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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. How many (Volvo/Mack) cups will you put in a 500+ HP engine before you hit one million? Anyone keep an average? Current production engine, no brass.
  2. From talking to the other guys and teacher....... the only cure for injector cups is lower horse for lower cylinder pressure. I was the only one who has never needed a cup and also the only one running 13 liter at 333 horses.
  3. Volvo engine is also coming with a two speed water pump option. It will have a one-to-one lock up speed and a coasting speed in which it uses lodestone magnets to create a torque converter sorta slip. The expectation is it will be in lock 98% of the time. I think you will automatically get this pump if you have the turbo compounder.
  4. Maxidyne... I don't think there are many arguments against electronic diesel over mechanical ..... as with fuel injection vs carb. More an question of how nice it would be to have one harness to the injection system and not an hell-born octopus wrapping it's tenticals into every corner of the machine. Not having to feed the exhaust an expensive def fluid that is freezable and eats metal components for lunch when it leaks. Not having to inject fuel into the muffler with no power return or even a cool flame out the tip. Not having 15 control modules instead of 2. Being able to communicate on the J1939 with a handheld scanner. Being able to actually see the engine block instead of what looks like a car crash victim with life support tubes hangin out of every hole. can keep going, but I filled my rant quota.
  5. I'm not bias, but we had a wear show-down in early 2000's and mobil oil beat Rotella. We had to roll bearings to a tighter clearance p2 bearing (recall) on many trucks. Mobil users had less orange-peel displacement in bearings. Again, that was almost 20 years ago.......so...?
  6. At our Mack dealership we used Mobil Delvac 1300 15W-40. It was branded "Bulldog". Also kept Rotella on tap for folks who wanted an alternative,,,,, nineteen out of twenty left with Mobil though.
  7. Another healthy Rant . Full doseage of vitamin "R" going out to the EPA this thread. Went to the VFW for A night out. The one a few blocks East of Larkin (hwy 7). Nice place, $1 for a pint glass of beer.
  8. Some bad news. Found out Dean Luttrell died, Dec 8 2014........58yrs. Rough departure. The five times I trained under him He was a great instructor and pleasant fellow. RIP. "My dearest brother ~ I can't begin to tell you how very much you are missed. My heart is broken and not a moment goes bye without a thought of you.. You leaving us is devastating, I just wish you could have seen how much you were looked up too for so many things.. Your my big brother and I cant get over losing you. I am waiting for a phone call on my way home from work everyday, so we could have one of our chats .. I hear the little silly things you would say over and over in my head.. Your jokes and humor that sometimes only you and I got. I miss you dearly and which I could go back in time and change things... I miss you, and know that you no longer struggle and are released from whatever pain you were dealing with.. Please watch over all of us, and help give us the strength to continue to deal with losing you XOXO Always ~ Sis" Debbie Klimczak - December 18, 2014 at 12:00 PM
  9. This is what you will see when you pop the top and remove the rockers. They have three cylinder, like the one centered, which only receive high pressure delivery. The other three have what look like traditional EUP style injectors. Frank sent us right in and said strip in down to all pistons removed and one liner removed, you have two hours. First reaction is "WHAT"! Why are there three unit pump injectors!! On the three spring loaded units....... The top section is a cam driven pump section that feeds the rail for all injectors. The three pumpers each have a double bump cam lobe driving them. So you have six pump actions per single cam revolution.......so now you have enough flow for everyone with only three pumps, but stroking twice. Rail can hit 34,000 PSI. The center section of the pumper injector is the metering section. The lower section of the pumper injector is the delivery section. The shorty, none pumping injector, is just a delivery section. No three layers. Fun part is you can apparently dump a pump section on a big injector and keep going till you lose a second pumper. You can not run on less than two pumps. Has redundancy so you can also lose portions of the rail pressure control and logic will keep it running. Rail has a minimum pressure to start. going to say 5K psi, going on memory. Will be a 5 second cycle to start unless you shut it down and restart before the rail pressure trickles off. Said the rail pressure takes 5 minutes to trickle off completely. The pumper injector is AC flow. It moves fluid out of it's line and then allows fluid to move back toward the injector so the low section can deliver. In theory a pump injector never consumes its own pressure/flow. It never swallows an injection while it is pump stroking. So two positive displacements and one staggered consumption of a different pumps output. Pretty simple, smart answer to making a big jump in the fuel system. IMO,,,,, Special emphasis on setting up the fuel rail so it is well aligned and not internally stressed, causing cracks. Also caution on starting all hig pressure rail fuel lines to snug and then backing off a fuzz before torquing injector down. You want the line to be perfectly aligned and injector perfectly postioned so line does not have internal stress when final torqued. Cam is missing every other injector pump load.
  10. I didn't see Delphi on anything.
  11. Good rant man. I can only imagine the engine would be perfected by now without emissions. It would be sort of like the modern airplane that has become very reliable, has to remain reliable, and become increasingly reliable, despite emmissions. We would regard engines like our television and cell phone, just a wall flower item that we use and not worry about repairing.
  12. I assume too much. High temp center and bigger manifold + 5" exhaust system part numbers listed..........
  13. Your getting the highest horse of any listed AI. I would have automatically assumed you have all upgrades?
  14. Not a bit of sarcasm. I could not figure it out when I first looked at it. After looking at the operation it is crazy smart.
  15. They have created an ingenious fuel system on this engine. I'm going to cut my posts out of the start of the thread so I can add the pictures of the fuel system. No blowing smoke, it is jaw dropping clever. Seen a bunch of conversions to high rail, but this tops them all.
  16. Donner pass....whew! It'd be pretty (historically) ironic if Elon breaks down and has to BBQ his poodle to survive.
  17. Per group discussions.... Predictions are no practicality for long haul. Battery power behind heavy loading is mixed. Long grades create unmanageable heat. Locomotives are pulling diesel over electric drivetrain, but also never seeing more than a %5 grade...so heat generation in drive system never hits terminal overheat. Alternative power is trending toward sprint vans. Looking at practicality of smaller transports that may haul less on shorter runs, but can be fit with a lower skill set, uber-style, driver that does not have the paid qualifications of CDL driver. Tesla has a 800 mile charge (Though KS is only seeing 500 in his articles...not sure what truck these guys are talking about going 800?).
  18. If this is accurate......tisk..tisk...tisk Volvo. Volvo/ Mack will be shutting out (not shutting down) Emedia. Everyone will have access to the old information. They will put the info cut-line at post 2016. They will only be including information they have to legally present in open books, namely certain emissions system information. I'm going to save my rant, I did it on last weeks post, all ranted out on intellectual property warfare. Ok, one more rant..... There are two business models running parallel in our country. The European business model and OURS. The European model is about to come to complete fruition right before your eyes. Get ready to be injected with ignorance unless you are a dealership. No angst against BMT dealership mechanics, you guys are the new Robin Hoods of Mack Trucks.
  19. - Volvo will continue to ship engine components to USA for machining into service at Hagerstown. Cannot do casting of engine parts stateside due to EPA. - They will keep the 7th injector instead of injecting on exhaust stroke like Cummins is going to. - Buy all the warranty you can get. A major failure of turbo can down your emission/exhaust system (any engine OEM). Think $25K max damage. - Turbo compounder is back feeding 50 horse into engine through two additional gears in the rear timing gear train. - New head is going to be reverse compatible to old engine despite harness differences. - Cam is hollow, but can take it. Less unit pump injector action (due to high rail) has taken the stress out of cam action which means less stress, vibration and no harmonic balancer. -New cam design means that, for the first time, they have an exact hardness match on lobe and follower. No sacrificial metal on one or the other as in past. - really nice video mechanic website for DIY mechanics..... www.volvotrainingsupport.com - Frank Russian has a system for setting dowels/ plate/ timing lash accurately in 4-5 minutes for someone doing it for the first time.
  20. Day two stuff......I pressed the subject a bit and asked the instructor to back up. Volvo/Mack has hit 95% emissions efficiency. Engineering believes it will be unable to satisfy another tier. They are to the point in engine building where this line has become a race engine that is virtually unable to be improved or manipulated for improvement. Engine is going to be a "Standard" condition engine. You will not be machining this engine. No bore cuts, no plane cuts, no align boring. They hit terminal on the emissions and hit terminal on certain lathe serviceability too.
  21. Too late, the toll way shook me down for my wallet before I even got here.
  22. The fuel rail design raised a few heckles. Whole rail system is mounted under the valve cover. Makes for a nice clean engine, but a bit of a plumbing cluster under the cover. Other issue is any leaking goes right to sump. Advantage is no element exposure. Lines get replaced after every removal. The instructor was debating diagnostics on the internal rail system. He didn't deny upfront the potential of top deck leakage (or that it is being experienced in machines in the field). He mentioned a tooled cover built with an inspection window that allows you to see a leak and not be exposed to high pressure streaming.
  23. I asked the instructor about trueing the cam and he said once the lobes are on the shaft it has no follow up machining.
  24. CNG and battery power is entering stage right. Who really wants a truck that makes no sound.........O'school truckers will be suffering from sensory deprivation and fall asleep at the wheel out of boredom with the new machine .
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