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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Three spots... 1. EUP rings 2.fuel pump 3.fuel gallery plug Your block is drilled end-to-end to create the two fuel galleries for you EUPs. If you look at the front of the block you will see one drilling plug, the other lower plug is under the timing cover. If it leaked you would take on fuel internally. Not a popular leak though. Always a little fascinated the stems on an EUP hold fuel back. If you ever dump an EUP pull the spring off and pump stem out of your core. No seals. The fuel plunger has thousands of psi of fuel on one side and crankcas on the other side. Metal sealing through fuel film only. I don’t view them as able to stop 100% fuel x-over, but generally they do.
  2. Google search “Mack SB-221-038”. It will give the full description with procedure and part numbers.
  3. Noticed you still have the choke-collar exhaust manifold on your bulldog..................... Best time to reseal those exhaust studs is while your throwing that manifold in the recycle bin.
  4. Assuming you are not leaking above what is pictured...........your lower exhaust studs are open to the crankcase. Drilling’s go right to oil and come within a hair of touching push tube. Only fix is to remove lower manifold stud, clean threads with solvent and reinstall with thread sealant..... or just live with small leak.
  5. Nice pics. Spent Labor Day up there, tip of Bayfield County near Cornacopia. It really is something. You dip your foot in the pool? Water was 60 deg when we got there to swim. A family was kayaking off the Apostle Islands that same weekend, flipped the kayak when a storm blew. The dad and all three kids froze to death. The mom survived because she was conveniently overweight. Lake Superior is pretty, but not friendly.
  6. You can download the entire repair manual for free. Google “Mack emedia”. Service information. Engine. E-tech. Manual 5-106. Download.
  7. Lot of them pencil in Elmo or Justin Beaver anyway, so it shouldn’t sway the vote.
  8. Put in the delta seal kits on EUP
  9. Most folks who drive in the Twins have acquired a taste for bumper.
  10. Looks like both SUV drivers hospitalized with non life threatening injury. Drivers name was Andy Stafford from Owattonna Minnesota.
  11. Article V petition, Convention of States, already has my signature. However, unlikely party issues would get the floor.
  12. Imagine a political party so inherently corrupt it tries to illegally import voters too poor, uneducated, nieve, desperate and vulnerable to disagree with it’s views..... all in the spirit of staying solvent? Drain the swamp!
  13. It’ll pass, like all the coffee can mufflers on rice burners after Fast and the Furious came out. My guess is this comes from the re-emergence of Mad Max or Resident Evil, etc. Pretty entertaining to me! I was grunge back in the 90’s before grunge was cool....so why shouldn’t a modern brother driving a rusty F150 get his day in the sun now?
  14. We were up in the flat tops mountains, Meeker CO, muzzleloading for Elk. When it hit the top of the hour, around 10PM, one of the guys zeroed a station on the truck to hear the weather/news before bed. It was a confusing report about the plane attack and even more confusing when he was done reiterating it. Looked outside and the sky was dead silent. Evident something big was coming down. By Friday, when we were ready to move, there was radio talk of no rental cars available in US, price gouging and gasoline shortages.
  15. AMI-370 looks like a good spec. Not only is it the only AI engine with more torque than every engine except AI-460, at the sweet spot (1,700 to 1,900 RPM) the AMI-370 holds 405 horsepower.
  16. For the “whole different ECM that had the 460XT programmed”?
  17. If I may ask, how much for the 460XT ECM?
  18. Possibility of programming your EECU/VECU would require both someone who can do it and a donor chassis to put your computer in so it can be interfaced. Our used truck line use to see a lot of action at the dealership, mostly swapping computers back and forth with the customer trucks to diagnose logic issues. Hard on the salesmen, but the customer trumped the politics. You try Manders Diesel for ECM?
  19. Lol, buffalo chips would be an improvement. They claim we come from a substance with much less internal complexity and foul odor.
  20. The exhaustive challenge for them is getting God removed from the Bible so they can rewrite it properly. Evolutionary science reminds me of when I decided to beat the tar out of my older brother. He would lengthen his arm out, put the claw on my head and squeeze my brain while I air boxed. IOW- Lotta good jabs that never land and in the end their is Hell to pay.
  21. Just click on the last entry and then on the "M" icon of his header to message him......
  22. I won't hand over Mackpro's superhero identity or email, but you can very easily get a hold of him right on this site.
  23. PAI is often OEM marked down. Never had an issue. Never had issues with OEM either except maybe the 2000 era plate style oil coolers that would start leaking two months out of the box due to location stresses feeding back through the hard pipes. Never tested counter warranty with the PAI stuff or investigated coverage, so that could be the only potential risk....the dealer has a guy dedicated to negotiating your warranty as a liaison to Mack. With PAI you have a parts guy who generally can't chassis match a single part, he just hands it to you after you provide the part number. You have to be the parts guy.
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