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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Ok, I'm in for one more.... If there isn't a statewide outbreak within the next 48 hours the Farce is concrete. The average incubation is 5-6 days and take my word for this, people are acting as if none of this ever happened. I've never witnessed a larger social transformation in a 12 hour period as I witnessed this last week. I think the goal is more stimulus than relief.
  2. We’ve got so deep into debt before any of this farce that we couldn’t inch-up interest rates without causing a hiccup.....even with Trump putting the economy into the red bar on RPM Tach. Rants done, I’m out.
  3. Yup, we got Coronafarced big time. Our flu got politicized, weaponized and the books got cooked on our prickly little “racist” virus 🦠. Obama doubled down on his push to make Covid racist. Wudda damn fool, can’t give up on his failed race war. Might want to see if he can get some more officers killed with his cop hater rhetoric while he’s at it.
  4. Dems won’t raise taxes to pay into debt or even slow debt accumulation, they’ll blow it on programs, kick the can down the road, and start up the printing machine. They always have and always will. The money printing machine is every politicians favorite from Obama’s quantitative easing to Don’s Covid 💰 19 print-fest (maybe call it “Covid 19-trillion printfest”). It steals money directly out of the pocket of those who have wealth(aka- no debt), slightly benefits those in debt up to their ears and makes attaining a living wage increasingly impossible because of hyper-inflation. We’re screwed boys. Pretty soon nobody will be able to afford a soap box to stand on and shout out their party affiliation, you’ll be spending it on a $5 loaf of crumby Walmart “Great Value” bread.
  5. The best is a “boots on the ground” thread, A guy dealing with it first hand with a camera and a testimony? Just my opinion.. dig the idea and the effort. I was about to do a step-by-step CV713 traction control install thread, but it was so nasty and expensive I aborted it. Wabco popped my bubble on cheap, practical, retrofitting. They built the ABS modules as fixed logic, no X-programmability.
  6. Power-drunk-lawyer politicians. Real drunk drivers, true functional alcoholics, the guy who could ride a 2-wheeled skateboard stone drunk, only end up getting caught after hundreds of successful drives home. Buncha politicians got into office by being good at what they do, being political power-drunks and covering their born-to-be-a-lawyer hiney’s 24/7 doing it and not being caught. How much of this stuff has never been disclosed, exposed or made to be held to account? Friend from the U.P. told me they had a crazy lawyer in their town who was edgy. Multi talented. He use to do fly overs at the local football games. He’d dip one wing of his plane through the uprights. Like to raise Cain too. Cops wanted to catch him. One night he was pulled over after he left the bar. Once the lights went on he pulled over, hopped out of his car, opened the trunk, grabbed a case, started shotgunning beers in front of the cops dash cam,“Come and get me boys!!!!!”. Couldn’t be charged. That’s what these politician lawyers become with time. I asked a pastor once, “what’s the drive behind some of the crazy abuses you see in the ministry”. He told me “the more people trust, love and admire you the more the little voice of the untransformed sinner in your head tells you to take advantage of the opportunity”. I agree with KS in that it’s pervasive in politics. Balances are healthy, totally critical, to keep our system in check. Push/pull. Crime/punishment. BUT! The left is a greater threat to the Republic right now because they lost that skill set and replaced it with systematic manipulation. You see it time and again, they don’t care about laws and the constitution and their course has to constantly be corrected by a higher state/federal court authority. Just saw it here last week with Democrat King Evers IV over reaching and the Supreme Court having to slap his hands. How many court cases has Trump now won against the Democrats. How many failed derailment attempts has the left made against his office and even the very Supreme Court? There’s a reason 8 of 10 convicted felons are democrat.
  7. It’s real because it was a global response to a flu we had no vaccine for......it’s liberal agenda because they need to turn it into prolonged suffering and misery for the voters from now until November. Proofs in the pudding, they’re heads are exploding up here ever since the Wisconsin Conservatives squashed their disease-continuation agenda in the courts. I really search for a Democrat I can relate to, the one guy or gal who said, “hey, I think I’ll read the Constitution before I graduate political science college”. Recall the Republicans also used government “debt ceiling” shutdowns to create voter misery during Obama’s term. At least constitutional, but an ugly little game.
  8. I know it’s lame to quote yourself......but here we are. Some of these people may not snap out of it.
  9. It all broke loose last night. At the news of an immediate repeal of King Ever’s restraining order the doors of most taverns burst forth and patrons poured in like whiskey over rocks. The nearly expired 🍻 beer 🍺 hit their livers and soaked in like rain on hot desert sand. No one was injecting Donald’s bleach treatments, but concentrated, food grade, ethanol disinfectant was running through the veins of the good people of this state erasing all traces of the lost happy hours they will never get back.
  10. Got’em full of dirt during exhaust manifold work?
  11. A what where 🤮 !??!? Were they using him to power the airplane? ✈️ You boys down in Georgia have your own way of dealing with infirmity. Lord may I never get sick in Atlanta......and if I do may they please have run out of the 2” tubing.
  12. Oh, HECK YEAH!!! X2 One hour ago King Evers IV lost in the Supreme Court case which ruled his administration overstepped its authority by extending his stay-at-home order!!! 🤜 💥 Yesterday Republican (now congressman) Tom Tiffany won northern Wisconsin’s 7th district in a special election. There’s hope for an end the Covidiotisticification of this country!! Meanwhile back at the farm you probably still don’t know anyone who got Covid except every 10th person you know who was sick with it between Dec and March. Talked to an older car salesman from North Carolina today who said his adult son had Covid so bad he was coughing blood and had to go on steroids to open his pipes......in January.
  13. Seattle is the land of milk and honey for salt-free, restorable vehicles. Sure most sleeper trucks wander into the salt belt, but some don't. Good luck on your project!
  14. Get some help from the oldest guy in your Mack dealership district and have him adjust the puff limiter.
  15. The start up miss and smoke is normal. You probably have a V Mac II engine controller, not a mechanical pump. It uses engine oil psi to mechanically adjust timing. That’s why a shut off and restart gives the appearance of “cleaner start”, the oils already there. Check the injectors anyway, you might need some, it’s a common maintenance item Get your blink code off the dash when it goes active.
  16. All kinds of surprises out there. Thing looks like an oversized Z-member leaf spring chunk. The hole has a rust shadow that’s about how deep the free floating center pin would intrude 🤔. We buy cardboard bales from Chicago. Find some crazy stuff from engine blocks to TV’s compressed into the center of them. Easy way to get rid of junk and get paid for the weight I guess? You’ll know it when an engine block drops into the hydro-pulper beaters.
  17. Should. Oilfield Trash just had his converted from 335 to a 370 on April 14th 2020.
  18. Funny, they started making folks wear masks up here at Menards. They post a worker at the door and charge you $1 for a mask if you don’t have one. Can’t come in unless your covered. No kids under 16 so I didn’t enter. I want my 11% rebate receipt for the mask lady?!?!!!!!?
  19. I’ll buy into the liability side. Free money has appeal. You see some crazy stuff. People faking illness to get money. Guy I work with listened to an Iraq vet training another vet at work on how to get PTSD disability from the military, how to answer the questions correctly, and he got it. Another guy I worked with got full disability because his daughter was murdered, he’s also perfectly fine. I knew him before and after. It’s attacking people at the end of life. They’re on public nook already. The young-to-mid workers aren’t going to arrive at a post-infection disability. They will have a chance to soak or ruin their workplace however. It’s in place by us already. We get paid leave for any infection and can refuse to work without repercussion for a single self-determined length of weeks or months. The Corp H.R. already runs (personnel) on fumes, an infection would shut us down and cause $20,000 per hour in losses for big Dad and a massive hiccup in supply and demand chain.
  20. Interesting. It’s insane to think people can sue a municipality for, they themselves, taking a calculated risk and contracting the flu virus? Maybe we deserve some of what’s happening then. In the world of insurance I wonder if it’s a wash with Covid? No electives going on for paying customers....BUT..... elderly on Medicare running up big bills....but....elderly also leaving the social system/ home care permanently ( 😔) due to Covid flu.
  21. From what I see happening up here stupidity has become optional/voluntary. People look left and right then do whatever everyone else is doing. If I walked through town wearing a toilet seat around my neck like bling, and told the villagers it was stopping Covid, the toilet seats would be sold out by evening and ten citizens would be dead from toilet seat neck injuries and still zero deaths from Covid. Example.... There’s a supervisor at work who’s on city council. He came to work this week after the monthly meeting. S- “last night we cancelled 4th of July events, fireworks and the parade.” me- “Why, no one has Covid now and there’ll be even less in July.” S- “we don’t want flatlanders bringing it up” me- “this is a tourist town, they’re already here for summer, this place needs the business, that makes no sense. Do you know anyone whose even sick? I know one person whose college professor got it in a different state.” S- “there’s a 70 yr old woman 30 miles south of here who tested positive. If stopping the parade saves one kid from getting sick we’re going to stop it.” me- “do you know her? Little kids AREN’T getting sick, they’re the least vulnerable!?” s- “well, that’s our decision, and it’s cancelled. Milwaukee cancelled and so did some other towns up here, we checked around.” The next day he came in.... S- “the mayor got DEATH THREATS last night after they announced our decision to cancel 4th of July. Police were over at his house. Guess people don’t realize he doesn’t even get to vote? He’s only a tie breaker if us aldermen lock up the vote.” me- “we’ll try to set people straight on that. What’s your home address?”
  22. Did it help at all?
  23. That's a post 1998-1/2 and pre 2002 CCRS E-Tech. Low likelihood that it's a swapped engine, most likely original to the vin. Even if it was swapped it has the same internal base engine parts (for those years) as the original. Looks like somebody had a head start on your overhaul.... why did they stop?
  24. Go in to your dealership with your vin and ask the parts guy to run off a copy listing the itemized parts breakdown. That’ll give you the option to buy dealership or aftermarket. Also get listing of muzzleloader kits. Rare chance you have a retrofit engine from a different vintage. It’s a pain in the butt to convert. The only engine better than yours is a 2002, and it won’t share computers. By 2003 it was an EGR engine and you’d never install that to a pre-3 emissions. Your truck is in the middle of the post-PLN V-Mac II 1998-1/2 and pre-2002 CCRS era. PLN has one pump. Take a side pics of the engines right side and post them.
  25. My kids give free haircuts in case your desperate. You get to pick from 7 different stylish buzz cuts. 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4”, 7/8” or 1” length.
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