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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Weld’m shut. It’s a European fascination. Rivets in drill-through oil ports. When you pull the remaining 2 rivets you’ll see there’s no bore shoulder for the rivets to expand into. They rattle loose. On the Liehberr I pull the upper rails, carve the rivets out and spot weld the ports shut. Otherwise they’re a time bomb. It’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN, they come loose and fall out in service.
  2. Phoenix rose up from the ashes year(s) go. Maxidyne is all her previous “grrrl” girl monickers. However, she turned over a new leaf, she’s longer a grrrrl. She publicly denounced political arguments as fruitless because, to quote her, “everyone has already made up their minds anyway”. No more sucking the life blood out of beer drinking good’ol boys, conservatives, Republicans, sane people, etc, to satisfy her insatiable liberal appetite.
  3. Matthew 24:12- And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
  4. Y'ain't seen nothing yet. He's going to pull Biden's pants down on stage so the world can see his adult diaper installed backwards and inside out.
  5. Loss of oil pressure will make your Jakes dysfunctional at the lower RPM range. Mack had multiple updates for that engine to get brakes to work. Low oil pressure to top of engine (brakes) is often a sign of worn engine bearings. If you see a sudden drop in oil pressure it’s a bad sign.
  6. Stop arguing dude, she’s feeding on you. I promised Maxi I’d never use the bloody she-lion pic again and I’ll uphold that.
  7. Pretty well sums it up.... "Additionally, if the person is in the car, in the driver's seat, with the keys in their hand, but not in the ignition, this can be charged as a parked car DUI".
  8. Stop trying to use my steel skull plate as a signal repeater for broadcasting your liberal leaning brain manipulating lasers. Is that an example of a fear driven conspiracy theory? By law......if you’re sitting in a parking lot, drunk, car engine off, keys readily available or in ignition, you can be charged with OWI.
  9. Test me on this Maxi. Next time a cop stops you for Jay walking tell him your innocent, point out he’s escalating the situation, cat claw his face when he touches you, grab his taser and shoot it at him or his partner. Nothing bad will happen.
  10. Public Message time..... Rayshard got drunk, Rayshard got angry, Rayshard took a taser and shot it at a cop, Rayshard got dead. Don’t be a Rayshard. 🤷🏿‍♂️ 👮 🤷‍♀️
  11. I experienced that too. Got an unfair traffic ticket. Decided to play Colombo and represent myself. I went to court against the police officer and he told the Judge I acted “cordially toward him”. I won, ticket dropped. I think it’s a courtroom prerequisite for you potentially getting leniency if the officer confirms you were cooperative and treated them respectfully.
  12. Burnt MY 👀 EYES!!!
  13. Especially low since the city’s burning and the police can’t arrest anyone because they’re pending liquidation or afraid of liability. Consider what the rate of incarceration would be if the lawlessness of the last thirty days was properly & throughly prosecuted. Cooked book 🥣 soup. May even see a flight path East/West/South as your productive, law abiding, citizens leaving and a renaming of the twins to “New Detroit”. 🎅🏿- Ho Ho Ho, let’em all go!!!! 🤷🏿‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️🏃🏿🏃‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏽🏃💨💨💨
  14. Agree, I’d rather they not have funded the Vietnam war with social security dollars. Disagree. The workplace is more parts dictatorship than democracy. Raising my children to conform/respect/comply to societies laws prepares them to work in the dictatorship. Raising them to buck the system, disrespect authority and view selfish ambition as a high ground over collective conformity won’t help them succeed.
  15. The.....whaaaa? Commit rape without actually, ya know, “throwing the coals”, or “grabbing the goods”? Liberal situational ethics in overdrive. It doesn’t matter if it’s true, you make your own story that fits your situation and bend it to fit. They were sitting around the campfire stirring each other and stroking each others victim switch. Honing it. Thumbing and flicking it. Once the sist’a energy level peaked it needed an outlet. Enter stage left......unexpecting white family. Now it’s next level time... the competition to posture. If you’d have walked up and finger flicked baby girl #1 in the forehead she’d have screamed, fallen to the ground, shook, rolled and moaned while baby girl #2 recorded it on her phone crying “OMG, OMG, OMG!!!”.
  16. We wouldn’t trade that AI 460 in for an E-Tech. My buddy hauls 110K all day moving equipment and loves it. I do wince a little when I see a 12 liter pounding that much horsepower/torque & payload.
  17. The liberal is renown for blurring the lines of ethics by making ethics situational. The person stealing diapers is a thief. The person stealing the TV is a thief. The person stealing a Bible is a thief. We have a welfare system that delivers your diapers, if you ran out likely because you sold them for crack. Concerning the cost of justice, that’s another Liberal situational ethics lesson. They argue capital punishment is too expensive.... what price do we put on Justice? The Liberal argues mistakes will lead to (innocent?) murders being wrongly executed......when in history have we had a camera on every corner and DNA evidence to commit with a microscopic margin of error? The reason the modern liberal doesn’t want to see firmness in prosecution is because they have a spinning moral compass that doesn’t allow a personal commitment to saying “I’ll never do that to someone” “I’d never steal that” “I’d never lie about that” “I’d never do that”. Situational ethics requires the liberal thinker to keep all options open, at all times, for any situation. The thought of prosecution and policing bother them because they’ve create their own systems of laws which suits their anarchist tendency. It’s whats wrong with these people.....and most liberals.
  18. I went to office max with a flash drive and made some great 2’ X 3’ posters for my buddy’s shop, about $24 each. Don’t buy the cheap frames they distort quickly.
  19. Mack had issues with that vintage of tier 3 engine. If you have all your vital signs then you need to take it step further to get it to perform. It's very fixable.... click on link.
  20. Doesn't do much good now (-2013), but I have the high resolution files of these posters if anyone needs it. Got it from the guy from Minnesota who made them. Too big to post anywhere on here unless Barry wanted to make them accessible for posterity.
  21. Wow, she’s sharp. Ive seen her, but never listened to her give a commentary. Particularly pointing out that no other modern cultures do what the black movement has done in terms of culturally reverse engineering themselves. The Afro-Americans went from upholding hero’s of the slave era the hero’s of the faith, to hero’s of the civil rights movement. Now look at them? The only hero of modern movement they have to glorify is an ex-con druggy.....and there’s no mistaking they gave him hero status in their minds and heart. Same with the last half dozen bozo types, Trayvon, Michael Brown, etc.
  22. Got a good look on how the crooked left operates via the foothold in our state. After Emperor Evers failed in his unconstitutional attempt to suppress the citizens of Wisconsin he made a call to the Republicans who thwarted his attempt. He had his staff record the staged conversations with staged “gotcha” questions asked by Evers and entered them into a public record. They slipped to the Milwaukee Journal that the recording existed. Legally, per open records, the Journal came to acquire the recordings. We’ve had the swamp drain now corked by Evers and it’s beginning to fill and stagnate again. To show his new found sexual prowess he’s flying an LBGT flag over the capitol for a month.
  23. You ever ask yourself "Why do nearly all the intelligent thinkers of our culture appear in black and white photos?". Objective thinking is has become ancient and outdated.
  24. 🎼 “Because I owe my soul to the company store 🎶 “. My company has the benefits system rigged so my IRA can’t be managed concerning any company stocks. So I pay a broker fee to keep my funds properly managed....however, they can’t manage my company stocks. The stock can never be sold or traded unless I go in and do it manually. Naturally they manipulate any manipulative.
  25. No. Been watching. Call me a jerk, but I did an obituary “wellness check” today.....hey 🤷🏿‍♂️ it’s the age of internet, gotta make sure. He is alive. If the great one ever died I want to know so I can pour a Moxie into the earth. My only guess is they caught him making his famous township board long pork and he’s in jail. He’s been getting hammered on by those fools.
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