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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Depends on what you want. I’d take an AI over interim 4 or final tier 4 engine any day. MP series has some short comings that are impossible to remedy. AI has short comings that are more simple to remedy. We run a fleet of tier 3 AI engines at work. They do great for reliability. If you have good fleet service support, and a knowledgeable mechanic, get a final 4 MP engine. If you want easier reliability and the ability to diagnose and fix stuff yourself get an AI and convert out the exhaust recirc. I’ve noticed the resale value of the Mack AI vintage hasn’t seemed to drop despite a shady reputation. I’ve talked to fleet owners who don’t like MP, but appreciate the extra MPG enough to keep buying them. I have a buddy who loves his MP8 so long as the warranty has him covered. His brother wanted to buy his truck once warranty was up and he refused to sell it to him as an act of mercy.
  2. What are you using the truck for.... straight truck, tractor, dump? How much are you hauling? The difference is when the fuel is delivered to the cylinder and how much. If you deliver fuel slightly later in the power stroke you lose HP (ability to accelerate more quickly) but gain torque (ability to maintain speed). Pay attention to the torque rise column on the chart I entered.... AI- delivers lots of power in a tight RPM range. Delivers good torque in a tight RPM range. When you hit a hill speed begins to drop and torque rises 27% to try to maintain your pull. So you lose speed faster and have to shift, but overall you have more tow power. AMI- delivers less HP than AI(varies). Delivers less torque than AI (varies).....BUT, as you begin to lose speed up a hill the torque rises 60% as your RPMs drop. So AMI works harder to maintain your hill climb as speed and RPM begin to drop. Your buddy with the AI made it over the hill faster, with a larger payload, but burned more fuel and had to shift 5 times.
  3. Let me see if I can locate the campaign
  4. The rough idle was also a campaign, it was fixed by adjusting the fuel pressure with an updated regulator fitting.
  5. High five man! Hope it stays clean out on the road!
  6. I spent two days this week up in Bemidji with four guys from Liehberr Corp and Dealerships. We were doing software training at a Lumbermill. The trainer was explaining how in some European countries you need a permission slip from the government to work overtime and the reason we can't get parts in mid-summer is because of European "Holiday". You ever read Socialist work laws? I'm picking Germany since Liehberr is German. Working Times Working hours are very flexible in Germany. Under German labor law employees are ALLOWED (HUH??)to work eight hours per day (48 hours per week). Saturday is considered to be a normal working day. With a five-day week, the permitted weekly working time totals 40 hours. Most business is conducted from Monday to Friday but retailers and manufacturing industries usually operate on Saturdays as well. Sundays, in contrast, are generally considered to be days off. An extension of the working time to a maximum of ten hours per day is possible under certain conditions. Overtime has to be compensated for with additional time off. An overtime bonus is possible but it is not legally specified. Overtime bonuses have to be paid only when required by individual contracts or in applicable collective labor agreements. The statutory amount of work breaks depends on the total number of hours worked per day. Employees are entitled to a break of 30 minutes when working between six and nine working hours per day. Employees are entitled to a 45 minute break where more than nine hours a day are worked. Breaks may be split up throughout the day, but divisions may not be shorter than 15 minutes. Statutory breaks of at least eleven hours exist between shifts. Vacation and Public Holidays Full-time employees (meaning employees working more than six months within one calendar year) working six days per week are entitled to a minimum of 24 paid vacation days (the equivalent of four weeks) per year. Accordingly, full-time employees working five days per week are entitled to a minimum of 20 days per year. The employee is entitled to a pro-rated period of paid vacation when working for less than six months within one calendar year. During the typical six-month probationary period at the beginning of any new employment contract, employees are not normally entitled to take any vacation days. The number of public holidays varies from one federal state to another, with a minimum nine public holidays to a maximum 13 holidays in some regions of Germany. Maternity Leave Employees should inform the employer of any pregnancy and the expected delivery date as early as possible. A maternity protection period starts six weeks before the expected birth date and ends eight weeks after delivery. Pregnant employees are only allowed to work during this time if a doctor certifies that the work will not be harmful to the health of the mother and child. (In cases of premature or multiple births, the employee is not obliged to return to work for a period of up to twelve weeks after delivery - without having to provide proof of medical necessity for this extended absence.) During the maternity protection period, pregnant employees are entitled to the average sum of their wages for the three months (or 13 weeks) period prior to the pregnancy paid by the employee’s public health insurance (or the state in the case of privately health insured employees) and the employer.
  7. Now I feel pressured to say something nice about Liberals....... here we go. Liberals are fun at parties because they don’t like to fight when they drink, they’d be more likely to run to Canada instead.
  8. Too bad it’s a keyed sensor. Be fun to build a small break-in harness that has your resistor in-line. You could pop the 1K OHM harness in and out without cutting stuff.
  9. That’s messed up...... you need to work backwards and figure out what your transmission is in terms of model and what your top ratios are....list your trans model and diff ratio and tire size on the thread. Someone will do your calc.
  10. If you bid $13K you won’t beat Manders Diesel. They’ll be bidding on that unit.
  11. You’d need your organ donor truck laying right next to it. I doubt anyone can answer you perfectly, but with enough direct fit parts and some determination you would get it.
  12. Be curious to see the cure... the air temp is a weak spot where the sensor can be inside its “legal range”, not be setting a code and has been able to produce that symptom, historically.
  13. Either wire, solder and shrink only. No butt connections. I also find it strange that it decides to appear now. The sensor swap would have been my best case scenario, cheap check. If you want to try resistor be conservative about burning any bridges by cutting a bunch of wire out. You have only a little to work with at that spot. Did it run well for a period after the rebuild, or go chronic immediately? I’m guessing it was OK for a while or this would be a warranty conversation?
  14. AC and AI each had some tier 3 issues. The base engine was excellent. I’m going to re-quote and confirm what Bruce has said “I’d take the ASET AC over a red engine any day”.
  15. $18,000 because it’s ASET AC and it’s a Northwoods Salty Dog. Like to see the frame up close. Much as your putting on it you want good metal retention.
  16. Your near a transition year......that one I think it was up by the bottom of the radiator taking first grab at draft air before radiator got to it.
  17. I’d grab a “know good” charge air temp sender from another truck and swap them out. Then take it in if no fix. Mack had issues with smoke stumble at low RPM. Yours should already have the fix. It was a software file or adding a 1,000 ohm resistor to the charge air temp sensor.
  18. Generally it’s checking sensor depth setting, ohms, tip condition and cleaning clutch metal off magnetic tip of flywheel sensor.
  19. That’s a solid, logical approach. We’re finally reaching the point in our fleet where purchasing has become less “flighty” and it’s great! Operators were machine jumping and damaging stuff because of muscle memory change. It took a decade for management to really get it. One day last year an operator filled his engine with diesel fuel and ran it for a half hour. You still can’t save them all, but coincidentally the Deere loader had two engine oil fills next to each other. The one that went to the oil pan bottom cancelled 4” from top of fuel tank. As you suggested, not having to cross train drivers to a bunch of OEMs has its advantages.
  20. The one you can’t see well looks like a rawhide without the sleeper.....
  21. Throw out a pic of your custom build.
  22. I’ve seen engines come in with recorded high RPM threshold reaching over 3,100+ RPM’s and still in one piece and tuned like a piano. Same group, however, also had a gray engine, AI460, CV713, disbond the crown section of a piston on the sister machine. I didn’t get to see the threshold they reached to do it. They were tractors being pushed into downhill over-speeds by tri-axle gravel dump trailers. Hauling well over 100K+ gross so lots of engine over speed potential. IMO- Expect valve train or base engine damage anytime over 2,800-3,200 RPM would be my best guess.
  23. There is something spectacular about those iron horses. I’m heading up to PotlatchDeltic, Bemidji, MN, on Monday for a training session for the customer version of Liebherr LIDIA. The software replacement for SCULLY. Two of us are going up there to learn the new customer version. If we remain intellectually stonewalled by Liebherr, in terms of machine access, the superintendent of our department said we’ll be exploring the new wood handler line CAT is introducing after January. That’s really good news! Cat support is untouchable. Salesman from CAT told us corporate is buying out Exodus Machines of Superior, WI, dumping the product and closing the doors to use it as an R & D facility for the new CAT line of material handlers. Pretty excited to see what CAT comes up with. Exodus was being sold by CAT years back, say about 2012, and CAT later dropped the product. 3 years ago CAT also dumped there own timber equipment operation up here and sent 220 jobs out the door and made an overnight ghost town. Be good if they find a new interest.
  24. Maybe increased driver confidence causing foot swelling? You are hyper analytical. Not a bad trait.
  25. Curve settles any arguements. You memorize that into your brain, like ECM software for your head, and drive accordingly. At your high end RPM torque/fuel economy/HP curve is diving head first right into the shallow end of the pool. EZ is driving Inside the curve’s benefits.
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