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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. A Slide guitar 🎸 custom sound track? I think you moving into the big league on your repair series.
  2. Fundamental Christianity IS waning. That is a number no study group can pin down because they lack the Biblical discernment to make a number. Two fold attack. One group is trying to drain the Lake (Obama, Dawkins, Humanist movement, etc). One group is trying to poison the Lake (Olsteen, Mormonism, etc).
  3. We just spent a bunch of time on a DOC that was heating under spec but high enough to sorta perform. Issue was coolant leaving EGR cooler via leakage. Coolant ash is a killer. $18k worth of final damages.
  4. Right now they split the interim 4 into two separate model. Late and early. The first has all the garbage. The split model has been stripped to the point it looks like a tier 3 with SCR. The DEF model uses 8-10%. Pretty heavy over the 2-3% you would expect. District says DPF will return 2020.
  5. When codes don't appear for a really obvious, bad, running issue you start with cleaning/improving grounds. Grounds are the AIDS virus of a Mack EECU, ECM, ABS, VECU, etc....... the immune system just can't identify(code) it.
  6. Have you monitored the fuel pressure During a power loss event? We had a part of a bread bag in our fuel tank in the 98 and caused a very similar issue. Got there from previous owner trying to get away temporarily with wrong fuel cap. If your a waste management application you have thousands of pounds of that kind of junk in your chassis work body most of the time. All it takes is one little piece to make a capillary flap. Nice to get the update if possible. Run the tank low and Have someone eyeball the tank while you blow air backwards down the pick up pipe.
  7. There is a quote I hear floating around in the ministry. It came from Aristotle........“horror vacui” Nature abhors a vacuum". A tree cut down is soon replaced and it's space consumed. As Christian Faith shrinks in American culture the Christian Theologians are wondering what will begin to take it's place. It will be a different religion or new-form worship, secular or otherwise. These are scattered occurrences, but they are also very original (historical) to America. Little Charles Manson's spontaneously popping up out of the vacuum after being moved by a false religion (Islam) or cult or cultural notion.
  8. Remembering that you called yourself a perfectionist..... The truck damage picture was spontaneous, but looks like it just came off a show, so confirmed. Tank looks like it gets polish once a week....... Hard love questionnaire.... 1. Have you had someone else run and interpret the shake? Other drivers? Mack owners? 2. Did they tell you definitively that "this is not natural or normal harmonics"? 3. Have others argued that this truck feels perfectly normal and operational? I've put your posts together as one consolidated paragraph and read it twice. IMO---- It just doesn't click. You may have what I dubbed "Seismograph A#%". We had operators with this condition who could tell you what tire had a rock pinched in the tread. You think it would be a blessing to be thoroughly connected to your machine and note every shake and hear every inconsistent sound, but it CAN be a curse in a meaty chassis like yours. While I was writing this Lmack dropped a post I think is going the same direction? Much more gracefully.
  9. “Hey boss, I’m distracted from my job duties by the constant concern I have regarding Samir. If he commits a really “bad-Muslim” personal sin then the only way he can atone and get to heaven, clean, is by killing me. Today he is my fire watch and I’m pretty sure he was drinking the forbidden barley last night because his breath smells like Milwaukee.” Sounds like justification to me?
  10. LOL...Of course you have the better toy, again. If you were here I'd soak my cupcake in my milk glass and throw it on you! Speed boat, Calico (sub-machine gun looking) pistol, EMP proof genset, Zombie Apoc Mack, 12 volt signal jammer thingy with intimidating lights....it's a James Bond complex or something. So what does it actually do....? Is it one of those anti-GPS devices they want to ban?
  11. EMP generator Swishy, gitch-ya-one. Being organic has it's advantages during solar flares.
  12. Always thought so too till fishing Canadian bush in mid-summer. Fire up a Middleton Black and Mild at breakfast till you get to open water. You’ll have five mosquitos on your face instead of the usual thirty on your face, ten in you mouth and five more up in your nose.
  13. Don’t wanna ruin your evening boys but some’a ya’ll been stroking her like button too. !!!!!!
  14. Good rant. I'll see yours and raise you one. The scenarios I'm talking about are the 10 liter engines now coming into our shop that have no erg cooler, no egr valve, No DOC, No DFP, no compounder turbos and only DEF, Built on the same engine block platform as interim 4, and are meeting Tier 5 standards and supposedly can have a 2,000 hour oil change performed if you use the manufacturer's oil. Why couldn't we get here quicker on off-road if all the battles were fought a decade earlier by on-road. The problems we are having with the interim 4's are the exact mess we had a decade ago at the Mack Dealership, as if the off road manufactures never look left or right to build off the shortcomings of the on-road industry.
  15. Hilariously crazy union nut 41! As a United Steel Workers member I commend your restraint and recommend non lethal pistol whips to his forehead and likewise mine if I ever get that “union stupidified”.
  16. Check the lines FJH was talking about, change the filters ( prefill ). Just fixed one of these issues and it was in fact that little plastic bleed off line from front of head. This one was 1998. I believe you also have no pump check valve (overflow) to hold fuel from returning to tank. You have a fixed office at main pump outlet. Fuel pump has to create pressure, by volume, by forcing fuel through small fixed office at the three way fitting leaving main pump on front side port out. No flow (or low flow) = No fuel psi. Any air leaks let fuel drop back to tank. Static vacuum holds fuel up in system. The transfer pump is mounted on the injection pump and drives off a cam lobe in main inj pump. There is no check at the first filter unless you have a Davco water separator.......which would be GREAT to have in this case. Good Luck!!
  17. Imagine what incredible base engines would have emerged if emissions Research $$$’s had gone into perfecting an N14, 3406 or E7.
  18. I've never seen anyone PM those. They are soft centered and usually bend when your using a pry to remove them. If there is no physical damage or issues that trace to vibration.....leave it alone. First time it needs to be removed for a procedure (seal, cam, etc) your mechanic will destroy, then replace, it for you.
  19. I’m only watching the game, don’t have access to SRTs, sorry. May need a shaped charge to blow it off if it’s original. 3-4 hours is my best.
  20. There is no icon for High five!! Lol. Haha Sterling......? Should tell the guy "better slow down and take it easy bro, you can't get parts for the permanently discontinued models !!!!!!"
  21. IMO- You currently have a better set up than your Granite. Granted, that 713 you had sounds like a pretty custom ride. Too much screwing around with CV713. You don’t have the bump BS and you don’t have to manually “re-map” your fueling with your XT. We have a couple logging/chipping brothers up here that did everything right in the 90s and bought a small fleet of Mack’s to offset their earnings. Some trucks got parked in a shed for years, right off the lot. Every morning on the way to work I see three, PLN & E-Techs, 90’s-02, 427hp, Mack CH613, mint condition, rolling 98K of sticks to Wisconsin Rapids paper Mill. Still killing it, 70 MPH, right next to the latest and greatest EPA casterstions running along-side them. Probably making more $$$ per mile.
  22. Is it a sleeper model?
  23. Sounds fishy. Turbos aren’t a one size fits all device. IMO....A 15 is too volumetrically different than a 12 to call it a cake walk cross-fit We switched from a restricted AI turbo to the one your running on the 2000. The character of the torque band and horsepower was repositioned. The comparison was very close in terms of boost max. In four weeks, assume road limits go on up here, I’ll be upping to a 5” exhaust. Expect 30’s, mid.
  24. Only knew one guy who set a new standard for boost and power out of a PLN. Jimmy Stewart "Red Eye Express". Buddy I grew up with, and went to tech with, worked at Cummins. When Jimmy came to dyno they could not stop the spin-out. Sent him home and said "bring a loaded trailer next time". Truck still broke loose on the dyno. He would not let us (dealership) touch the engine. Only had me rebuild a differential he demolished. The underside of truck was lined with extra coolers so you could barely crawl around. Never got a clear pic of what he had done. He died and truck disappeared. Teacher at Mack training in Chicago use to talk about the truck at our sessions. Wonder if the rig is still bouncing down a highway somewhere? Had a huge painted graphic on sleeper......, half-closed, bloodshot eye that spanned the width of the back.
  25. You give me the willies with all your destructive power lust. But also curious to know what it would do. Upstage injectors to get extra fuel? I'd consider the colateral damage to air compressor, CMCAC, boots, etc that may not like that much boost or lack robust design for it.
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