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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Out of my crew there’s some who will and some who won’t. It’s born right into them. I’ve had to jump into a river with my clothes, shoes and cellphone in pocket for the brave ones. They give you the gray hair.
  2. The grenade pin must have been Wuhan then.
  3. When one more person dies of Corona in US the markets will have lost $43,478,260,869.00 per person out of panic.
  4. Probably wringing the remaining life out of just as many of those Costco folks by the media turning the anxiety knob to full right. People do crazy stuff under pressure. I dropped a pic on here of people raiding the Fleet Farm gas pumps in the days after Trump droned Soleimani. Once had my Doc inform me my ear issue was a brain tumor and my blood pressure went from 114 to 148 and it stayed there for 4 months. Realized after that people aren’t built to see it coming, we’re wired to work hard, play hard, love hard and drop dead without much warning. Especially not sitting around a TV getting pumped full of media orchestrated fear.
  5. Hindsight’s 20/20 so I’m not going to be critical esp since pioneering new stuff is risky. Wondering if the “sling-blade” turbo isn’t a candidate for some infomercial like the George Foreman grill, VibraRazer and Chia pet.
  6. Click on the above link and use the pics on the first page to visually match which manifold you have on your engine.
  7. Non-cooled Internal EGR. Figure out the issue first or you’ll be feeding penicillin to a cancer victim. Your problem could be software.....if it’s AI.
  8. I have a brokerage controlling my 401K and the China-sniffles still manages to carve 7% off.
  9. These go-rounds with moderate threat viruses may be a blessing and a curse. “Globe Killers” of the modern world are war and virus and we may be getting a practice run to see how our hyper-transportation planet does with containment. Glad Trumps at the wheel right now. He’s practiced at technique for keeping people out. Travel bans, wall, ICE, etc.
  10. 😢 That’s how my uncle was killed 💥 , really do miss that ice shack.
  11. Redeeming a prostitute back to a lady of good reputation is only a turbo and 6 injectors away. You ever see your old AI460 RD out and about....or what they did with it?
  12. Better throw in a tip at that price.
  13. Does the valve cover tag say AI400 for HP? That would explain some of the issues.
  14. Don’t think in terms of centrimax filter, you have a different setup to separate crankcase gases that kinda looks like it’s a filter can, but isn’t. Follow the blowby tube up and you have a rotunda looking device to separate oil/air. I haven’t had one apart on an MP7, but on our 13.5 liter Deere (with the exact setup) I’ve had the shaft bear fail on the rotator and oil separation was done. Overnight the engine was leaving a puddle of oil everywhere it stopped for 5 minutes and eating two gallons between changes. The low oil pressure has me scratching my head....filters don’t cause that.
  15. Via the bend and distortion in remaining valve chunk I’d guess that thing was turning into red licorice when the rim came undone. Still believe it left a chunk of its carcass some where.
  16. Figure the moral of the story is you really, really, need to locate that chunk. Snail would be a fine lodge spot, esp since it’s likely a stock AI with tight clearances.
  17. Love a happy ending! Cheers Marvin!
  18. There was a time when Mack experienced premature codes during that vintage. They had a software update to “desensitize” the ECM so it wasn’t tripping so many 8 codes. That said......I’ve seen trucks with nearly all EUP popping codes and truck running down the road. You should be paying $300 for those EUPs. I order from K & S Fuel Injection, Wausau. Mike Kosky. Wilbur has someone even cheaper, I forget the name of that website.
  19. Cheers EZ, figured you went career Youtube and quit your day job. I can only view 2 of the Pete pics? Its 2AM and I’m in the Ice shack tweaking the diesel carb for a North Dakota wind. Hitting Devils, suppose that’s more than a beer can throw from Bismarck.
  20. Costs money to roll those dice.
  21. When they outlaw guns, I'll be an outlaw.
  22. This fella is a modern day "Wild Bill" Hickok. Watching that video I can't see how he did it...…... over 50+ feet, in a few seconds, single debilitating shot, moving target, at age 71, with the perps head moving inches over a crowd of his friends and family. Can only be a few of him out there. Texas Governor Presents Medal of Courage to Jack Wilson 01/14/20 5:07 AM | by Chris Eger Tweet West Freeway Church Of Christ hero Jack Wilson, standing, receives the Governor’s Medal Of Courage on Monday from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott at the Lone Star State’s Governor’s Mansion. How about that jacket print? (Photo: Abbott’s office.) Jack Wilson, a 71-year-old volunteer who jumped into action at the West Freeway Church of Christ last month, was presented with a medal by Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott this week The Texas Governor’s Medal Of Courage, established to recognize “civilians who display great acts of heroism by risking their own safety to save another’s life,” is the highest award given to civilians by the Governor, according to Abbott’s office. “When faced with an evil that few of us will ever comprehend, Jack Wilson responded with strength, bravery, and with love for those in the church that day,” said Gov. Abbott. “The courage in his actions cannot be understated, and Jack is not only a hero to West Freeway Church of Christ — he is a hero to the entire state of Texas.” Wilson, head of his church’s volunteer security team in White Settlement, Texas, responded to an active shooter who had what the AP describes as “extensive criminal record and psychological history” and felled him with a single shot from his Sig Sauer P229 in .357 SIG. Besides the honor from Abbott, Sons Of Liberty GunWorks in San Antonio presented Wilson with one of their rifles. “Thank you, Jack Wilson! You saved a lot of lives, sir. And, you proved again a good guy with a gun can make all the difference,” said SOLGW on social media. “Governor Abbott presented him the Medal. SOLGW presented him the Metal,” said SOLGW. “It was an honor to give a Texas Hero a Texas fightin’ gun.” (Photo: SOLGW)
  23. If you search there’s a guy in here who did it and laid out some of what he did. Not sure who it was. If I’m remembering right it involved cutting new ports in the firewall for harness bulk connectors. Personally, I’d have an ‘02 canabalizer truck at the house when I got started. Think ECM swaps and complete harnesses rather than reprogram since your jumping one whole generation.
  24. Did you check to see if your wiring diagram is in the dash panel pocket on the passenger side? It’s in the back side of the panel that covers the fuses. Someone rebuilt the complete injection pump? Or just the smaller fuel lift pump?
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