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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Weight and savings. Unbelievable LIGHT! I have a pic my co worker took of me arm curling it with one arm at chest height (some grunting involved). If anyone told me they would build a 13 liter cam this old man could arm curl I'd have called them nuts. Unfortunately I cannot add more pics, there must be a cap on how many pics you can put on a post? They added a 120 pound compounder down stream of the turbo output. We won't see it on the off road machines. They cut and trimmed to keep the engine weight from increasing (multiplier). Once again emissions robs the gains of engineering. The instructor says this engine is likely the last step of diesel power we will see.
  2. Impressed by the hollow camshaft. The lobes are floating in designated clocking and a driveshaft is pushed through. The center tube is then swedged to expand and lock the lobes onto the hollow shaft.
  3. Mack side of engine training room, MP7.
  4. Volvo side of engine training room..... 13 liter.
  5. big sign says Volvo, interior decorator obviously was leaning Mack.....
  6. Gettting an education in the Land of Lincoln. New Volvo/Mack engine line. Some pretty neat stuff, hope it holds together as planned. .
  7. I too would wonder if they are updating properly. Was it done in a Mack Dealership?
  8. A good spirited bantering knows no race, nation or creed.
  9. Thing is a Gem! Nice find.
  10. Our light equip group has two T800 dumps with cummins and automatic transmission. No issues except one (engine OEM related) intermittently lost a driver for an injector. Took a lot of screwing around to finally condemn the ECM. Those extended bump-back cabs are really nice.
  11. May be good to have the heads crack-checked too (during R&R). Can't always pick up everything with a naked eye. Retest for exhaust gas if continues.
  12. Don't believe it can be done.....but I rarely say never on this sight. When they are working properly (and not busting the studs because they weigh too much) they do a great job to eliminate boost lag, give good pedal, etc. Most folks attack the AC emissions from a different angle.
  13. What was the original failure? Pre-head replacement.
  14. Great! You must have got the "hot sauce" cleaned off, lol. Let me know if your housing is a match. I'll keep her in the garage till you say go.
  15. IMO Uma throws an unspoken clue on why everyone became "raped" in October/November 2017. Note she is working up a frothy dramatic tension that has been going on for days. Hints. Smack talking Harvey "kill Bill" style. She has "something big" to reveal. She is on everyone's radar. Public eye = future $$ saleability.
  16. Trying to figure out what the shooting picture is all about.....she is wearing the same shirt, both pics...........so if that means she was pouring hot lead (first pic) into some Somolian pirates off the side of that cargo ship (second pic) you probobly should not have broken it off! Especially if she can still hit'em after downing a six pack of Baltika. (no offense to Macks in Nigeria)
  17. That Video Series is great!! Just watched part of the STRANGER DANGER series. I'd show these to my kids in due time.
  18. I'm ready for it to be over. When everybody screams rape at a news camera inside the window of 30 days it goes from a subject of strong condemnation to a collective national farce. I liken it to my female friends in college telling me that when they dorm together their menstrual cycles align. It appears social media has created the same aligning effect on rape allegations. There hasn't been a veil of silence over rape for the last 50 years. It's like open mic night now.
  19. Dumb as a fox! This is my run-up confessional. Scott Walker can't hold the line forever.
  20. Clearly this is a time in American Pop Culture for complete transparency. I want to publically expose a childhood indiscretion that happened when I was 5 years old. I kissed my next door neighbor's daughter, Robin Hasle. She did say her parents did it often and insisted we would not be friends if I refused her request. My sincere apologies to her and her family for my lack of good judgement. The use of sugary food in my diet was at the breaking point during this period. I have since entered rehabilitation and completely removed lollypops from my diet.
  21. At least the through-shaft will be a little cheaper to fix? Be nice to see you on top of 200 series Mack diffs.
  22. They had to add a second small turbo with the Interim Tier 4. The bearing cartridge was too small and failed. Blew oil into the intake at a high rate of feed. Exploded cylinders and sheared crown of sleeves off dropping them into the pan. It had been a 30K-40K hour engine life in tier 3 level. Intake heater grid........
  23. Funny you should mention....I got nailed on just that recently! Volvo changed the brake accumulators on the machine mid stream. To make the old production impossible to use they changed the thread pitch. You get them half on and they begin to get too tight to turn. My opinion was "plain dirty", cause they did not change the customer parts info.
  24. Sovereignty is a challenge for conjoined twins, also glad to have oceans on both sides.
  25. Are you a dealership? It sounded like a tight process that is relative to sales/dealership licensing and OEM plug/play access? The European issue has layers for me, one issue is simple translation. The Germans are the least concerned about making service information "Clean". Volvo is very clean, but tight fisted. An example is wiring diagrams. Last month I was working on an HVAC module via the wiring diagrams. The module had every point-of-origin line out of the HVAC module labeled in German. At the end of every line the receiving component was labeled in English. I looked at the color codes of the wires and they are code in colors "ps" "bt" and so on. I went to the legend and looked at the definitions and PS = Yellow. German color abbreviation over English key. Keep in mind.....this is digital info throughout. The only person who should have a listening ear to the complaint is our dealership so I gave them a call. He pointed me to a website for translating German to English and said "this is the one we use". Next layer is diagnostics. That stack of John Deere manuals is all flow chart diagnostics. Not a single repair flow chart in any European manual I possess. Best you can hope for is decent theory of operation and often you will not get that. When the dealership mechanic came and opened his Scully program I got to see how badly they scalped us on the software. They deleted every calibration and most service tools all the way down to not being able to force regeneration. On the flip side the only thing missing on my domestic CAT Electronic Tech is anything that requires a dealership code. If you run the CAT to 140% congestion it will lock up and need a dealer code to unlock. Dummy proofing. Europeans will not perform product improvements at no cost. Domestic come in with a list of campaigns and fix what is failing. The European companies insert a notation in the parts system. When you tap into the parts system they prompt you to upgrade at the customers expense.
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