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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. America!!!.....where you can go downtown and get an abortion on Monday for $300 and recieve a $1,000 fine for transporting a pregnant lobster on Tuesday...... §6436. Egg-bearing lobsters; v-notched lobsters 1. Egg-bearing and v-notched lobsters. A person may not take, transport, sell or possess: A. Any lobster that is bearing eggs; or [2003, c. 452, Pt. F, §9 (NEW); 2003, c. 452, Pt. X, §2 (AFF).]
  2. There is one guy up here who can do it and one guy in Kentucky who can do it. The rest of the country seems to be given over to gray engine amnesia.
  3. My understanding is the semi driver survived, which seems impossible by the condition of that truck.
  4. Don’t listen too long or think too much. One night I was installing off-road lights on the CV713 tractor. I left it idle while I worked so the batteries would maintain. I started listening too much. Every so many seconds it would “Pock, Pock, Pock” a metallic hammer. Got convinced it was losing a cam. 10,000 miles later the oil sample is still clean.
  5. Hi Yaser, did you find an answer or still wondering?
  6. Used to see them on LE model garbage trucks, but they won’t soften your ride. Install them for severe duty. Garbage trucks constantly launch over curbs and alley ramps. Those are for guys who are losing springs prematurely. Revisit the things you can adjust. Tires. Cab suspension. Air seat. Etc.
  7. I'm Illustrating population density more for a mind-picture than logistical practicality. It would never fly. Food would be rotten before you could transport it with poor infastructure, Austrailians would hate us, food that could be produced would need processing on location....so a grid. Plus, IF this was actually going to work, we would need 41 Chevy there, in Austrailia, with a massive smoker, making delicious Long Pig and soylent green for the masses. The most impossible part is getting 41 to cooperate with Teamstergrrrl and Oblama since it was their sustainability idea.
  8. Easily. The density of the nicest city in Wisconsin is 3,037 per square mile. Austrailia has 2.97 million square miles Earth has 7.6 Billion people Could populate Austrailia at 2,559 people per square mile and leave the earth return to Eden-like conditions with farm colonies(which would again drop the pop number a large notch per square mile). The overpopulation arguement is a farce, land abuse and pollution is not a farce.
  9. The apocalyptic nightmares of BMT are beginning to make Steven King seem as cozy as the farmers almanac? Guy who I respect told me if the Australian continent was turned into an urban metropolis the whole of the remaining Earth could be used as a garden. If it keeps raining I’m going to skip cutting firewood to build that equation. Average urban density per square mile x Australian square miles divided into earths population...
  10. It’s never going to happen to you, but in case. Had a customer come in one day after riding a slipping clutch for hours. I heard a “tist tist tist tist” coming from under cab. It was A/C water jumping off the bellhousing. I waited a while for it to cool, but naturally customer is “losing money”. Popped the clutch access bolts, flipped the driver over and slapped the plate to knock it off. Plate fell off and poured hot liquified grease onto my hand, interior mess had melted as fluid into belly of bell. It was on me for a few seconds and when I hit it with my other hand it went from tar black goo to pinkish-white, skin came off. Moral=Tell customer he needs to walk over to McDonalds and hand him a newspaper.
  11. Feminist’s and socialist’s in US managed to kill off >45 million American Citizens with abortion since the 70’s. US is a step ahead of many countries in murdering its citizenship. Disproportionate number black, so they also managed to pulled off an ethnic cleansing, legally.
  12. That’s pretty close to it Swishy. It’s a Liehberr 934C Litronic with a 1-1/4 cord wood grapple.
  13. Man Vs. Machine. Operator came back, first day, from 5 months of medical leave. His heart and bowel both withstanding. He had the elevator cab full 18' up when the boom let go and slammed against the cab. Got him out with the manlift, said my ritual beautiful catastrophe prayer and attempted to operate the machine/boom to the ground on remaining pin. The rod-eye weldment was through the glass and fish hooking the cab upper window jamb. When started the regeneration pressure began lifted the lid off the can, so some damage. Cab's caved in, but fixable.
  14. Long Pig!!!! Lol Maybe I should pre-sell my carcass to them for $500 since I’m absolutely unprepared for an apocalypse. May as well enjoy the cash now?
  15. All things considered we have enough naturally occurring energy beneath our feet to wipe the slate clean tomorrow. Google search “1815, the year there was no summer”. There was a spontaneous minor ice age 200 years ago. If Tambora was a fuzz bigger we may not be having this conversation. Pennsylvania had ice on the rivers in August. I like To remind myself the worse that can happen is i die......which was going to happen anyway.
  16. Think they had limited options. My understanding is they were back against the wall and ended up backing out of the fire and up against the lake. Eventually a boater got them out and the car was destroyed. Why they were up there during a fire threat puts them back in the fool's bracket. I'd like to know who built that car. As much fuel control jargon as is on the average engine I'm shocked it didn't fold up and die from inhaling 300+ degree ambient into the intake. Engineers don't map the engine to those conditions. Thing didn't seem to miss and beat and wasn't filling with smoke.
  17. Fine line between bravery, stupidity and insanity.
  18. Left me wondering about the soft custard tart? Long as the Austrailians don’t nasty it up with a vegemite-secret-center i’d be eating a few.
  19. At least no one can say they lived in fear, be it oh’so short lived. R.I.P. Agree. This brand of dilusion may become popular as the virtual world of the “glowing rectangle” blood-sucks people’s common sense. They live on internet cerebral junk food and decide one day to seek a “real, non-virtual, experience”. It’s not like the issues of the Middle East are a best kept secret? Pick up any Bible, read the Book of Judges and you will gladly pedal the extra 500 miles to bypass the Fertile Crescent.
  20. LOL! Let me know how much the Judge sets your bail at, that’s what I’ll offer your wife for the Gray Rocket.
  21. Maybe time for a bigger stick?
  22. Deere is our cost/downtime money pit. Issue is under built front ends on Deere and CAT. We use tight-circle machines that can maneuver under a 16-18 yard bucket, so far only the Volvo can do it without ruining the front end. Machine/hours/cost per hour. All separate machines from a snapshot. Last three can be grouped for age. Add 4% for every year of age differential. John D 824K 24,963 $15.77 (without collision damage included $14.17 per hour) John D 824K 22,963 $15.42 Group 2014 cost John D 824K 19,501 $12.40 2014 cost Cat 972K 18,321 $13.39 (without collision damage included $9.83 per hour) 2018 cost Volvo L180H 17,232 $7.08
  23. This week a Volvo factory rep/trainer told me the next attempt uses a burnishing technique to make the cups mate for a more true seal?
  24. Which one do I have by visual interpretation? Indiana Whiskey in Kentucky, thought they ban it like Wisconsin banned Oleo? If I touch the firewater it’s generally Windsor Canadian........but refuse putting brown gravy on my fries.
  25. Mackpro, if anyone else said that I would take it personally...but you got it together and you may be right about my purchase (I didn't realize I can edit the quotes to actual translation). Looked at the container my tool came in and it matches my book for SS cups, not copper, 88800467(proper for stainless). Catch is, you can see it on the picture I attached, the tool I got is a 88800457. The mystery is...........that 88800457 does not appear in my manuals at all. In my manual the copper swedge is a 88800196. Volvo told me to take pics and send them. Imagine the joy of snapping a pull bit off into the cylinder because it was too light to draw through stainless instead of intended brass? What do you drink in Kentucky, I may be sending you a bottle for catching that packaging mistake...
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