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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. I usually leave my wrench on the rocker arm adjuster and put just enough weighted down pressure on it to compress the push tube spring. You get a more true drag “response” back from the feeler gauge with the tube compressed.
  2. Both of our Harley Davidson plants went dark today and word is Louisiana Pacific's going to follow suit shortly.
  3. McClure seems like the right kind of insane.
  4. Did you add the Anti-capillary jumper to your new coolant sensor for insurance against it happening again? Also, If you have an AI engine, which you likely do, they don't have any low end torque. Software and mods can get it running right. Click on header...
  5. County brined two days ago for today’s freezing rain. It got good’n sun baked. My co worker is a mouth breathing fellow. He was on his way to work right behind another truck rolling up brine powder. Said before long he could taste the salt in his mouth via the HVAC fan. Stuff gets into everything, even cores.
  6. You guys brine?
  7. Make a mental note of where we're at before the subsidies start to flow out the door..... gotta love and hate this thing in realtime. If you want to have fun go to the box on the right on the header label "Debt clock time machine". Even under Donald the acceleration is apparent. It'll give you a 2016 window to click, Obama's turnover at 19.4 trill. New home cost to income ratio is another good one, in 2000 its $30,000 to $162K and (20 years later) now its $34,000 income and $313K for a new home. https://www.usdebtclock.org/ They push the US unfunded liability ticker as far to the bottom right as possible.
  8. Rant time.... If the Dems could drown Trump in blood to get him out of office they’d drain their Mother dead to get enough. Trumps screwed. He will have the leftist media screaming “American blood on his hands” (which Dems are praying for) if he doesn’t play along and he’s just now undone all the good he did for our markets. During his first winter in office 61,000 died from the flu and not a damn thing was said about it. Now look at this ridiculous 💩. My 401K dropped off 25.7% for absolutely no reason but a high publicity Flu-farce. Just healed up from the Tariff war with China and “Bam”, tanked again! Trivial Coronafarce-rus prediction...... Ruth Bader Ginsburg will get Corona and survive it like the last 10, otherwise fatal, illnesses. She’ll miss 6 months of SCOTUS deliberations and come back with clearly visible vampire 🧛‍♀️ fangs, hissing and clawing at reporters, unable to keep them hidden from the public because of a receding upper lip. Feminists will celebrate knowing she'll be capable of serving on the court for 100's of years.
  9. Politicians aren’t lateral thinkers. Tell Governor Walz He needs to lengthen the walleye season to first weekend of March (like Wisconsin) or even better, no season end like North Dakota, waive shack fees, move removal to April 1st if it’s ballast equipped and increase daily possession. Step one in promoting “social distancing”, get people outside instead of adding to the list of “can’t do’s”. Mention, also need a town legally christened “Lake Wobegone” before Garrison dies.
  10. Corona goes specifically after boomers on social security benefits who have expensive preconditions and, ironically, spares future taxpayers (kids)...... right now Uncle Sam’s doing some soul searching on an incentive for vaccine development?
  11. This will work out, let me explain.... I changed my tune about the food hoarding sect of Coronatards. Let them hoard and be well fed for now so they don’t turn to cannablism right away, because then the fools will REALLY be a handful. The toilet paper hoarding sect will get their’s eventually. All non paper hoarders will smell and look terrible once things dry up and get itchy. Food hoarders will eventually run out, be disgusted by the smell of non-hoarders......while TP hoarders will present as clean, fresh and “grade A” for consumption by the cannibals. Joking aside... today a guy at work came back from his vacation in Mexico. SURPRISE, welcome back! Work told him to go home for 14 days before he could return because he traveled. I didn’t see the memo that came out, but my supervisor says anyone seen exhibiting any sign of illness at work, like a cough, will be instructed to leave.
  12. I've been waiting patiently to see my first Corona Balona's and I got it. For your viewing pleasure I present Mr. and Mrs. Coronatard. They have been running all over Wausau, pushing down pregnant women, frantically collecting all the water the local stores will let them buy. Unfortunately for our greed riddled survivalists they failed to tie down the slippery flats of water and sent much of the filthy lucre over the top rail of the trailer...… I couldn't get all the bottles in the pic, but they were spread out for 60 feet. Poor Mrs. C was on her hands and knees tonguing the pavement to lap up that precious live saving Corona cure.
  13. I don’t worry about you Paul, you were prepped before being a “prepper” was cool and if zippy really tried eating the missing goods all he got was a sore jaw and the experience of what a tough S.O.B. tastes like.
  14. The more I learn about Cov-19 the more tinfoil hat I am we already had it here in mid February. China was getting hit in December. Talking to family, neighbors, friends, who had (have) what we had in our house and it’s the same adventure..... Able to eat through it, all fever, respiratory, sore throat and aches..... kids had mild symptoms, adults got it handed to them..... I had a fever of 102.3, lasted 36 hours, broke, returned to work next week for a few days and got hit again with a second fever of 100.5 for 12 hours(w/same symptoms).... Chest feels heavy like you inhaled a bucket of swamp water... follow up lung-butter cough/hack for 3 weeks to dissipate....(kids had hardly any follow up cough). Most of us had flu immunization and it did nothing to prevent or ease symptoms same as the peeps who didn’t have any shots at all...... So if that’s our current seasonal flu, and it was here before all the hoopla started, what (is it) was it?
  15. 10-4 sir, if we could get just the facts, unadulterated, bare bones, drama free, unmanipulated, FACTS, imagine how different things would look? I’ve noticed the Amish and Mennonite do a lot of things right. They’re pacifists, but around here they wanted to hunt, so now they’re church sanctioned pacifists with guns. Perfect! Conversations you never hear at the local country store....”Ruth has a hard decision to make about removing Zachariah from life support” or “does this dress make me look modern” or “did you hear what Trump tweeted” or “Esther is dating a boy I’m just not sure about” or “Miriam, put down that smart phone!”. The real kicker, I mean total frigging kicker, is they train their kids to speak with a Pennsylvania Dutch accent. They want to sound East Coast Dutch like the folks back in the mothership and I’ll testify you can’t tell they were born and raised here. Even the little kids.
  16. Walked in to my local Mennonite Country store and all things were in perfect order. All shelves stocked and orderly, Gospel choir music playing softly over the store speakers, young ladies in beautiful ankle length flower dresses smiling and working busily......and not ONE stinking roll of toilet paper left!!!!! The ridiculous TP hoard made it to my township. The Mennonite here shun certain earthly luxury. They cut the antennas off each vehicle as a show of solidarity against media mental corruption. They only sell cheap toilet paper which has a softness grade “crocus cloth”. Somewhere out there this morning a Corona-Dork is exfoliating layers of critical soft tissue and I’m happy for them.
  17. At this point it’s not a matter of who’s guilty of starting a naturally occurring phenomenon so much as who’s handling it properly. We aren’t. The people in charge of sailing our ship are the ones most at risk of dying. It’s a gentleman virus that spares babies and pregnant moms, but not people our age. Our 45-70 year old leaders are sweaty palmed.
  18. It’s serious, and you figure there’s a good chance each of us may personally know someone who gets laid up from it. .......but the farce factor is too great to ignore. It’s already a historical tradition!!! Y2K- Software Infrastructure collapses and we die 2001- anthrax is going to kill us all 2002- West Nile Virus is going to kill us all 2003-SARS is going to kill us all 2005- Bird Flu is going to kill us all 2006- E Coli is going to kill us all 2008- The financial collapse is going to kill us all 2009- Swine Flu is going to kill us all 2012- The Mayan Calendar predicts the end of the world and MERS-coV betacoronavirus is going to kill us 2013- North Korea is going to cause WW III 2014- Ebola Virus is going to kill us all. 2015- ISIS is going to kill us all 2016- Zika Virus is going to kill us all 2017- Trump is going to get us all killed 2020- Coronavirus is going to kill us all
  19. Through it all the killer for me has been watching my 401K tanking. I want to exploit the gullible to recover my losses. Sorta like the traveling salesman of old who sold botttles of Uncle Jed’s tonic water to simpletons. I’m going to sell “Magic Elderberry Infused toilet paper” to cure a debilitating condition (I’m inventing) called “Coronasphincter”.
  20. Sorry for your situation Bull H. It’s uncivil. Been searching for the reasons why Corona-dorks are after toilet paper of all things. Guess it’s because they consider it a comfort item they can’t do without? Read that Psychologists say when people panic they horde to gain a sense of control over the situation. Also because they assume they will enter a state of self protective quarantine from the outside world and don’t want to emerge from hiding looking like they sat on a boxful of dried fudge. The stupidity is toilet paper should be the last thing you horde? A washcloth and working shower/sink can sustain you indefinitely. Even if your spraying mud like a sick monkey you could just hop in the shower.
  21. Guy next to me at the lunchroom table thought I was watching a helicopter video.
  22. I haven’t seen many in an RD or DM either. They’re out there. Think the CV was attractive and took over on the vocationals during the AI generation.
  23. Windshield looks to have a body size “I’m getting the H€|| outta here NOW!” hole pushed through it. You guys get some wild winds out on the plains. Spent a fall night with my pop-up camper hunting out in the Montana sage. Duct taped the windy side seams of the vinyl castle to stop the cross wind blasting through it. Middle of the night I woke up....swear I felt both stabilizers and a wheel rock up off the earth. Wasn’t a dream because I heard my Dad holler from the other bunk.
  24. Corona is being falsely accused of dropping crude demand?
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