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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Fake News!, Charts don’t tell the story..... Obama got hosed, he walked into 2008. The bubble was ready to pop and the news of his election was the needle. Problem is he made it worse. He used quantitative easing, a known failed system, to crawl out of ‘08. Massive money print off to fortify a failing economy. Made things look hunky dory. Also dumped the cash into “cash for clunkers”, $8,000 housing bonus, etc. The fed printed so much funny money we still can’t raise the interest rates for any amount of time today. If we raise rates the flow slows and the ship starts leaning toward hyper inflation risk. Recall at the 2016 election. Most or all respectable financial/banking advisories said “no matter who you vote for we are having a recession in the first term of the next presidency”. That’s where Trump has beat the odds and shown himself to be exceptional. As well as “Those jobs aren’t coming back”, another Trump victory. If you want to bash Trump attack his personality, he’s fruity. Talk about him saying he’d date his daughter because she’s a babe... 🤮.
  2. What chassis’s are the donor and recipient and do you get to keep the ECM’s of donor?
  3. Old trucker told me...”what dem young whipper snappers lack in da rod stroke dey make up for wit noise!”. Maybe he was on to something?
  4. Truck we were looking at. Retired from County Concrete Madison. Check out the handy work on the fenders. Not bad for a couple sliced open steel culverts!!
  5. Maybe this is popular with show trucks? I'd never seen it done. Whoever hand built it did nice work, tight and square as an Amish dresser.
  6. Enjoy Bob, I went up and played with it a bit and took some pics. When I get around my lack of data I'll upload a cool pic of the wet tank blank-out box he built. Very clever. Owners name was Steve Mohr. He was indeed from Chicago. Got the truck, as built, from a truck auction in California. He kept it up here as a play toy at his Minocqua resort, retired and turned it over to Scott to sell.
  7. Yes to everything but the straight pipes. I live in the country by a 45 MPH curve.
  8. Teamsterrr, that’s the biggest line of bologna I’ve heard to date. Look in the mirror....your a recovered (& reincarnated) political alcoholic. You tip toed in and took a little sip of the wine tonight. It felt warm and smooth going down and you liked it. Keith’s going to pour another glass and you’ll be flat off the wagon by morning. 🍷 I’m not faulting you, it’s a disease not a choice. Plus, 2020 is so close now.
  9. And now for a civil discourse.....ahem...here’s my retort and the list system we now have to use........? point 1 Keith, they wouldn't allow you to be hall monitor in school (for a reason) any more than we need conversation police on Odds and Ends. Please go back to bossing around your wife. Point 2 Trumps antics can’t be defended, don’t ask people to try. Point 3 Politicians are suppose to manually raise money for a campaign then secure an office. After that it’s time to go to work. They’re not doing it. They get money for the campaign, win, then steal our tax dollars fighting in office to screw over rivals while they are suppose to be working. They literally have millions of tax dollars, they didn’t acquire through campaigning, to work out their campaign on “company time”. It’s BS. It’s happening on both sides. Right now the Dems are perfecting the technique of screwing away my money to campaign for 2020 while in office. Any guesses how much work won’t get done and how much money they’ll blow on the next impeachment debacle?
  10. Not much. Do one side at a time so you stay in control. Use some wood blocks and a bottle jack on the tail of trans or a port-a-power at the foot of the wing mount.
  11. A typical drop-out occurs in lower RPM scale. Usually as you hit around 1,000-1,200 it would get weak and fade. I debated after reading the complaint....possibly...if things get really sloppy....could you lose oil in the upper range too when you also need higher volume for high demand then get Jake brakes in a short window, a “sweet spot”, where consumption and supply align for a moment? Agree with Wilbur, but I don’t dismiss the possibilities. a very quick check would be to run a little break-in wire to the cab or monitor the Jake relay while driving.
  12. This is a master sheet for updates and issues, make note of the columns with service bullletins. Those bulletins can be downloaded on Mack E-media, they will give better details about issues or product improvements. The bottom of page 2 addresses the drop out and external supply kit repair Joe is referring to. sb266017.pdf
  13. That's a sharp interior!
  14. The only countries the average Joe American would unanimously vote to annex is Canada and Australia. I don't see whats stopping a North American super-nation from forming? Drop the north border, continue to build the south wall. Pile up the queens cash and light it, all Canadians get a one-to-one replacement with American Dollars with no exchange penalty ($ cha ching $) as the indirect payment for land acquisition. Trump now buys Greenland and exiles Trudeau and Berny there to live out their days eating air-dried cod jerky. OR....... If Rob Ford was still alive Trump would have pushed him past Trudeau. Back in the day Rob could be skunk drunk and still win Mayor by a 40 point margin.
  15. You can’t mistake the FLD closure rattle Lol. When I worked for the fleet.....guys up here often complained, during the zero-subs, about the wind blowing through one door seal of our FLD’s and out the other door during a cross-wind. In sunny ☀️ Florida it will feel refreshing!
  16. Agreed. In our case your dealing with outdated software/hardware that even Volvo would rather not have to maintain support for.
  17. Elaboration please, what part of that isn’t believable Keith? I fact checked again, it’s now estimated those horses @?$’s spent between $32-$35 million of our tax dollars on an unfounded investigation...... Believe it.
  18. Not good. Knuckleheads didn’t save your customer data before they uploaded the new program. More gray engine amnesia. If you had the level 9 throttle issue you’ll know if it’s still there? Is your engine power fluctuating?
  19. Yup. this week Monday I called my old dealership with a vin for a Granite we were buying. All I wanted was the software level. No answer by Wednesday. I dropped the vin on Mackpro and he had it in 3 hours. Dealership has still not called back.
  20. I drilled two broken studs out on this thread truck. I’ll agree, it’s no fun. Lawson supplies some outstanding bits and worked my way up from 1/8” till I was on the edge of touching threads. Inserted a ball burr down to bottom and made a small 🍭 lollipop at the base of stud at inner threads with the die grinder. Tapped and drove the threads forward into the void and picked/blew them out. Worked OK, you need to be cautious. Mess up you still have heli-coil options.
  21. Sounds like you need to start a how-to thread for the benefit of Mack posterity.
  22. It seems like a lot of work to get basic “read only” information? Be curious to see if you could navigate deep enough to do something interactive.....perimeter adjustment.
  23. Real crap shoot party, love it! Time to get it on a dyno and stand inside the hood as it's doing it under load with all gauges present...…...Chassis twist opening up a blow hole?...….Wiggle test harness wires while it's freaking to see if it corrects?...……. live read each EUP's with a fluke meter?......….Exhaust sound changing because a baffle collapsed?....... etc. See and hear a lot, in real time, on a dyno. Make sure you list the solution to this one.
  24. Nuke, We pay between $1,000 - $2,000 per annual software subscription for each of our OEM's. Intellectual property isn't free, I wouldn't buy into it.
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