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About de37champ

  • Birthday 08/24/1958


  • Location
    Zanesville, Ohio

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  1. Name: GMC Topkick (1994) Date Added: 06 December 2008 - 08:13 AM Owner: de37champ Short Description: Rollback View Vehicle
  2. Name: Mack B61 (1961) Date Added: 06 December 2008 - 08:00 AM Owner: de37champ Short Description: Single axle, was a tractor now it has a 10ft dump on it View Vehicle
  3. i Have ran one, got along fine, just be sure to use the grease gun on the Boom and the swing, Besides that just enjoy
  4. We had one withalot of pic,s a flashing along, Worked real good until a bad tunderstrom and them KO BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM and that was that nomore work, jus havn,t got around to getting another one
  5. The ONLY thing i have to say about this WITHOUT going into a Half page story is #1 My wife is in Kidney failure and on the transplant list, This has been a on-gone thing for about 4 yrs, I have had insurance Thu the union for 25 yrs plus a other 2nd one for 10 yrs now, does anyone know the cost of Dialysis's 3 x a week, plus the Dr's and Meds, I do, So far it is over 800 Thousand,How in gods name can that be legal, There is people who has signed off before they have gave everything they have worked for go to some Dot head Dr, After the transplant ( if it ever happens ) the anti rejecting drugs that she has to take for life will take everything that we have left, But you Know What, That's the system now so suck it up and let the Medical Profession Have it all, because thats what we have NOW, ANYBODY who thinks we have the Best now should be on long term health care Now, The underhanded deals to get votes is wrong and whoever is involved should be thrown out of Washington, and i will sign my name for the world to SEE TERRY BROCK, ZANESVILLE OHIO
  6. You can if you want but be warned, i have worked for alot of companies that won,t hire you, jus because i suppose but they want the newer shiny rigs. unless they have to put the big hook on and winch you up over a hillside that you can,t stand up on. that is just from my 30 plus yrs from playing in the dirt, good luck either way
  7. If there is someone wanting a A car , a guy called last week and tried to sell me one for $1,500. I never went to look at it, i have Enough things to get done in my lifetime, Its a early 80,s with a 350, Let me Know and i will pass the Numbers on
  8. Thats a good one for sure, i personably don,t have one ( I wish i did) ) but i used one at work and boy was it nice, It sure takes alot of work out of it
  9. de37champ


    Thats great, i Know from dealing with our vet on our farm that it takes alot of hard work to get that, me myself can,t remember what i did yesterday knot alone how much it takes to do that, congrats
  10. Ah the things one could do before the copper,s got to be !!!! well you know, i would say they didn,t go to far
  11. Where's this truck at, i might be interested now, NO jus kidding you, i have pulled stuff out of barns before and got a running just to have someone stab me in the back, i wish you luck with the old girl, i was at a show yesterday that had a few Superliners, some was nice looking
  12. We had several 80 ton rock trucks plus all the 6x6,s had auto,s , never had a problem, can,t you imagine the size of clutch disc you would need for something like that, The 1st cat scraper i ran was a DW31 with a 3 speed, boy that gave you a work out, i will take the powershift anyday
  13. I have had her poster hanging in my shop sense it came out, i just recently put it in a frame but it is like new, Its funny how the new generation forgot about her and the PREV Sicko Jacko was, I told my wife the pic in are local paper shows him moonwalking to heaven, unreal i hope the flames burn slow
  14. We had a few D21 ps, i liked them, The company that i was with for years use to cover alot of surry ponds, so they had alot of wide track dozers, The pyramid pads worked good in real soft spots but that was about it, you sure didn,t want to get them on frozen ground, but like i said we was covering surry with about 3 ft of dirt so that worked fine, We either did 2 thing, either mud or rocks as big as a dump truck
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