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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Lot of similar logging trucks in the woods up here. It may be OK. Few things to consider.... 1. You have a light frame. If you satellite a good logger with good landings you will benefit. If you have a bad logger with poor landings your going to be twisting hard. A long chassis like this one can twist like licorice and return, only issue with these are the crossmembers will want to crack or loosen if you are constantly doing it on uneven terrain loaded. 2. If you do a lot of rough terrain on that chassis your OK if you DONT have Mack axles with unweldwd spring seats. Mack axles with Z spring air ride tend to crack axles on uneven terrain. Check the spring pedestals if it’s a Mack axle, if they are welded on your OK. Joes right about camels because they float the spring ends in rubber, they like twisting over uneven terrain, but ride like a stone boat. 3. Your axle ratio number is low, which means you have a highway hole shot, but you have an M-Shift so your golden. 4. That’s a long wheel base. Shorter wheel base with coffin sleeper does better for sneaking around on ATV woods trails loggers like to use for access. It’s also lower than yours so a 5" thick oak branch can pass over you better without truck decapitation. Don’t know how you operate, but most guys here use the sleeper for tools, chains, chainsaws and a 10 minute nap waiting for the mill gate to open. Wood haul is a “short haul” industry, no money in hauling logs long, you don’t make money on long hauls and overnighters. Up here 90-95% day cab logging trucks. 5. Whatever that plastic fairing is under the bumper will be torn off the first week, take it off and store it for resale. 6. Depending on which suspension, don’t buy it if any transversing member sits lower than pumpkin. Those will also get ripped off. When you "sink up to your axle", you want to be sitting on axle not air bag member. 7. Looks like you have forward hooks? Need good lanyards. Assume a dozer is taking you out of the woods or up a woods trail with chains. See some pretty ugly scenes out in the woods when things go soft. It really comes back to good landings or bad landings. Personally, I’d be hauling wood in a Granite day-cab tractor with a 190” wheelbase, short, broad single 10MM frame, air ride and an 18 spd, High pros, highway gears, 14/44 axles, full lockers, Short and fat survives in the woods, ask the Badger. 400HP or better. Good Luck!!!!🍀
  2. Click on above link and join the AI Pooch Rescue Movement...... Small investment can build a good, solid, power plant out of your 350. Or an ECM flash could get you up to 400HP without changing any hardware and build off of that. If you want a Maxidyne go to AMI-370, it builds more horsepower than the AI-400.
  3. So long as the wiring issue is creating an open circuit, short or taking the return signal out of normal range. Its possible for a sensor or wire to cause a failure while staying inside normal range parameters. Not so often.
  4. It’s Halloween and this truck needs an exorcist. You’ve covered all bases...except Fred’s out-on-a-limb idea, which is where I’d go next. Stranger things have happened. Twice this year I’ve been amazed at crackpipe fixes on our equipment. I had a little transformer on an LED light go out (with light never failing to illuminate) and back-feed high voltage to an ECM making it go crazy. This week I had a stereo shorting out causing a CAN line communication fault on a Volvo. Had the stereo not finally burned I may have never figured it out.
  5. The only thing a guy can add to that level of engine performance is disappointment!
  6. Was out for a stroll with the wife and kids, came across a lady out with her English Bulldog. Asked if I could snap a pic, "Certainly". Too cute not to share the Volvo version of what had been Allentown's red-blooded pit fighter. He must have been able to read my mind because he stuck his tongue out as I took the pic.
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  7. I'll agree, undeniably, you operate in a world of outrageously over-sized loads with Wild Heavy Hauling, but if you want to convince me this baby is street legal I'm going to need a confirming opinion from a State Trooper...… kidding aside, wouldn't rocks, like decorative boulders, have the box interior beat/dented to a bloody pulp and that slide-liner torn out?
  8. It’s only because we love you and want what the very best for you Mr.Wild. The American Dream.....A chicken in every pot and six howling countershafts under your drivers seat.
  9. Sounds like your going to be needing a synchro. Splitter flip may be limping the synchro along by momentarily removing the torque away from synchro so it can slide in.
  10. 3.63 3.94 4.35 4.73 5.02 5.46 5.95 6.41 7.08 8.37
  11. Tree debris removal? Only thing I’ve seen that kind of box used for. Usually that box would be longer and sit behind a mid-ship log grapple loader with spatula paddles on the grapple jaws. Our dealer would set up that style rigging for emergency cleanup after a Katrina event.
  12. Now your building a mystery. The town, Lac Du Flambeau is inside a Lake Superior Chippewa Indian Reservation? Not much in common with a Chicago Redimix Co..... The Rez sovereign nation allows long term land leases to the white man. It’s nice lake country, large casino (Lake of the Torches), high-dollar resorts. Surrounded by resort towns like Minocqua. Illinois owns the Northbound lanes on Friday and Southbound lanes on Sunday afternoon. Possible H J had a resort and/or built them up there and kept a toy box? Not uncommon. Trying to figure out why the exhaust appears to run into a blank faced diamond plate box and then out the rear of it?
  13. Wow, 9k! If that truck is in any good condition you stole it.
  14. It’s equipped as a dump?
  15. Says E6@350 HP
  16. What's rare, the chassis or the way they have it fit with a dump?
  17. Fuel savings add up fast. Our VOE’s are winning over Liehberr on fuel mileage. Simply because the Volvo’s deliver power and hydraulic flow at an idle with that D13 engine instead of the Liehberr 10 liter winding tight from key on till night parking.
  18. Heading up to Scott's on Friday to roam the chrome with Big Boss. He wants a CV713, Gold Dog, AI460, in Cherry Red, for hauling the wood butcher. Ends up the emissions friendly versions of his logging equipment, along with better creature comforts, is adding a considerable amount of extra weight to his haul and tipping the scale on his weight permits. While scrolling I saw this really nice MH. Anyone interested to the degree you want me to snap some more pics or check anything on it? It's a sharp little unit, looks like someone took really nice care of it and kept it away from anything salty. $27,500. Dave W. will be excited about that......
  19. Its relentless......What company would hire the most competent CEO and intentionally surround that individual with employees instructed to make the CEO’s time with the company as completely unproductive as possible while obstructing any attempt by the CEO to make the company successful? Same money-spoiled children of privilege blew $25,000,000.00 taxpayer dollars on that unfounded Mueller investigation to play politics.
  20. Things sweet. My 3 boys would have that upside down in the pond by lunch.
  21. Well, they have the right emoji's even if you can't get this site to upload a pic...…
  22. Scroll back to page 1 and click AI link. It’s a step by step. Don’t be too quick to go tuner till you get your hard parts converted as per thread. PM Mackpro with your vin and he may be able to check your software level.
  23. Hahaha, yes, the fuel line video series and service bulletins to tell us how we must be bending #3 line to get it around the turbo protrusion plus not using proper torque tooling and thus causing all the fiery explosions! Volvo told me “fast stamp” installation at the factory caused the graphite lube to hydro-lock and make the MP cups/injectors not seal properly. They also said the dealership techs were the cause of much of the post-factory replacement cup failures due to mis-assembly. Recall the vision LCD dash boards that would fade to black if the sun shined on them and start working again after cool down. We’d replace them, then get it kicked back and have to fight tooth an nail to then finally get paid as “policy warranty”. Volvo denied any engineering flaw because the failed returns worked fine in the air conditioned, shaded, test facility. I’d say long standing tradition.
  24. First available scapegoat? Our dealership was tanking after 2008 and the owner blamed it on personal hygiene of a couple mechanics and a supervisors mullet. Meanwhile the roof was leaking so bad it filled a customers uncapped engine with water overnight.
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