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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Definitely. 90% of the PTOs I’ve installed are on front box left. Just make sure you get your PTO percentage calculated to fit your application.
  2. Your hard pressed to find advocacy. AI is almost universally disliked by the general population. Folks know history on this crud.....Like the H-bomb, it just sorta shows up on the scene, serves to end a war, then becomes a (arms) “race”, drains billions and eventually becomes a life-long, multi-generational, white elephant gift that needs to be managed with scrutiny because it has endless destructive potential. Coincidentally, my niece is in Wyoming right now sitting on a Missile silo chasing rabbits away from the motion sensors. Our inventions tend to become our slavemasters.
  3. E7 will be the better engine. AI are good, but need modifications to perform well. If you have your own wrenches and a couple grand you can make an AI run as good as E7. AI has a lot of good base engine upgrades.
  4. Your operator conscience is good and sound and telling you “this is not good, this is not smooth, I may kill my money maker, I gotta figure this out before I damage something”. Find a guy who has years on his truck and only used up 5 of the 15 minutes of total lifetime grind in 500K miles. Have a good pow-wow with him and see what he does, buy him lunch.
  5. Imagine you have 15 minutes of lifetime total grind time in a splitter. Split fast any direction. Up is instant. Down split is a double motion on your pedal like “double clutch”. On thumb, off pedal, into grinding hunt, on pedal to find higher RPM. Upshift is off pedal and drop in. When you drop a gear on your stick you tease and click the tips of your teeth lightly then jam when you feel it mesh. A splitter is like putting your foot on the shift stick and kicking it to get it into gear, full pressure, no feel, no finesse. You have to minimize the damage with speedy delivery of meshing RPM.
  6. Pre select your range. Never pre select split. Your thumb should move 0.1 seconds before your foot is releasing the torque of the engine. Range has synchro plates and a position sensing mechanism, split has steel on steel. From the moment you thumb your either burning fork against an immovable engaged slider gear or rolling and rounding over your slider gear teeth while you drift and hunt for a RPM mesh. You need to get good at it or the splitter is going to be ruined. If your unfirmiliar with the truck avoid the down-split till you get comfortable with the rig and then pick it up again. Drop a full gear. IMO- i always dropped a full gear and split upward. The grind dwell time is too much on down split.
  7. If it’s a synchro snap ring you would be driving it home in low range and no high available. Last question is whether you are “slipping” under torque like Ttwo said or if your popping out of an engagement under torque? One of two is happening if your experiencing a slip.
  8. New clutch at 157k miles ago?
  9. I don’t think they are both straight T. The suction has a dual flapper that is direct linked together. It stops drain-back. The return is a straight T. IMO- Get rid of the dual draw/dual return system at first issue and you will live happily ever after. Draw and return to one tank, install a X-over tube.
  10. Any audible air leaks when parked, engine off, working split? How many miles on trans? Much oil coming out range-split exhaust port? If you split and drop RPM fast does it miss engagement and grind past? Does thumb and fork audibly react fast with full system pressure and key off? Or delay when operating in this manner? Can you pop out of split engagement with full load and full throttle/torque.
  11. Gotta wonder how much the things produce in torque and HP????
  12. Lol, only in the U.P. can a guy make a living hauling snow piles out in May & June. Have you tried splicing in a fuel psi gauge to check under load? Usually won't cause a defined hit'n'miss, but its a good, easy, start point.
  13. Can I add that all Chevy pick-ups will only have one working DRL (daytime running light). Co-worker pointed it out and I think it is about 50% true.
  14. You have a small, fused, power distribution mod on the firewall near steer column? Check the main power lead and wiring behind front housing of box for corrosion.
  15. Sad. Same with the Tomah Wi “Candy Land” VA scandal. Soldiers were getting cocktail drugged to death by physicians.
  16. Age or overheated EGTemps.
  17. Good to run a temporary line and gauge break-in from the circuit leaving the fuel pump and monitor pressure during the event. An eye glass would also be helpful. Couple times have seen junk in tanks, even a Dixie cup and once a bread bag. Leaking suction line. Cracked tank stand-pipe, etc. Quick way to rule out a lot of issues is running a hose out of your tank fill to your first filter (temporarily).
  18. Without getting all drivetrain specs, and learning your limits, you can do an injector upgrade cheap and easy.
  19. My voter head shake for this year is all the hypocrite Republicans promising not to redact pre-existing condition enrollments. They are standing on it like a rock? As if it makes sense that you can wait till your sick and dying to buy insurance for the same price as someone who has been paying in $450 a month for 40 years? That ISN’T CALLED INSURANCE, that’s medical fraud until Obama made it legal. We even have a Republican assembly woman for my area running on the fact she is a cancer survivor who would “never support redacting pre-existing coverage” because of her experience? Really? Ol’ Bummer did a better job by forcing mandatory enrollment. They should have left Obamacare alone or waited for McCain to exit stage left before they voted. That being said I’m always chomping at the bit to throw mine in the vote machine Mr. Hancock, good voting to you and enjoy your sandwich! Only thing I’ll be packing is my second amendment.
  20. Menards up here is booming and the Home Cheapo can't seem to give product away? Lowes stays away altogether from the North half. Menards has a streamlined return policy and a constant flow of free stuff/birthday gifts/etc and deals on food. They get a whole freezer full of brats, advertise them on the front page, sell all of them in the first hour at a loss and leave the empty cooler sit there, unfilled, for the remaining 5 days of the sale.....works everytime. I'm always the guy who's slapping the top of the empty chest cooler, 4PM, after work, while the retirees are at home grilling free brats for supper.
  21. It’s not bad having self check out as an option. You come walking up with six pair of women’s underwear and a pregnancy test kit you can guarantee the cashier is going to be some lovely ol’church lady you’ve known your whole life and then she will be calling in a manager to get an approval swipe for the Jack Daniels. Whole time your answering questions about how your parents are doing.
  22. I miss the sound of air cleaner "HUFF". We still have one Cat that will still blow a cloud of dust backward out the air filter intake when you drop off the throttle fast, rest are programmed to death.
  23. Thing sounds great!
  24. Not as cool, but I'm going to throw it out...….. Was going up the north corridor to the Apostle Islands and spotted this thing out in a field. Turned around and went back cause I recognized it from another unit that was at my neighbors house back home. The one my neighbor had was an original movie prop from the movie "Giant Spider Invasion". His still had the stripped Volkswagen car chassis attached. I saw a guy outside the house nearby and said "Hi, is that your structure out in the field, that domed thing" Guy "No, it's my neighbors, guess it was a movie prop?" Me "yeah, it's from Giant Spider Invasion" Guy "Ok, probably, He says he produced a few movies years back" Ended up talking for a while. It was Bill Rebane, the movie producer from Latvia. Neighbor told of Lauren Bacall coming to stay in the house he now lives in, but other than that nothing spectacular. Rebane made a movie down in my area that become notable because of rate of return. He spent $300,000 to make the movie and it brought a couple million in box office return and $23 million total gross. The math is 76 times payout for investment....blows most of todays margins out of the water. The movie is pretty cheesy, but good if you like a "B" movie on Halloween. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Rebane
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