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Everything posted by B8136SX

  1. Russ, You have any photos of that truck? Would love to see it, i think its a rare truck, with only 65 DM845 trucks produced between 1966 to 1971 Matt
  2. Well from what ive heard from other truck enthusiasts is that, most if not all of the trucks that were in the old factory are gone. Back when Yaworski was having financial problems, Gary Mahan bailed him out and Yaworski owe'd Gary something like 750K. Well so far Yaworski hasnt come up with the money yet, so within the past year, Gary has been taken some trucks from the factory back to NJ and others have been sold. As for the trucks in the Haul of Fame, im pretty sure most of those trucks are still there. Some of those aswell might have made the trip down to NJ aswell. As for the Big International prime mover that was featured in the discovery channel mega machines video, that truck was sold to George Tackeberry in Canada.
  3. I know its a DM800, what i meant was is it like a DM885 or so on?
  4. Boy that DM is very sharp looking, do you happen to know what the model number is? Matt
  5. Well then heres a few for your service manager Matt
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