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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Reminds me of random video game protos. Folks who simply concieve ideas for originality, fun and raw vanity. Bending the rules............not really practicality, form or function.
  2. Same here, purple is the new white.
  3. I occasionally leave myself logged in at home. I tell my wife "I don't do facebook". She opens BMT and starts reading and concludes this sight is a Trucker facebook. She just doesn't get it, obviously. Of course the attached is the one she grabbed, so I immediately lost the debate.
  4. If your going to learn the ropes on American Politics I'd rather you get your information from the "people who know" (or at least think we do). Boxers learn everything they know by picking skilled sparing partners, the Romans Legions learned to fight by beating their Warrior Brothers with wooden swords and Global BMT members learn to build trucks and properly defame liberalism on this forum. Note - defamation of liberalism is strongly recommended, but not mandatory.
  5. Ahhhhh!!! If your right I'm an experimental human lab rat !!!!!!! That being said I was majorly trolling the topic, apologies from rat. I once scanned the Nigerian news to see what was in their news concerning America. All I found was an article about two Black lesbian female pastors who got married in Jersey, pretty lame. IMO...... Mack of Nigeria is either throwing a cat into the dog pen and laughing or he is a closet explorer who is morbidly interested in American politics.
  6. Yup, no Old Testament Commandments in that one bud. It's liberating not having to kill folks to get to heaven, even cross pissers.
  7. I'm not evangelizing so much as addressing lump summing of religions. There are very obvious differences and if you know them you know why the compass always points North after you shake it. Liberal artists display a pic of someone urinating on a cross, call it a masterpiece, Christian folk sit by and shake their heads. There is a reason they don't do that to a photo of Muhammad. The artists may not understand scripture, but they understand the difference between religions, guaranteed.
  8. Three people from "legitimate" religions are standing in front of you with a knife. A Jew, A Christian and a Muslim. Two adhere to the authority of the commandments, one does not. One wants to circumcise to get You to heaven.... One wants to cut your head off so He can get to heaven..... One wants to give you a cut of communion bread to reveal a path to Heaven.... Which one do you want to stand in a dark room with?
  9. Amen h67st.
  10. KS is right again about America's moral decline, now even in our food chain. What'a Bunch'a lawless bottom feeders. ~Baaaa dum tish~
  11. Been trying to get a "Trump 2020" sticker. The price is going up on them. That market-crafty-sucker managed to inflate the resale value of HIS NAME!!!!
  12. When Obama sent boiler MACT through it cost our facility about $25 million to comply. Sounds outrageous, but it is a legitimate number. We could not use natural gas turbine generators. Had to buy a mega boiler system. We keep getting shafted by the DNR too. Once they came up and said our power generation dam needed a fish ladder so the walleye could swim past. Had not been one there for 80 years. The alternative was to pay a one time fine of $75,000 dollars. Paid it. They did it to everyone on the river. AKA- Legal Extortion.
  13. Not just the stack....look at the before and after on his right fender!!!!!!!! lololololLL
  14. When I worked for the fleet it was 3,000 miles.
  15. LOLL!!! Shooting up aliens.....THAT'S A DREAM roll!! Wonder about contributing a shot scene with my hickory-stick long bow? Little suckers aren't a big center mass target, but OOOH those beady black eyes and that nice, big, juicy, head. Realizing it never went to cut.....do you still have any of the clips, on-set photos, etc?
  16. Fun playing around with the indendent film stuff? What TV commercial?? For a Company?? Got to only dabble once in a Christian movie. Pretty fun. Played the archer assassin(upper right corner). Zero lines, just assainate folks for a villan. Only qualification was they were looking for was someone who was big and had a long bow and the ability to not miss an indoor target. First shot on set the leather outfit wrapped up my string and almost sent the arrow into a prop. The only fellow there who I knew to be famous was David Ruprecht. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4665626/videoplayer/vi1441773081?ref_=tt_pv_vi_aiv_1
  17. Good Vid. Only thing I do differently is grease pump, then roll, the camshaft 180 degrees so I put fresh(er) metal on the wear side of the journal. Keeps it worn even.
  18. Only issue we have with Mobil is at a corporate level. They are too aggressive. I compare them to the Borg on Star Trek, assimilate or die. The Mobil people establish themselves with a vendor and try to convert them over to a single line of product.....mobil. If that vendor attempts diversity of products mobil pulls. We lost three vendors in two years because of mobil doing that. The last group told me mobil decided to pull the license if that vendor was not 70% mobil in total sales by said timeline. The local vendors are now castigated and we have to deal with a vendor two hours away cause we have a corporate agreement to use Mobil.
  19. Drop the oil, pull the side covers and take a look up inside to get some real-time information on who is and who is not doing what they are suppose to.
  20. IMO, Always OEM unless they are 200% over aftermarket price. Volvo filters are $1 cheaper than I can buy from NAPA. Scenario #1- You fail a Mack filter and appeal to Mack for engine warranty due to contingent engine damage. Scenario #2- You fail a NAPA filter and appeal to NAPA for engine warranty due to contingent engine damage. Scenario #3- You fail an off brand filter you bought online and appeal to China based seller for engine warranty due to contingent engine damage. These are Bad(#1), worst (#2) and fatal(#3) scenarios in order.
  21. They sort of have you by the nose ring on those crank seals. It is essentially a backwards-installed two piece seal. The flat side you see on the last pic is the inside face. Think it would be hard to install properly, and not damage, without the tool.
  22. My old co-worker qualified every floor drain as a legal bathroom. I'd say your pretty civil to install a urinal.
  23. Did they unvail a valve cover with a window to inspect rail during run???
  24. Pretty close..... said it was about $3,500. Remover looks like something a hospital would pin your head inside to immobilize a broken neck.
  25. I'm rant baiting with this picture....Give you one guess on how much you will pay to get a grossly over-built tool for removing and installing a rear main seal.
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