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Everything posted by edp1959

  1. Last night on my MS200 I turned the switch and all the panel lights came on as normal. When I turned the switch further to start it the starter turned a little and then everything went off. No lights...nothing. It sounds like a fuse to me. I checked all the fuses in the fuse panel and none were blown. Is there a main fuse somewhere else I'm missing. What are your thoughts?
  2. Thanks, I'll look at that.
  3. Does anyone have a fuse panel layout for a 1993 MS200?
  4. I'll give this a try when I get home. Thanks for the reply.
  5. I have a 1993 Mack MS200. When I turn the switch it won't turn over. Last summer it started fine but the batteries went bad and the ignition key broke. I got busy with other things around house and was not able to get those things replaced until now. I have installed new batteries and had a new key made. I had to take the ignition switch out to have a locksmith make a key. He had to take the switch apart. I have that installed and when I turn the switch all the panel lights work like they are supposed to but the starter makes no attempt to turn. Also when I turn the switch on I hear something beeping behind the dash panel. Keep in mind this is my first truck like this so I'm a little unfamiliar. Could this be a low air alarm and would this keep it from starting. Any suggestions as to where to start or what might be causing my problem?
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