The awsome MACK RAWHIDE. Hands down this is my favorite drawing. I still like the R-models styling better but when I first layed eyes on the Rawhide in 2005 I was blown away. About damned time I thought. An owner operator's dream come true.
  13. Well Rob I still do it the good ole fashion way. However I would love to do it the conastoga way. No matter the fellas with the side kits only have me beat by about 20 minutes unless the load is seriously ugly in that case there is lots of cursing and thinking going on under that little black hat. matt
  14. Well Rob I still do it the good ole fashion way. However I would love to do it the conastoga way. No matter the the fellas with the side kits only have me beat by about 20 minutes unless the load is seriously ugly in that case there is lots of cursing and thinking going on under that little black hat. matt
  15. That is just wrong.
  16. O.K. I can now say I have seen it ALL. I give you auzzies this you guys are inventive, crazy but very inventive. good show.... matt
  17. Man if your truck gets that dirty in 12 hours I bet you go through a pile of air filters in a year. Carefull not to breath that crap yourself. It isn't so easy to change lungs. Good luck and God speed.
  18. Let us know how the Q.P. turns out. By the way nice MACK. Have you had her for ten years. Matt
  19. From the album: BULLDOG MACK

    O.K. so I'm an idiot and I forgot to upload the photos of the new fenders..so sue me. I like'em how about you?
  20. From the album: BULLDOG MACK

    I truely love these babies. If I remember correctly I installed these a week before the fenders.
  21. From the album: BULLDOG MACK

    O.K. before anyone jumps the gun the airbags were deflated and I'M going to replace the low profile rubber with 1100 tall rubber when I get every mile out of my current drivers. Sometime this year(09).I hope that is if the frieght picks up.
  22. From the album: BULLDOG MACK

    Well here they are. I can't believe I forgot to post pictures of the new half fenders I installed last year. Shame on me. It took all weekend and a whole lot of work. The weekend before I had installed new stainless steel spring loaded mudflap brackets after breaking and loosing one of the steel O.E.M. brackets (the second in less than a year) mud flap and all.
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