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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. I worked the first half of my life for business owners and the second half now for a traded company. The mentality and business practices are so polar opposite you wouldn’t guess they exist under the same laws of gravity. The owners accepted the realities of a feast and famine market. Not the Corp....... At the middle of November this Corp gets out a vein shunt and a coffee cup so they can start drinking their own blood till the end of the last quarter. No purchasing unless it causes a shutdown. If the company regards something or someone as a noteworthy asset, but outdated for profitability, they/it gets a pic spot on the office wall before being quickly committed to the grave or smelting pot. RIP T-300..... ⚰️
  2. An Evangelical who’s critical of the Trump/Pence presidency is short-sighted and likely using their Bible for a pious end table prop instead of a study guide. .....Ruth saved the Jews via marrying King Xerxes. Her uncle Mordecai also saved the King from assassination. .....Abraham saved Lot off the heels of Sodom and Gomorrahs “5 King” military defeat. ......Joseph saved his tribe from a national famine via his relationship to pharaoh and started the Hebrew nation in Egypt thereafter. .......Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem through his political relationship to King Artaxerxes, who also financed it. ......The Christian gospel spread via the Roman dictatorships International infrastructure. .....Daniel ruled in high authority under King Nebuchadnezzar and Darius, God uses him to change the direction of two world powers. .....Christ’s crucifixion for salvation required corrupt Roman leadership and kangaroo trial. There’s many more, but it’s overdone. The Trump and Pence combo perfectly fit that archetype. It’s exciting to watch them tag team some substance back into this country after the Obama/Biden famine. Trump’s a flapjaw genius-crackpot who’s perfect for this country because He chose a faithful, God fearing, VP for his most trusted right hand man. P.S.- I calc Trump added $40-$50K to my personal wealth in 3 years, I’d gladly pay him $154.29 for my share of MY wall.
  3. It’s death by immersion here. My employer is drowning us in a sea of Volvo green. The gift from our company Christmas party is going to be a liter of High Karate and a Rainbow 🌈 colored Volvo Cardigan.
  4. What’s the cannibal snowman? You in Virginia building sandcastles, or up in Maine pounding Moxies and building snow creatures to terrify the neighborhood?
  5. Don't mind me Jim...….Can't leave the Canadians to deal with a mass exodus of Elof and Ole's storming through their South Border, then they'd have to build a wall too.
  6. I’m not cherry picking any news outlet to sky drop into Dave’s post, fake or otherwise. If I search the net long enough i’ll Find an article that says Trumps a Westboro Baptist alien shapeshifter clandestine to plant his genetic seed in Pelosi and create an Apex Conservative. Best option is to put your viewpoint down and skip the “shock news” sky drops. Trump’s an easy target. He should be neutered for publicly admitting he’d date his hot daughter.
  7. lol, more from the Bezos Fake News Network ...….. Yes, a "new section" was cut through, on November 2nd, that didn't have sensors installed yet because it was "New".
  8. It's unsettling to me how they keep falling back on "public opinion" being somehow involved with Trumps Impeachment. As if the publics opinion is going to be the basis to condemn or acquit him? What kind of Kangaroo Court are they orchestrating?? When's the last time the Supreme Court, or any court, leaned on the public for consensus over a verdict?
  9. Log Dog's doing it with a standard E-Tech 460 turbo, stock filter and tight snorkel. Dunno the solution, hopefully its listed when he gets it straight.
  10. Yup, that’s where I was too, particularly with intermittently heating worse on certain copycat hauls. It’s a boots-on-the-ground fix for that truck. Rochester matched that turbo to those injectors. I don’t want to use a mechanical/financial tragedy for personal agenda......but I did ask CV7132005 to copy cat yours before going out on the limb. Best I can tell Burrens has been having good luck, no news means good news most of the time.
  11. I’ve been chatting with “CV7132005” and he also hasn’t been able to tame the 2.5 Rochester’s he put in his AMI-370. Temps are erratic and high. Checked and confirmed just about everything is in order. He talk to you O.R.Mack?
  12. Here's the cure boys. It's not the prettiest set-up for remediation of casting sand, but you have my guarantee it works. I have a unit that plugged the heater core with casting sand twice in a month. Like some big nasty pocket of it let go inside? When your heating goes south...…….change the filter. I plan on replumbing and attaching things a bit, but this is essentially where I'm at. The filter is a non-paper, steel mesh inline strainer, NAPA #3248. The heater works fine in all settings and it was -15F down in the river valley this morning. I'm going to run it for a while, see what I capture and when it seems clean put the elbow back in or permanently move the filter closer to the cab in some straight run of factory hose.
  13. Had a fatal accident here years back caused by a tie rod end on a Semi, he ran over a 4 wheel and killed the occupants. They parked the wreckage of the semi at our dealership pending arrival of insurance and DOT inspectors. In the end liability was hanging on faulty part or faulty maintenance/inspection. I'd never go cheap. Every day the front axle of that vehicle decides your fate.
  14. And get your chains on right the first time or you’ll be out changing brake lines in the snow.....don’t ask me how I know. We’re getting pounded up here. Closest town recorded 30.9 inches of snow so far. That’s where we should be In February. This will be a Snowpocalypse that’ll dwarf last year. We don’t use chains up here. One of two things happen..... 1. The snow is light fluff and you blow a hole through it. 1-7”. 2. The snow is light fluff and your up in the air with your wheels spinning because it lifted your chassis. 7-12”. I use them on the Lake once in a while.
  15. That’s crazy. No wonder some went “Postal”.
  16. I can’t really fault the guy. He lives on thee coolest Christmas decoration street in our town, constant steam of slow moving cars. That’s a lot of pressure to perform.
  17. What was the original problem.....failing to start and tried a harness or replaced failed harness causing some other issues then wouldn’t start?
  18. How about having Saudi government foot 11 million dollars bond per individual trainee. If the individual commits a felony stateside that money never goes home. It’s a start? If the next idiot shoots/wounds 15 people then the individual bond allotment becomes a flat rate of $15,000,000.00 bond per Idiot.
  19. Actually, guy (smart operator) left the hood closed and cooling fan blew the fire vertical down out oil change chute. He sneaked in with a stinger and pulled the trigger. Then opened top and let’er have. Saved us the $2000 fire system recharge bill. This is all I stock and they have been good so far.....keep it simple, right? Can’t screw up a firestick antenna, hopefully.
  20. Yeah, car, nice..........ok, so why is baby girl wearing a steel mesh bite-guard (spit guard?) over her mug? She have bad habits? Maybe Elon designed a faraday cage for her face in case the car tries to fry them like a giant microwave oven?
  21. I’m finding not just Volvo doing it, we’re having the same junk pushed by our other vendors too. The good alternators have gold brass commutators and Bosch brush sets......the El’Cheapo’s have a weird red-ish bronze commentator with Chinese Transpo brand brushes that dissolve on contact. One alternator lasted 9 months. Best bet for us has been finding a rebuilder in Wausau and having a long conversation about what we expect. Now you have a face and business to attach the rebuild to. Liability is everything. I sucked up one core loss of an OEM (OEM only!) casing and have his rebuilt product on my shelf. Even the cases are junk on the cheapos, hence no cores because they are a “one and done” throw away. Had one cheapo brand starter go nuclear and lit our $740,000 Liehberr LH60 on fire. Starter self-engaged and exploded. Poured melted brass and solder into the compartment basement and ignited the oil soaked acoustic padding.
  22. I’m sure your son is an angel.....but, boys are boys....Word of advice and experience raising the 3. That knob on the end of jack is a real temptation. Last time I was holding a transaxle up my son walked up, cranked the jack lower knob and dropped it on me. Thankfully I was working with one mount of the three fastened. It didn’t come completely down. He was really proud about having learned how to work the jack on his own.
  23. You certain about no regens? Usually they still have a regen to clean the DOC system of DEF crystallization. It’s more of a service function.
  24. You have the double boot in the floor? Shaped like a round accordion? All double boots had to have the inner liner cut out. They were too stiff, but I don’t think they were introduced yet in ‘98.
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