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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Speaking of term limits...... Ruth Ginsburg has a shallow pulse and can’t navigate the day without falling and injuring herself. She’s had iron deficiency issues, vertigo issues, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, heart stints, broken ribs from falling. She spent November working from home and January missing oral arguments. She is basically still operating on hospice painkillers.
  2. Parts man could tell you with just vin. CCRS = leak free injectors. No return line plumbing (from head) for fuel leakage from injectors.
  3. "Old rust free" is the challenge 'round here.
  4. Listened while I cleaned the garage last night. Final 45 minutes trail off pretty far...…… into kids and Idaho? But the first hour is a real interesting. Cusses like a sailor so a good outside project.
  5. If a guy was really conciencious, above the line, concerned, for what his engine is doing........ get the wife a new kitchen scale for Christmas. Throw your centrimax on her old kitchen scale after your oil change. Write the normal (carbon loaded) weight on the scale as your baseline. When you see the weight going up you have engine issues. Dirty injector, blowby, etc.. If you’ve never chopped one of your old centrimax open, do it for curiousity. Looks exactly like a big zinc-carbon battery inside. Black, dry, carbon clay.
  6. IMO- get rid of it. All of the guys I know running those kind of set ups have been skin flints (not driven for a “green”, waste oil free, Earth) trying to stretch their oil changes past a natural interval. In fact, if I had the choice of two, id buy the one without it. The Centrimax is perfectly engineered to remove the AI engines high soot. If a guy checks his oil samples, has a tuned engine, changes the centrimax each round and follows factory intervals you end up around 3% soot and a healthy engine. 5% is max per Mack.
  7. Nicely done! I can smell fresh, wet paint when I stare at it. Is that the locker you bought from over the pond? Love the JDeere green.
  8. Vlad, I put you on my weather ap. Moscow is sitting on -4C. We’re sitting on -22C. Not a huge spread. Dont forget to also add an engine heater to the R model.
  9. Trump has a natural gift for identifying right wing spinelessness. He’s like a walking MRI machine. Suddenly you realize so many of these guys (as listed) are just “doing their time”, avoiding conflict and trying to lock in another term. Since McCain is off the ballot.......I’d spend my vote on Romney or Ryan for wasting the ticket in 2012.
  10. Bring it on, no complaints here. Sub zero weather is like an alcohol pad. It cleans the riff raff out of the North border. No poisonous snakes. Few spiders. No termites. No cockroaches. No gators. Really, no man eaters beyond an occasional senile bear. No earthquakes, Less mold, Less allergens, No tsunamis, No volcanoes, No hurricanes, No rain 5 months of the year, longer-to-shorter daylight hour swings, 4-8 feet of ground frost to cleanse larva, Flying insects and ticks only 4 months a year and, strike me dead if I’d forget, Ice Fishing. No wall up here, from the south.....only Mexican illegals that come up are the ones who accidentally got on the wrong bus. From North......only Canadians who come down leave because they can’t play hockey 8 months of the year. Further you get from the equator the larger animals get...ex. whitetail in Honduras are poodles. Florida are the size of an average dog. Up here, and Alberta, whitetail hit in hundreds of pounds(Minnesota record was 511 pounds live weight, 402lbs dressed). Same with bear. Only thing that forces people out of the north is old age.
  11. I’d make sure i was present to see those soap bubbles.
  12. I’m not agreeing or dis......cause Winnie is controversial in any circle, right above religion and politics. Winnie is a deadpan comedian like Bob Newhart. All the friends and cast are what make him funny. Chinese probably can’t “get it”. They think he is an effeminate, yellow Panda, which is an insult to Asians who love the Panda. Tigger is probably legally an honorary Chinese citizen cause he’s actually funny and in the Chinese calendar.
  13. Simple physics. “No replacement for displacement”. A square inch= 1 Sq inch. For a roto to have more pounds of force it has to have a mechanical multiplier or a physically larger diameter. Whomever applies that law wins the argument. My wife was in China before the olympics. Other than very poor air quality she said the only thing noteable was spit bags. Guess it’s normal to spit on everything, everywhere, in China. They don’t swallow their mucus because it glows from the inner-city crud it’s filtering out of the lungs and sinus. Bad enough to inhale it, much less eat it too. The socialist police stand on corners handing out spit bags while they tried to clean the presently dried on filth before the Olympics.
  14. Easy enough to like the plastic shell, I just want to know one thing...………….does it have an electric prime?
  15. Any main-stream vendor who beats Amazon for overprice? “Amazon Challenge” requires a worse price from an established vendor.
  16. Better check the seal!!!
  17. And its not even exotic or hard to find items they are gouging you on? They have some, unique, captured, items you can’t get elsewhere, so set your price in that case........but this is stuff you can find at any corner Hardware Store.
  18. Now THAT’S ironic.
  19. Rip off of the day. Stanley wire crimper $9.99 @ Menards. https://www.menards.com/main/tools-hardware/hand-tools/pliers-plier-sets/stanley-reg-electrical-pliers/84-199/p-1444425515587.htm Same Stanley wire crimper @ amazon...…. $35.66 https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-Tools-Stripper-Cutter-Crimper/dp/B07K4V9PMX/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1547574815&sr=8-10&keywords=stanley+wire+crimper+pliers
  20. Along with the rest of domestic manufacturers like Deere and Cat who install electric primers. Europeans dig cheap, low tech, hand pumps? If Volvo installed an electric primer they might get an extra year of life out of each injector once they start to bubble.
  21. Hey Keith,

    Kamp and I are coming over for Eelpout Festival. Fishing East for a spell then we’ll be moving to the North end of Walker Bay for the weekend. If the bay ice folds we generally stay North of the fault, along 371, right off Kabekona Bridge boat landing. 

  22. Might be a good time to buy your local, firmiliar, knowledgeable, mechanic a case of Old Milwaukee and have him walk you through the steps or assist this round. Good Luck!
  23. I didn’t know what to say Fred......
  24. Yup, small, screw on thread top, for little Mr.Heater type heaters. No, from my understanding not secured or capped. Noah read this post and said “nope”, not a coon. He sent a pic of the shack. It had a hard shell, top and bottom. When collapsed it looks like a closed clam. Nothing but hard shell. He gave credit to the theories that rolled out though, lol. If science can’t explain it, BMT likely will !!!
  25. It’s usually the small fuel return line from the front top barb fitting of your front head. Return lines and suction lines can go bad and not show much leakage. Pressure lines will show. I just fixed a 98 V-II with the little inj spill line leaking at the connection at head. Same symptom. The overflow on those is a flow-thru restricted office, so any leakage of air upstream is a trouble maker. Don’t worry about a bit of start up smoke so long as you go clean and stay clean. It’s less likely to be an inj, so make that the last-step repair option.
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