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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. "As for arguing politics, most everyone's mind is made up so it's a waste of time." Fact! Though the grave be satisfied may your moniker live on Maxidyne. In front of these witnesses I vow to never again refer to you as "Teamster Grrl" "Gearhead Grrl" or "Ultra Liberal She Lion who feasts on the flesh of Good'ol boys". Or use this awesome pic...…
  2. In all honesty I was being ironically sarcastic and, by coincidence, agreeing with you. Concerning back and forth.......seeing two kinds, debate and argument. When the issues start is when debate turns to argument and argument is given higher priority than personal dignity. Your a well to do, retired, operator. You’ve invested well, you read and pay attention to markets, you contribute to the threads. You haven’t invested yourself in casino gambling, eating twinkies and watching price is right till noon, your no dummy. So let’s say, theoretically, you right about their business choices. At what point could you not back off these guys, leave they’re dignity intact, and let them make their own mistakes? Your making a point with such exhaustive intensity that you make it personal and it requires nothing less than full compliance on their side of the conversation. So then if your right, they really aren’t making full potential income. What’s wrong with that? Even if your right, at this point no one wants to hear you out because the conversation broke down due to antagonism. Ex—— I’m Union, your still enjoying Union benefits, clearly this isn’t the best place to make it a talking point. One of my finest friends hauls wood into our facility and works 14 hours a day to make what I do in 8. I fix his Mack and he gives me firewood. We never talk about it because he knows, and I know, the Union is why his tonnage pay sucks. I tell him “must be nice being independent and not to have to do “on demand” jumping jacks for a supervisor”. It costs me very little to shroud his dignity. I threw in a comment on this post the guys could have taken as an insult. I pointed out, frankly, “corporations won’t trade off an old truck if it’s non-production”. If you read that it’s telling you our new equipment is where we get max production. No one took that as an insult, it was softly indirect and I made an honest counter point that didn’t make the conversation go toxic. Controlling conversational toxicity should supersede proving your right. You need to control the direction/toxicity of the conversation before it turns back into another Charlottesville 2017 thread and your taking another Moniker.
  3. Snapped a pic of more old iron. Our 2000 Pete. Its up before dawn everyday hauling 98K. Moving a 200+ load woodyard we purchased from a mill closure. This one was actually scheduled to be Dutch auctioned onsite last week to our private haulers, but the company won the wood bid. They pulled it off the auction and put it back into service again.
  4. OOOOH Dear Teamster Grrl!! I may not have gotten an A in economics, but I got an A+ in Psychology. You my dearie are, as I previously Identified you, a pathological antagonist. I agreed with you and you disagreed with my agreeability and corrected me by repeating what I told you in the first place which already agreed with what you previously said as though you yourself authored it. Teamsterr Girl said "Back during the recession when a high percentage of home sales were foreclosures auctions did in fact set the market." " Mack Technician said "houses sold on the courthouse steps set the value of all local real estate" Teamsterr Girl said "auctions give the best public measure of a trucks worth, which tends to be 10-20% of new price for a 10 or more year old truck." Mack Technician said "Auctions set the value of all used trucks." Teamsterr Girl then said "Sorry Mack Tech, you aren't doin' that well at economics." When you COULD have said...…. "Well, I'm glad my schooling hasn't fallen COMPLETELY upon deaf ears. Thank you for stepping up to the higher calling of sound reason Mack Tech." Which would still be obnoxious, but...…. would then mean you'd have had to, even sarcastically, agree to my statement......which is physiologically impossible for you. You cannot because you see antagonism as your greatest form of intellectual self-expression...…meanwhile driving the world immediately surrounding you insane and the Benevolent League of BMT Patriarchs (AKA- Cool old truckers with awesome toys) to want to stone you in the town square. Your time for transformation to a social-able, positive, non-antagonistic, contributor is ticking away. You are, as you yourself said, "an old fart" and farts make but a ~poof~ and gone. Change your ways. A day's coming, I hope it doesn't, when you'll run out of ideas for new Monikers and have to use idiotic names like "Ol'Minnesota Farts" or "Grandma Cranky's CH ". This might be falling on deaf ears, but I want to be known as the person who "tried".
  5. That's another thing that drives me batty about Volvo. They sell the blue cans. Blue 55's of their own lube. Only Mobil is dealing it right now. Mobil is making it. I asked mobil when they would make the Mobil replacement oil for Volvo...…….."Never". Mobil brow beats us with "NO MANUFACTURER can legally force you to use their OEM oil to sustain Warranty! You need ours, its as good or better!". Then they turn around and internally captured Volvo's oil. They make Volvo oil, over price it, put it in a blue can and refuse to make a competing replacement "off-brand" oil. Lot of unholy relationships form up on the top floor of some of these Corporate HQ's
  6. 10-4.... I've been watching it. On the off-road they never deal in sales volume. As you begin to purchase a first production component it will be at it's highest price. Eventually the service field see's a demand for it, productions increases and manufacturing cost burden decreases......then.... over the course of a year(s).....the item price goes down. That's what has those screws so inflated, no sales. Volvo is going to make their money back, guaranteed! If you have the new equipment the burden is on you to stimulate the parts economy for Volvo Corp. Liebherr is the worst for this so far.
  7. Step back TGrrl, let me handle this... Ok, once again!.... Auctions set the value of ALL used trucks....in the same way....houses sold on the courthouse steps set the value of ALL local real estate.
  8. Yup, total train wreck. www.rtrmfg.com A fuzz outside Oshkosh is Pickett, WI. Spitting distance from Oshkosh Truck Corp.
  9. They’re nutty. It’s not like that with all parts on the VOE (Volvo off road), it happens though.
  10. Just so you know I’m being honest I have my transcript of the conversation. All your guesses are COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE, however only one is completely ABSURD........ Mr. G!!!! Enjoy your 10 likes!!! To all participants, Thanks for Playing this installment of “HOW BAD AM I GETTING HOSED!!!”.
  11. Too low...that will buy the bag n’ tag.
  12. How much for two Volvo Screws? Dash screws. You look it up...….. your a chump. Guess right (within $5) and I'll give your account my daily allowance of "likes".
  13. Third opinion agrees with your placement. I'd test battery, alternator, power into dash and power at gauge pegs. These dashes had ground issues, but that wouldn't cause what your seeing, it would be a drop-out issue.
  14. What does You fluke meter say when your testing at the battery(s) and at alternator?
  15. Feel you pain brother... that no-save-customer data thing was screwy. Good news is we scored a boxed dashboard off eBay a year ago. They’re there. Be aware.....Mack made a bunch of bad CV dashboards back in the day. They listed a serial number and said “every dashboard older than blah blah blah is destine to fail”. I was cautiously watching and waiting for some of these “throw always” to be dug out of a PDC dumpster to appear online. I haven’t seen any for sale which fell into the “junk” vintage. When it comes time to buy ask for the production code off the dashboard which is for sale. You can cross the number before buying.
  16. Full disclosure? You’d have cooked batteries or the alternator would have probably given up the ghost by now if my scenario was correct. I’ll check my diagram when I get home and see what you need to be reading. There’s the distinct possibility that our previous owner, Mr.Chucklehead, took your dash apart, drank a 40 of Molson Ice, and relocated gauges to holes they aren’t suppose to be in????? Maybe? Crackpipe theory? How many empty holes do you see in the dash? Any other gauges not reading with a sound mind? Voltage gauge has a pretty easy job, he’s not a rocket scientist. Hard to blame the dash since he’s only reading a predetermined vital. Can’t picture the dash producing a magnified voltage.
  17. If it was grounding it would be bottoming out, so I assume pegging is top of meter scale??? Alternators produce AC and diodes turn it to DC. Test the system and dial between AC and DC on your meter. You may have a failing rectifier in your alternator allowing Alternating Current to be produced.
  18. I don't agree to the thinking you can list "Corporations" into the primary consumer of new trucks. We run some very old metal and this is a Fortune 500 company. If your in the stock market these old beasts are likely pumping cash into your 401K. I'll take you for a tour of our Gems...……. This old girl has a face for radio.....1991...the thumbs up is to celebrate! 2004...... 2003..... 1997..... Teamster can mercilessly insult this baby all she wants, no defense.... Anything a corporation considers none-production will be depreciated and re-depreciated and eventually fully dilapidated. I have more pre-tier three including the road tractors, but I'm running out of space fast. As long as we can keep them street legal, and they serve a viable function, they won't be removed from service.
  19. She's feeding on you...…. don't take the bait!
  20. “A man with two transmissions never knows what gear he’s in.” ~Confucius
  21. You mentioned not wanting to haul heavy so you can play around. If it were mine I’d still go online and do some math with a driveline ratio calculator. If you lower your number to 3.90 it’s good insurance to draw out your shift points and top speeds and see if you hit the sweet spots. You want to be sitting at your HP/Torque sweet spot at 55-60 and/or 65-70.
  22. Hendrickson HAS will be the most popular for parts and availability. Good a ride as any. Check pads for axle cracks if off a quad.
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