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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Apples and oranges concerning efficiency. Run a thin synthetic in one and mineral 80W-90 (or 50) in the other and you have your winner. Mack has more rotational fly weight for sure. Increased mass. Fuller floats their bearings and Mack preloads crush on all 6 shafts, that’s why Mack feels tighter.
  2. “Pish” as in the phonetic sound your mouth makes. An expression of dismissal. Root of Pish posh. “Meh, who cares” “pish, like that will ever happen” . Made up words 🤷🏿‍♂️ OK, that’s what I was wondering. I’m not ready for the umbrella policy. I plan on her voting for Trump by fall and BMT being directly credited for her awakening. It takes time. You married an Israelite!? You’ve been in the Middle East for the last month? Champagne 🥂 and Uzi’s?
  3. Heavy G, once you block can you then read quotes? For instance.. I say “The sky is blue today” Maxi says “As a matter of fact blah blah blah it’s not because blah blah and your part of the problem blah blah”. and I quote her to my next message... can you read hers or is it complete black-out?
  4. Pish, I’m not trying to stop him, I need him to save his steam for the Pressure Cooker bomb that BMT will become in late fall. I’m concerned your going to block yourself into boredom. You’ve got Maxidyne blocked also and it’s not really fair that she be allowed to strafe me with her “as a matter of fact” crap-cannon while you sit happily enjoying the entire umbrella.
  5. You need to calm down, eat some of that Boo Berry cereal, and pace yourself. The burners on low and your already boiling over. October surprise is coming and you don't want to be in a straight jacket when it gets here.
  6. Paul's back and taking names......
  7. Thank you for those kind words of comfort. I don’t feel safe at the grocery store anymore. You nailed it. The media focuses in on the 0.2% crackpots to get shock value.and sell more Count Chocula and Uncle Ben’s at commercial breaks. The media saw how good Jerry Springer did and made a wholesale transformation to become Springer satellites organizations.
  8. First, no they didn’t. Unless you tell me someone was trying to kill them via infection because they’re social media antagonists. Then I’d accept the statistical impossibility of multiple relatives. Second, those poor little black kids go and watch the 6 black multi-millionaire Milwaukee Bucks players do’in it up on the court, start feeling really good about making it big someday, they think about our black president.... and then BAM 💥!!!!!! ALL dreams shattered because uncle Ben is on the front of a rice box? I can’t be that dense. Black folk I know aren’t that fragile unless Democrats have penetrated their minds and jellified their brains. All white depictions on food labels are dumb, playful, nome creatures.....did anyone burst into tears? Count Chocula fills me with horror. An undead, 🧛‍♀️ chocolate loving, freak...... I don’t write to the company.
  9. Most, saying 99.9% of people, don’t give a damn about any of it.....white Keebler elves, Rice Crispy dwarves, Aunt J, Unc Ben, etc. It’s a pack of bull. Challenge yourself to find someone with Covid and/or someone offended by a black dude on a rice container. My tin foil hat is starting to hum AND glow. When it hums I’m 50% right....and when it glows I’m right 99.9% of the time. It’s the >COMPANIES< doing this freely!!! They’re watching out for 💰 #1, not cultural sensitivities. They’re worried A lot of white folks aren’t going to buy Uncle Bens because they’re freshly disgusted with Black Lives Matter. Don’t need Ben’s smiling black pie hole staring at you on the dinner table reminding you daily of the black rioters who burned your local store. So let’s get rid of him so suburban whitey folks aren’t exhausted by him. Double tap!.....getting him off dually assures the black folks aren’t offended by him looking subservient. Heck, they’re dense enough to think the company is doing black folks a favor by removing blacks from the public eye!!!! USA= Follow the money, find the answer.
  10. Might?.....but I wouldn’t want to be the one to gamble with your money by recommending it. Your truck isn’t unique except for your injectors. The other guys already did the homework with KS injectors & YTS and ended up with manageable EGTemps, good power and more boost @ AMI370 than our AI460.
  11. I don't think that's the right turbo for a 370, that's the right turbo for a 427/460. I'm going to change the thread page #1 so no one mistakenly steals my 460HP turbo number I listed. Go directly to Columbus Diesel and ask if they have a recommended turbo to match the injectors they sold you. If they don't recommend a specific spec use an identical YTS Turbo Red and Burrens have on their 370. Check to see what VECU software level your at and have them install the latest.
  12. Real sad thing is Mr.F550 probably thinks exhaust that’s gone through a DPF has no scent.
  13. I swear I heard Elvis Presley 🕺 singing “In the Ghetto” while I read the first half... and second half... Sounds like a racist “anti-white manifesto” written by a black panther(cougar?). Thanks for the edit Other Dog. “Old White Guys” edited in!
  14. A Non-mandatory, aftermarket, Emissions add on!!!!!!!!!!! The cycle time won’t be long enough to start passive regeneration during test cycles. You’ll be damned for doing it. Double that test phase time and do it all under full generator load to build exhaust temp. Maybe you could put a massive walk-in electric grill next to it and have a community 40 minute cookout once a week? Stop them at any cost, they don’t know what they’re getting into.
  15. Dang, you boys in Pennsylvania have a tough hunt for the girl you can take home to mom.
  16. Paper industry is tanking. No white paper being used. Not just because it's "White"? Verso Paper, in the center of the state, is closing the doors and taking down the Duluth plant too. Covid took too much paper off the market. 1,000 employees and hundreds of satellite small businesses hit. Most notably the logging industry which is already a hand-to-mouth lifestyle. I spent a day with a Logging association member, He said there's a grab playing out. 9 Dragons, China, bought the Biron mill next Verso. Verso kept 9 Dragons going by supplying pulp and power. Zhang Yin had previously offered to buy Verso for 10 cents on the dollar. Now She has to do something, the umbilical cord is about to be pinched off. An outside group is forming a Co-op to also purchase the mill. Should be interesting, they overlap our radius footprint for wood supply. Amazing what a seasonal flu (that no one has) can do to reshape a market. Verso is (was?) a big joint....
  17. In this era your at a disadvantage as a law abiding citizen. If you can find your victim identity its a start.
  18. Not much left to the imagination after all that engine work. Check the adjuster heights on the rocker arms to see if you’ve somehow managed to progressively compensate (via adjustment) for a chewy lobe. Also recheck your inj pump timing.
  19. The ports aren’t ports, they’re the unfortunate remnants of the engine drilling process. Your whole engine looks like Swiss cheese 🧀 after it runs through the factory gallery drilling process. Once the interconnecting/intersecting oil and fuel galleries are drilled they have to plug the drilling hole ends. If they’re being smart they tap and install pipe plugs. If they’re being thrifty they pop a cheesy rivet to plug the oil gallery and then it falls out later, as with yours. Spot weld them ALL, don’t leave the rest to chance, don’t reinstall a rivet, don’t stick a siliconed sheet metal screw in.
  20. I have the guy on my text. We’re in the 12th hour and no derate or faults 😆 . If your stuck waiting on replacement parts the damn thing lets you own it with a 7/8” wrench and one stainless zip tie. Pretty funny, they may use dime store sensors and dime store wiring, but thank goodness it’s dime store software logic!!!!
  21. Very nice CV713, tank. Most guys want to get rid of the factory HP/torque issues caused by the IEGR......
  22. I found the software in the VOE Volvo ACM's will accept infinite zero as a plausible, real time, parameter reading. When you access your Tech Tool you'll see one of 2 readings for "NOx after SCR", it will be a zero or a dash. 0 or -. This point applies to a machine that reads "0" (zero) with the engine off & key on. If your having a freak out in your emissions system you can take out the downstream NOx sensor and zip tie it into fresh air. I intentionally ran a unit cold so the downstream NOx sensor never got hot enough to activate, self incriminating, its a tattle tail sensor that accepts zero NOx as plausible. Did it for almost an hour. After reset it stays out of derate and won't code regardless of "NOx Before SCR". So if you need to get the unit to run till the end of day...….you can run through it, possibly indefinitely, by breathing the downstream sensor. No derates. Not sure what it may do during regen, but by then you'd have a solution and reinstall it.
  23. Sad day really. T3 wasn't without it's situational/operational advantages and toward the end I like what they did to improve it (even stealing Fullers clutch mesh design). It'll work out. Old school guys have enough T's to last till waaaaay past retirement and the whipper snappers, who can't shift a manual, will find their intellectual crutch in the M-Drive.
  24. Fuller is reliable, cheap and universally available. If you want a good, generic, standard issue, truck transmission, perfect pick. For as petite as the interior of the transmission is they hold up well. We get more mainshaft twists on Fuller than Mack when out in the woods. Mack is tougher & more expensive to repair and run. It had synchro issues in the T200..T300 improved the synchro. Fuller synchros fail too, but are cheaper. Mack gives you more case windows and V-spacing to take power off the trans...heart shape makes two separate zones for driving power backwards and good for neutralizing and PTO speed variables. Triple shaft aluminum case makes it light so it can be big and still compete for equal payload against a steel double countershaft model.
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