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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Tried to make sense of it.... Top definition. BIUunknown This is the abbreviation meaning beat it up. Neil: What did you do last night, BIU? Paden: yeah i took that girl home and BIU like a nigga. #b.i.u#intercourse#mip#bap#masterbastion#omd
  2. Maxidyne laid down her guns and stopped eating undercooked members. I’m very sorry O.R.Mack....
  3. You buy the Granites you were looking at?
  4. If it’s hardline plumbing you have a challenge, otherwise there will be alternatives.
  5. Time for a compressor.
  6. I hold my IPhone sideways otherwise I’m always 90 degrees off too.
  7. Be nice for them to have something to dunk the pods in, outer skin is dry and chewy.
  8. I can’t find that town on a search? Must be just over the border from Antioch, Illinois? We’re East of Tomahawk, WI. It’s nice country. Good (loose) laws make it a cool place to live. Recreational. This county alone has, I’m guessing on this one....forget the exact number....around 45,000 acres of beautifully groomed county owned forest crop, plus some DNR ownership. They (county) makes it’s tax revenue on timber sales. DNR sells timber too, lol, which is smart contrary to your average naturalists opinion. I have 200 acres DNR attached to one side of my acreage. You can camp on any of it (County land) for free for up to 14 days. Open hunting, you can leave your tree stands out. You can get permits to cut downed firewood. I bought my “cut your own” Christmas tree from Forestry Dept for $5 last week. Most every lake has public access. DNR bought large swaths of shorelands along major trout waters. There’s 100’s of miles of trail system circuits for ATV and snowmobile. You can drive ATV’s/UTV’s in the city and on many county roads. Taxes are fairly low. It’s almost a little like Montana or Wyoming except you can’t have a beer in your hand while you drive.
  9. Lol.... Happy Thanksgiving. I'll exchange your communism for my third world country. I'm at work filling water cans to keep the toilets functional for a large group of in-laws. 11" of wet snow took out a big chunk of the grid. Thankful I have my trusty 120 volt generator to keep the wood boiler from going Chernobyl. Turkey got a pardon, deli fried chicken didn't.
  10. Cold sweat, constantly wet, its been a wet/humid summer. Vent it to see if you can dry the condensate. Did you add overhead cover recently?
  11. I've never figured out why Ruger stopped making the 10/44 Deerstalker Carbines. Those we're the sweetest little lightweight carry guns in the woods, or driving out brush. Now sky's the limit on how much you pay to buy one used, $800-$1,800.
  12. This will keep me in screen wallpaper for the next year, thanks!
  13. Can’t wear the rubber off if you don’t have any? 💴 Cha Ching 💰
  14. I read BloomingOnions bio. He could give the Great One a run for his money. Guy makes Trumps bankroll look like mine 😞 and he’s soft center in terms of party lines. His website claims HE needs to “rebuild America”,.........huh? He should save that line and switch to promising free everything like the rest.
  15. No air space in wire strands. Bonded with epoxy. It’s stiff to bend.
  16. Nasty, if you don’t have your anti-capillary jumper in the coolant sensor circuit you certainly need to get that updated once you have this fixed. Just last week I found another truck without the harness. I popped the plug and it was full of coolant. In that case we caught it before it made the ECM trip.
  17. It’s a proud looking raptor.
  18. Good point. Not to mention...... At deer camp we have a name for people(Obama) who shamelessly pose with someone else’s buck(Osama).
  19. Deer took him off the road. Extrication. DNR hired the Whitetail Czar, Dr. James Kroll, to help manage the herd. Back in 2012-13. They took his recommendations. It worked. Only issue now is avoiding them on the highway. Nearly no does harvested in the north half of the state for a couple years. That brought them back fast. When CWD (chronic wasting disease) is found automatic baiting ban on that tri-county footprint. Now anyone can use a crossbow. Women can wear Hot Pink instead of blaze orange. Kids can hunt at any age, but have a parent within arms reach. People got mad about Scott Walker pushing it through, but no accidents have happened involving kids. One person bought a licensed for a two year old in protest, lol, maybe to prove a point? Or maybe some good’ol boy gave Jr a .223 bullpup?
  20. Dirty Road Goat! 😡 The reason we picked “Taking Back Our Neighborhood” as this years theme is because last week a local fella, Timothy Rowe, got killed by a deer. We’re treating every ziplock bagged goat as an act of public service.
  21. He gets a .22 once he’s been temper tantrum free for 1 year. Could be a while?
  22. You will also have a freeze switch in the dash core to keep it from going below 32 degrees and becoming an ice block of frozen condensate. When the condensate freeze occurs you see some of these same symptoms....Good operation for a short period......then freeze up.........then.....Low air flow from vents, short cycles, low R134A pressures with little fluctuation because the overall system is cold and not collecting heat, no engine fan reaction because pressure won’t rise high enough to trip fan. Your high pressure AC switch being unplugged should cause fan to come on and stay on with that set-up. Story makes no sense there because you said normal cooling cycle activations are good? I’ll look at my schematic Monday, unless someone else knows the answer.
  23. Anybody getting some action in the November hunt? Post a pic. Don’t underestimate the lethal potential of a croquet mallet........ 🦌
  24. What are you guys buying? What application?
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