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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Spec Sheet on Page 4, under "AMI power increase" by 03' Big Red. Should be 50-85 PSI. Might find some other good pointers in Big Red's AMI post?
  2. Waukesha Motors Co, WI. Hunter blaze orange for loud generators. if your neighbor shoots a .50 hole in the block it’s murder, not an accident. Whats Moxie and how do I get some?
  3. ASET heads have water jacket updates & head gasket is different, larger nozzle sleeve holder and also has no injector leakage drain-back. Addition of an Idler between crank and cami ASET means power steering and compressor rotate in the opposite direction of an E7. Vibration Dampner hub on ASET is 3/8” shorter than E7. Not certain on this but pushtube holes in head of ASET May have 4 degrees more tilt. I can’t tell if all E-Tech up have the addition of 4 degrees or just ASET heads. Your 2001 current engine MAY be CCRS, that was the year of inception. In which case your camshaft, EUP’s(exchangeable, but not shared), lifters, pushtubes and valve train will be shared parts. The lifters could be steel and not ceramic on the 01. ASET should be ceramic. Inspect the old motor for the little fuel return tube between front&rear head and return fitting barb to confirm CCRS. If you had an AI300 it could have the same, old school, front water pump design, since it is above 300 you will have a completely different water pump/housing design. You might have good luck selling it right here on BMT. Couple months ago I spent a week trying to find one of these with AlexanderMack. All we could locate was AI300’s everywhere with the old style water pump system. He had to pay extra labor (and no useable x-tra spare parts) to have the engine converted to the higher horse cooling system package. There was a member who had the right motor for sale, but he was MIA.
  4. Run power to heads to confirm they are/are not working. You can do it running. If they work chase the throttle/rack sensing ground circuit controlling engagement points.
  5. V-mac electronic engine controls started around 1990, whatchagot for injection pump? V-Mac one was 1990-1994. Last mechanical fuel pump went off-line on March 1, 1998. If it clicks in tandem with the cut-out you eliminated some of the possibilities. It is in the 85/86 circuit feeding the relay.
  6. His and Hers garage doors.....or His and His’er?
  7. I got a call from security at noon, "We have a transport dead in the middle of the main gate". You'd never guess in a million years.... Yup......
  8. Not heinous as most of the content. Maybe more along the lines of unethical good'ol'boy'ism…. I dig his excuse, lol. In the only tournament I've fished judges took a DNA sample of the winners and match it to the Lake DNA strand, be pretty hard pull a cheat. When they are dangling a $16,000 Ice Castle for a prize they have to be paranoid. Wisconsin Anglers Convicted of Cheating in Fishing Tournament By Walker Smith •Nov 28, 2018 State appeals court upholds fishing guide Michael Cefalu's felony fraud conviction. A judge has properly convicted a fishing guide for helping his client cheat in a Wisconsin salmon fishing tournament, a state appeals court ruled Tuesday. Guide Michael Cefalu took Orylynn Helt fishing during the Kewaunee/Door Salmon Tournament back in 2013. They were fishing for a prize of $10,000 cash and nearly $1,500 in various merchandise. The client, Helt, weighed in a 30.27-pound Chinook salmon at the tournament scales. The tournament director scanned the fish with a metal detector, which alerted him to the presence of metal inside of the salmon. Cefalu, the guide, was instructed to cut the fish open but he became evasive and told the tournament director he planned on mounting the fish. Eventually, he obliged and a 1-pound weight was found in the salmon's throat. Cefalu's excuse wasn't believable to anyone: The 30-year captain claimed the fish must have sucked the weight off the bottom of Lake Michigan. Orylynn Helt was charged with misdemeanor attempted theft by fraud and was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. Cefalu was ultimately charged with felony attempted theft by fraud, of property worth between $5,000 and $10,000. He was also ordered to pay a $2,500 fine.
  9. While taking the kids to a Christmas event ran into a guy I've known for 10 years. Had no idea he was an English Bulldog breeder. Snapped a couple pics of the fella. 1.5 years old. The massive head/neck on him has to be stealing traction for the rear drives. Seemed like the nicest dog till I tried to pet him...…. Guessing he is still testy about the Volvo acquisition thing? I left him alone.
  10. Not exactly compact?
  11. Firing off rounds? Maybe she has inherited more from David than his legs!!!! 1 Chronicles 28; verse 2 & 3
  12. Screwy... Woman was targeted for having her purse visible to the window, at right hip. Guy parks cock-eyed in a disabled spot and leaves an older woman in the vehicle. Does not hesitate to study. Walks right through two obvious cameras zones and exposes his face. Little old Mrs. Stratton gives the good-score nod? McBig Mack brotherman sure seems to be holding his camera sideways like he is taking a pic of the victim?????? Then returns to vehicle? Yup, I’m getting an extended mag.
  13. Minnesota, or anywhere, natural selection is still culling the human race. Years back I was holed-up in my ice shack fishin, up there, Leech Lake. Bright red drunk person was running around on the ice with only a jock strap on. You consciously have to decide if it’s worth intervention. In that case the crawfish had a big meal’a com’in in spring.
  14. Pretty sure when the actual fight starts the hat can be reversed and says “I’LL SUE”.
  15. God bless the man who pays his dues in life and who’s last check to the undertaker bounces. Pretty neat read about your uncle online and workers finding his military honor medal during the Okie recovery.
  16. Terry, I recant of my harsh criticism, brotherman was just looking at the 6 worn engagement sides of the mainshaft sliders. BMT lesson- approach misinformation cautiously.
  17. Never saw anyone try an “Ice Wine” version? Git’in through the snows a small sacrifice.
  18. I can only offer this.....while calling a few major outlets for aftermarket parts I asked each parts person the same question "What washers and dryers offer the best parts availability". I talked a few women and one man. The man was clueless as to any differences. The women all said "Whirlpool" without much time to think. One Gal said whirlpool will go back to the 80's.
  19. Is that similar to “commercial grade”, like you would see at the local laundromat? I’m shopping for what you thought you were getting.........simple, water sucking, low efficiency, semi-effective, repairable unit. $1,100 side load Kenmore I have died in 6 years, ECU burn-out. I diagnosed it and installed a new ECU. A code came onto screen that didn’t exist, even on-line. I called the company, lady said “did you install an ECU? That code means the other computers can’t communicate with new hardware, we have to come to your home and reprogram all three so it communicates”. Into the trash it went, sent new ECU home.
  20. I don’t try to settle arguments on this site because they are too much fun to read, but I think most of what your arguing is generally true. Volvo did commit murder to Mack, first killed its pride. Volvo is a good manufacturer, in a throw away world, or they would naturally dissolve. Our Volvo off-road is the lowest cost per hour machines we currently run. Partly because they are primitive. Are you aware they still use color coding in VOE? 100% color coded, candy stripe, wiring in my Volvo’s. It’s like 1970 all over. No ridiculous piles of white wires with microscopic ink numbering, that wipe off, which you can’t read anyway. LOVE IT!!!! XXXOOO-Volvo. Toyota are phenomenal, William Deming was a genius. Old stuff is better in many ways(Class 8 and down). You shouldn’t have to live in fear of running out of warranty like we do now days. I drive all vehicles that have no tire pressure monitors and only one has ABS. I pulled the ABS fuse on my new(er) Dodge so I could actually stop in winter and it wouldn't start. I can’t stand being lead around by the nose, especially by an engineer. It’s debateable......but believe modern lubricants applied to the six, seventh and eighth decades of the 20th century may have produced 200K-300K mile cars. Nobody would argue......”modern appliances Suck!”
  21. There is only one individual I’ve met who sits at the outer rim of the Volvo inner circle. He told me every part being design engineered by Volvo is R&D’ed, tested, approved and passed to a second group of engineers who don’t design. That group of individuals take the design and predetermine the component lifespan against production cost and quality. They control the service life of components, quality of build materials and set production cost for the truck build. He advised Volvo has a reasonably good idea what your operating costs are going to be during the build. What I took out of the conversation was..... Volvo is a stacked-deck-dealer who only gets honest when He sees your going to walk away from the table.
  22. 41, I've notice you have nearly one of everything. Cars, Trucks, Gadgets, apocalypse generators, cool shift knobs, guns, power boats, etc. I didn't have the "statue of David" on my assumed toys list??? I'm not an art buff, but the white legs next to you on the reflection is 100% Michelangelo….. gotta Google search for stolen David statue to see if I'm collecting a crime stoppers reward. Or you could let me borrow your boat for a weekend and I'll forget the whole thing...….
  23. Low blood sugar Keg? Had an operator go low sugar one day and do that. Was just sitting there staring into space, confused.
  24. I prefer to think your right, but consider the number 6. He dreamed up a synchro on each side of sliders....... They replaced the trans and something was fixed cause he is driving it and liking it.... so good job?
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