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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Whoever can’t read my movie files are generally on a phone.
  2. Ok, so admit this much.............. the tide pods DO look like they would taste good?
  3. Thanks for the check. Pray public officials don’t get that level of snowflake indoctrination.
  4. Washington Post has now completely replaced Syrup of Ipecac on the open market. Should be running to the bathroom by page two. 🤢🤮
  5. Sometimes it’s not only the crickets raising Cain. Crickets mean metal roller just stopped turning and is becoming a flat tappet or is sideways on cam bump(also becoming a tappet). Camshaft can also progress to be the Ruffed Grouse in your air filter housing trying to call up a mate. Exhaust lifter failure (complete progressed failure) gives you an audible “thump thump thump thump thump” at the air inlet of your filter housing. Starts to drive a fueled, one-cylinder, jake brake pulse backward out your intake. Intake/compression/power/no exhaust/POP IMO- EZ, your EZily in the top 5% of operators I’ve met who know their machines as well. If it wasn’t under warranty.... and if it was a cam.... rather see you fixing the cam. That drill shavings story shocks the conscience. Think the MP series is causing Gray Engine Amnesia at some dealerships, how else can you explain some of the stories on this site? Pay a high schooler $10 hr to help you get the hood off, set lifters up bore, etc.
  6. There is a max cap on the size of attachment. Someone correct me if it isn’t 8MB, but I think that is what it is?
  7. Record the engine going through the RPM ranges that the "stutter/miss" occurs at. Even an ok video recorder would be able to pick up the sound of a miss. The good video consumes about .9MB per second to load so it would have to be short. I did it on page 2 of my AI460 thread, it ate about 7.38MB. Water glass is optional in your case, may not stay put? You can also do a long audio on your smart phone without using much storage.
  8. sensor (ECU) is the master, engine is the slave, in this case I don't think slave can control masters ability to calculate. Long as sensors are functional, properly set at front timing gap and not tripping a code.....all is well (theoretically).
  9. ECU will calculate using the flywheel sensor and the one up on right front of the engine near the breather outlet. Two sensors allows it to think redundantly when one fails. It will code if the two signals don't match, or usually when you collect enough clutch metal on the magnetic tip of the flywheel sensor. Might pull the flywheel sensor and see if it was damaged during clutch installation?
  10. Mack Engine Crickets begin to chirp when they are celebrating the death of a roller lifter. Cruel Little Bastards! Turbo boost leak is usually constant whistle, hiss. Hope that could be what your hearing if it is an air pulsation + leak= chirp? Under boost intake valves become easier for the lifter to open / Under boost'n'power exhaust valves become harder for the lifter to open. Stress on lifters becomes easier at an idle than at high RPM. Grab your wife and start shaking her toward and away from you. The faster you shake the more stress you feel in your arms........that's how momentum + directional shift can bend pushtubes at engine overspeed. Engine Speed = increase valve train stress. Increased speed = stress = more pressure on roller = more chirp. Shaking = divorce and jail. Has echoing of what happened to you last year.
  11. You know anyone who bought from this vendor? That is a decent price for what your getting. I've never heard of some of those games in the big package.
  12. Yes, if you know what your looking at.....Ironically it is made in the USA with French Dressing on the numbers ........ 29.4.1999 in EEU 4-29-1999 in USA (April 29, 1999)
  13. Is that a Florida Birthmark? What is he doing with Marilyn?
  14. Secret message Vlad....ah, the good ol days!
  15. Soild state (think this was 80's machine). Clean basement with single ECM. Upper deck behind board was a 3'X3' integrate circuit. Next generation is just one big box and a harness.
  16. This is the pre-solid state, full mechanical basement of a 70's game.... Glad my parts guy let us ask the hard questions and even pull the deck. All rotary switching, electo-magnetics and contact points.
  17. 1966 Top Hand. Not sure what constitutes "Immaculate condition"? This thing looks pretty amazing for being produced during the start of the Vietnam War, Prez Johnson in office and a decade before my Dad winked at Mommy.
  18. 1977 Jungle Queen....
  19. My parts guy invited me to his place for a Cabin Fever party......... He has been collecting and restoring these for years. Suddenly I'm back at the local pizzeria game room, it's 1985, and I don't have to beg mom for quarters cause all games are free.......
  20. I hit my guests with a rack of Grasshoppers. Parfait glass, coat the interior with drizzle lines of Hersey chocolate syrup. Blender up some vanilla ice cream, creme de menthe liquor, milk. Pour in glass and knife-shave some frozen Andes Mints on top with three mint tombstones. Happy happy leprechauns 🍀.
  21. As a word of advice...for the sake of getting to the root. cal codes are not able to reduce run quality in an obvious manner. At least I never experienced it. They(codes) are justified as an emissions requirement, but dont affect the running performance enough to be noticed. Not saying to ignore them. You should have them properly installed to the ECM for good practice. Just don’t expect that if I mixed your codes around intentionally, that you would leave my shop and have any clue I did it. They engineer that redundancy into calibrated injector engines so you can service them in the middle of the oil field, asphalt dump, concrete pour, etc and calibrate later...... to get you past “machine down” situation.
  22. There use to be a lot of that going on at our shop, but the rule was stealing from a used truck on the line was fine.......never touch customer. Nice to have a spare ecm around when trying to dispel an issue.
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