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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Lot of guys will search their whole life and never find such a loyal woman.........lucky man BDog. Maybe more of a face for radio than TV, no offense.
  2. Choose your weapon MPro!!! Engineers never document their sins...... they leave that dirty work to the dark imagination of us lowly mechanics.
  3. As I recall it was popular for the engine (steel) to fret the bellhousing (aluminum) and cause a leak at joint-point where engine, oil pan and bellhousing meet. The aluminum becomes the sacrificial metal in that stress battle. They went to a steel bellhousing and discontinued the aluminum. You can only buy a steel bell now. 12 years I never saw an aluminum bell replaced for anything other than fretting at the aforementioned 3-mate point. They're well built. The spotted fretting was minimal and accounted for less than 5% of actual engine-to-bell mate surface. It was an oil leak issue really. Only silicone is sealing that motor together (sleeves, block housings, bell, etc.) it relies on perfectly machined trueness of mate surfaces. IMO....... Mack bellhousings don't die, they are murdered. If someone let half the bolts fall out of the transmission and it started torquing around your going to kill the mate surface or crack something. Turkster is right on, its a "boots on the ground" inspection and diagnostic. Go see if a magnet sticks to the bell.
  4. Got that right. Just had our $850,000 bread and butter money machine sitting in the shop for 3 weeks because the guy who wrote the software program made it so delta sensitive that we cannot clean a DPF filter for reuse. The cleaned filter tripped-up the computer logic. Now have to buy new DPF every time. Liehberr Tech group had no clue why the machine would not run over 4 hours before flipping. It's getting very stupid folks. I feel like they are suffering the industry so when they come out with a poor alternative to diesel we will all jump out of the frying pan into the fire. O.K. done ranting.
  5. Good luck! Remembering after the first premature failure it is the mechanics responsibility to check everything listed in these posts. Not after the third. You have reason to expect satisfaction for the fiasco your going through.
  6. 2003-2007 would be a step backwards from engines you mentioned.
  7. Think past conversations will include you as far as low oil flow to top deck of engine. Keeping in mind oil powers your jake. Are you aware of which update remedies you have already, or someone previously, installed?
  8. Call me insensitive, but my in-laws live/work in Milwaukee and I thank the guy who flushed the toilet on our Carlos D Martin.
  9. State of Wisconsin vs. Carlos D Martin Milwaukee County Case Number 2015CF004780 The defendant Carlos D Martin was found guilty of the following charge(s) in this case. Substantial Battery-Intend Bodily Harm, a class I felony, Wisconsin Statutes 940.19(2).
  10. State of Wisconsin vs. Carlos D Martin Milwaukee County Case Number 2016CF000791 The defendant Carlos D Martin was found guilty of the following charge(s) in this case. Carlos D Martin was found guilty of Burglary-Building or Dwelling, a class F felony, Wisconsin Statutes 943.10(1m)(a).
  11. Monday morning, In the absence of strict handgun laws, some success has been made in reducing crime in my state ......... A carjacking suspect was shot and killed by a man who had a concealed weapon on him in Milwaukee on Monday, officials said. The Milwaukee Police Department said in a news release the 21-year-old suspect, identified as Carlos Martin, was shot after he attempted to carjack a 24-year-old man around 5:50 a.m. near the Milwaukee MachineTool Corporation. "This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to someone," MPD Captain Andra Williams told FOX6. He said the would-be carjacker was also armed, and that as carjacking and vehicle thefts continue to rise the incident should serve as a warning. "This should be a wake-up call to everyone in the community that this is not a game. This is very serious," Williams told FOX6. A man with a concealed-carry permit shot a carjacking suspect outside a Milwaukee business on Monday. (FOX 6) Police said the would-be victim had a concealed-carry permit, and was cooperating with the investigation. MAN CARRYING CONCEALED PISTOL STOPS ATTACK ON UTAH POLICE OFFICER Many who work in the area told FOX 6 that carjackers frequently target businesses looking for vehicles to steal, and many workers of businesses nearby are concealed-carry permit holders. Alderman Cavalier Johnson, who represents the neighborhood on the city's northwest side, told FOX 6 the shooting was "completely preventable." "That young man didn't have to die today. He didn't have to lose his life, but he made a bad decision and he did," he said. Johnson said he wants parents to educate their children about the many dangers that come with crime. "This isn't a game. This isn't live-action ‘Grand Theft Auto.’ You don't respawn after you're dead," he told FOX 6.
  12. 1. Liberalism 2. People developing political stupor
  13. 1. Pharmacutical industry 2. Rampant addiction to pain killers (opioid, etc)
  14. 1. Porn industry 2. Molestors and rapists When considering America Vices the gun industry is noble in respect.
  15. Same could be said of a three-way menace in our society. 1. Brewery and distillery companies 2. Car manufacturers 3. Drunk Drivers
  16. I may once again note............ Even though they are considered a "buncha gun nuts" No NRA member has ever been involved in a mass shooting. If I had the insight I like to know what the political affiliation is on the historical mass shooters. 7 out of 10 felons in the USA attach themselved to the Democrats, have to assume most of them are the same.
  17. Thanks MN, clearly fake news turning me into a misinformed spongiform. Man, only a double barrel shotgun?! I'm reinvigorated to fight gun control. If I had to go hunt with a double barrel you can count out all three deer heads hanging on my wall. That Knucklehead Uncle Joe Biden must have done some political side work in Nigeria, sounds a lot like one of his playbook "double barrel" one-liners.
  18. What gun is popular in Nigeria? Curious? Meaning non-government issue guns. You see African tribals running around with homemade single-shot shotguns taking on Boko....gotta be something better in circulation for the general public? Half of Nigeria is under some form of sharia law. Home defense must be a topic? Visualize it must look like North and South Korea in the border country. The news you read seems to concentrate on the muslim south border line as the warring zone.
  19. That sums up the whole issue. We are stuck in a zero sum political system. You either WIN or LOSE, no compromise. 590 is sweet medicine for home defense. I always look at what I would want my wife to accidentally shoot me with. That gun is NOT!!!! the one I want her to accidentally shoot me with. She gets an LCP Crimson trace .380 (gonna hurt but maybe i can still drive to the clinic).
  20. "At least two executives said a reason that they haven’t been more outspoken yet is that they fear reprisals from the N.R.A. and other gun supporters — in the form of actions that could imperil the safety of their employees." . Oh my.....full drama queen, lol. I say let capitalism run it's course. If they are willing to lose the revenue to prove a point that's a noble demonstration of free agency in the market. Long as I have cash at my disposal life is good. Internet is making it easier to follow the money. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos buys the Washington Post to stick it to Conservatives. Trump dumps a tax tweet on Bezos and Amazon's value drops 6 Billion instantly. Amazon waits till Trump is about to give his State of the Union address (including: stock market brag) to announce a health care merger and dumps the Stock market to make Trump look stupid. I reduce my use of Amazon and start using different internet market. Perfect scenario. Jeff just lost money for messing with the politician I voted for and for messing with my 401K. Free market self-adjustment. I enjoy guns, shooting, trap, reloading, NRA member most my life, avid hunter, conceal carry member, etc. Fact is folks ARE getting assult rifle happy, too many idiots are getting their hands on one and too many guns are changing hands outside the system of background check. Let the free market voluntarily absorb the impact of it's gun sale profiteering. Could blow up in their face..........reduce diversity and create a Frankenstein in the market with more lobbyists and a fist full of gun sales money.
  21. yesssss!
  22. Group broke up Thursday afternoon, 6 people on the NW Saucer of Walker Bay and 6 people in the NE, Sucker Bay. The reel is 4". Perch is one I caught off the Sucker Bay side. Minnesota has a great fishery. Dirty M- Poutfest central is increasingly out of control and/or I'm getting too old to appreciate it. Last time I went I got pelted through the open drivers-side window with snowballs......which is funny and normal....... unless the guys throwing them are frozen, bright-red, drunk, band of marauding dudes wearing nothing but a jock strap. The sane Mud ducks hang out on the North fringe during poutfest.
  23. I’m not as gracious, I argue the point. Bible supports Capital Punishment. Old and New Testament. You can read it upside down and backwards, but it comes out the same, Civil Government does not bear the sword in vain. My old pastor use to add “and swords are not for giving spankings”.
  24. Lol...,gal at the gas station in Hill City claimed us as locals and far as I’m concerned (not speaking for Kamp) it’s nice not to get harassed about the 2017 Packers dibacle.
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