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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Fine engine, great chassis. The E-Tech engine of that vintage went through a period of short life on camshafts. That's how it got the negative attention. Mack did a bunch of product improvements to lengthen the component life, many of which your engine likely has. What color is the coolant in the res? Lot of ruined engines from guys dropping universal coolant into that block. Two things you should do...….. 1. get the engine hot and see if the Jake brake gets weak as oil get thin. That tells you if the engines tight and updated. 2. Pull an oil sample and have it tested. 99% of Mack E-Tech illnesses will be revealed with a $30 bill. If you want an overall opinion talk to Ezrider, he knows that chassis vintage, nuts and bolts and engine, better than most operators I've encountered. Click on his picture and you can message him via his profile.
  2. In every case I’ve repaired one, yes. You may want to sweep basement of PTO and front box and clean magnets. You’d have to have a real grenade to take out the front. It’s a good time to take a look around, especially at the “Polish exploder”. There’s a large mid septum, main shaft, ball bearing that sheds its race if you look at it wrong. Its the.only bearing in the trans that says “Poland” on it. Cosmopolitan I guess? Mack isn’t as vulnerable as Fuller with their putting the PTO at lowest collection point for junk accumulation, but in either case I’d clean the PTO out and check it’s bearing play. Transmissions survive synchro failures, they seldom survive a catastrophic PTO failure. Usually synchros give your lower countershaft bearing rollers a bad case of freckles, about it though.
  3. Make sure you don’t put too much lip stick on the corpse. If you're chewed up inside no external fix will be useful. Start point is making sure you have at least 60% of solid, untapered, tooth engagement surface left on clutch teeth. You did “progressive” damage. All soft parts, seals, get changed during synchro fix. If it’s ground down your already pulling the rear case and cylinders, covers, yoke, etc.
  4. If you lose high suddenly you are better off than a progressive loss of low. If you crack a snap ring your high is gone instantly and you may get away with less than $400-$500 in hard and soft parts. Pop your tranny window and see how much grind damage you have. Nothing wrong with an 8LL
  5. Solid chassis, Good engine (relative to maintained condition). E-Tech can make 350 horses with one piston tied behind its back. Easy day, low horsepower expectation= long life.
  6. Unless I had a spare engine at home, and got a greatly reduced price, I'd work out a deal to hear all 6 cylinders working before purchase.
  7. We use to hook our oil pump to the turbo pressure feed and backfill the galleries.
  8. Had a guy come in to the dealership with just such a truck that was started after decades and was smoking black. I cleaned 30 lbs of mouse nests and droppings out of the air cleaner housing.
  9. The boys like the re-runs too.... 😆!
  10. Glad they haven’t succeeded. The men those monuments represent wouldn’t have let themselves be lead around by a hog ring like the historical revisionists get away with now. Was at the 4th of July parade this year and a tourist started going off and yelling about a rebel flag being flown in our towns parade. He was offended and had to make a scene on the street. Was nice to see the city cop walk over, shut his volume off and offer him a ride in the squad. Out on the fringe no one cares about these jokers or about the lame-o Wisconsinite(?) in the parade who watched too many Dukes of Hazzard reruns and bought a confederate flag.
  11. Glad Ambers enjoying the weekend. It’s warm Blatz till Tuesday, maybe longer, here. 60 mile wide can of whoop a#& came through and knocked all the lines from here to Green Bay down. Lotta fresh, cheap, voltage cured, firewood on Craigslist this next week....
  12. Wagons are circling over there. My niece got sent to India two weeks ago. When my elderly mother told me that I said “sure she didn’t say Indiana? We don’t have a base in India.” Wasn’t paying attention, we have an agreement with India to share space. Obama set it up in 2016 as a logistics station for a war with Iran or China.
  13. Thanks Uncle Sam! What’s next? Pelosi will be sky dropping financially parasitic Central Americans onto my neighborhood to see how they disperse? Rhasler or one of the other moderators has a thread in here listing the proven times the US government carried out such experiments. Wish I could conjure that one up, it’s an unsettling read.
  14. Its not hard to relate. I eat more when I’m forced onto a diet too.
  15. Search military surplus for a new motor. They are somewhat easy to find. Uncle Sam is dumping his supply. Try to stay away from 300 HP range, they have an older style smaller cooling pkg. you’ll have to do more conversions.
  16. Check it out, from a week ago. This is the cost of German Virgin Bosch Metal and how long I waited to get it. It's a new EUP plus one new injector...... cl200.pdf
  17. Be ironic if this thread became the explanation to Billy’s lack of interest? ~Blabberer esq.
  18. GOD IS GOOD Mike! Hope He blesses you with recovery.
  19. Might still be some love there? Most scorn women would kill you with the Death of a Thousand Cuts, not a single coup de grace shot to the temple. Congrats O.Dog!
  20. It’s a safety feature to keep you from running around with a free-sliding 5th wheel. Safety is not negotiable. Unlikely you can PTT that away any more than a seatbelt warning, speed relative auto diff-lock disengage or trying to turn off your ABS. I’d do what Jim Hancock recommended. Minimal cost, minimal work involved. You start trying to out think R2D2.....R2 usually wins. Recently found my van won’t start if I pulled the ABS fuse. Don’t like ABS certain times of the year. However, if it’s running, you can pull the ABS fuse. So now I can put in a momentary switch to get the van started (through the start cycle) and release the switch.....which disconnects the circuit for ABS....not going to do it, but I could. Doesn’t pay to play...... Safety engineer wins his little operator control game.
  21. Accent color looks Cummins Beige on the first pic and Buckskin Tan on the second? Must be lighting.
  22. I snapped a pic of it off the break area wall @ the Chicago PDC. Volvo really is a pack 'a flakes. Diversity is MAGIC?????
  23. Stay gray(E7, E-Tech, ASET) till CNG or Battery gets here.
  24. Bosch operates in 60+ countries and distributes global.
  25. https://macktrucks.vg-emedia.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductId=6255&GroupId=413 Click on it. Then on "View File".
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