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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Check all connections and wires for damage and put your eyes in connectors for terminals backed out or damaged. Assume they stretched your harness, which can cause an invisible internal separation in the wires. They swapped rear output yoke, so make sure pickup ring is tightly compressed below yoke shoulder and not loose(or missing). Make sure your adjusted (gapped) properly at sensor. In the good old days drivers would disconnect the Speedo pickup to over ride governed speed. In the not so good ol days the computer recognizes the Speedo loss as an attempt to manipulate the governing so it derates your power as a “ha ha” maneuver. Good luck!
  2. You get your tires back if the truck flops, low risk. Universal consumable item. they did have heat issues. More just radiance of heat from the engine emissions package. Some trucks burst into flames right off the bat. They made some product improvement packages to help with heat. We had one melt to the ground before upgrades. Mack sent us a box full of vents and had us ventilate the hood on many. Just punch holes and add vents then paint locally. Needed to get airflow. They would get so hot the plastic started melting, split loom turned to drips, etc. Engines are harder to work on. Turbo is so big it will occasionally break the exhaust studs due to weight bearing. They did try a stronger stud, but verify all studs are in place. No lightning bolt on dash? Make sure the bulb cycles illumination on key up. Sounds too good for $6K.
  3. If you don't have a lot of warning lights coming on.....buy it. Good if it is a local run. They aren't Macks finest by far, but there are still a bunch out there. At that price you can sell the tires and smelt it down for a cash return.
  4. Transmission may have an air actuated neutralizing function to float the rear box so you can use rear box PTO. If you don’t use a rear box PTO eliminate the valve function altogether by running line in a bypass of the neutralizing valve.
  5. I don’t think he can have no rings installed. My wild guess is 4-5 minutes, full RPM, without any o-rings, would fill the crankcase to fill tube inlet, if engine would even run with that amount of pressure drop.
  6. Do an oil sample and test fuel content. If you have fuel, viscosity drop, pull EUPs and install the special application triangle cut ring. Mack had some seepage issues so they made a seal kit to help remedy light leaks at EUP bores.
  7. It likes to hit the people with legendary meatloaf I'm told? Gout is bad, bad stuff, sympathy to the foot. My Dad passed away a few weeks ago and the hallmark of his ailments was gout. His legs got bad from diabetes and the poor blood circulation would not clear the purines. Doc said the meds would ruin his kidneys so it was a constant reoccurrence.
  8. You just wrecked it for me, I was using Charlie Daniels as my mental representation of what you look like. Vietnam era, born in the Southeast, patriot, touch of hippy, etc. If you can't play fiddle or sing I don't want to know........
  9. Want to add an additional thought. I was talking to a happy convert last night and it occurred to me you should make it mandatory to have a Pyro in your truck so you can manage your heat. In this case the person was satisfied with the performance of only the K&S injector swap, was running along side the MP8's and was not going to modify the engine any further. He did not have a pyro or boost gauge and was running an AI427 HP. Your exhaust valves use the closed position "dwell" time to transfer heat from of the valve head into the cooled cylinder head. Because of the bump your cooling dwell period is reduced and could predispose you to overheating your valve train. The problem compounds since your valve closed cooling period is not only reduced, but during the bump scavenging period your back-feeding fire over the valve so heat exposure time increases. IMO- you may be tempting a failure (turbo, valve and manifold) if you don't observe/monitor/manage your heat. If you keep the flow restrictions at the manifold/turbo/4” exhaust, even more so.
  10. You can collapse the top if you squeeze near the seal or center. Get it strapped on the bottom of canister. Dont reinstall it with a wrench, hand tighten it. The clamped on hose stops it from coming loose, it’s locked to drain tube.
  11. Guess it could be considered "soft ware" or "cheater-in-ter-face" topics, so don't cut yourself short.
  12. That’s a first, thanks for sharing results.
  13. I’d fix the engine, it’s a pretty common item. Just a heads up..... Buyer beware It’s the age of “oil sample everything”. If your seller saw metal it may explain the well timed, 250-mile-later, cam blow out after time of sale. It’s hard to imagine him getting it that close before sale, but not unheard of.
  14. Reason I say Germany is the strangle hold they have on the software for the machines we handle. I went from building cheater interface plugs at RadioShack for opening machine parameters to the new Sculi that sends a 5,000 volt discharge to the keyboard if you answer a question wrong.
  15. Can’t imagine he had a straight face when he said that. When I was younger I read a book written in the 80’s describing the differences between Israel’s approach to terrorism and security vs the American approach to terrorism and security. The American author pointed out that we would lose big if we didn’t get in the fight like Israel. Then 9/11 and now we are American Israelites. Who is the country we should be shadowing in terms of protecting intellectual property? Germany is the tightest IMO.
  16. A little tweaking for the AI 427 and it will run right along side the RD. You will likely need a turbo, Ex manifold, injectors and a software flash. Or, if your really lucky, someone already did all that and your getting a gem. It was popular and easy to modify the EGR out of this engine (2004-2007).
  17. Are they bad or might you be misdiagnosing a bigger issue? Where are you getting your parts from?
  18. They make a tool for holding the drive while torquing the nut. Or do what 90% of people do and impact it.
  19. ‘04. ‘05. ‘06. ‘07
  20. Impact has a part number. Whether or not you can get the tag requires a phone call. Don’t use my number, it’s off a random 2000.
  21. You may have connected the Dots on the redistribution plan.
  22. Check info tag on the valve cover.
  23. July 5th, 2018..........and the game begins! I'm buying bucket cutting edges for the heavy loader fleet. Jason, I received an email from my supplier of these edges. Starting tomorrow, the tariff takes effect which will increase these edges up to a possible 25%. I received this information late Tuesday and didn’t have time to let anyone know. If I place this order today I believe I can beat this timetable they set. Let me know ASAP to avoid problems later. If you have any questions let me know… Thank You
  24. I’d replace all lifters and followers unless it was a ceramic SetUp. Oil pump. Bearings. Check updates to brake pins, etc. Last I checked PAI will sell a complete camshaft kit and Mack made you itemize. Guys at the dealership we’re giving the blessing to buy the complete kits from PAI. Nice hard working rig, good luck! what’s it power to? HP?
  25. Tourist out to explore the Australian Bush gets his wish?
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