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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. No politics here. No money changing hands. Straight talk, I love it.
  2. Was driving home from work this summer and saw this truck rolling up way behind me. I was almost to my exit and thought "I have to see that thing". Let off the gas till it caught up to pass then I sped up for a look at the right side. Guy gave me the eye like I was messing with him so I flashed a thumbs up, he nodded his head like "oh yeah" and leaned into it. This weekend I was driving south and saw it in a truck yard.
  3. Obama's administration brought us to the edge of living out the Book of Judges. Anarchy, civil unrest, division." all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes". He drove us so far into the left ditch that the truck flew back onto the road and is trying to correct a hard right.
  4. These historical revisionists are shameless, but by filling the drum with water they are driving the rats to the top of the barrel. I keep rereading CS Lewis's book Mere Christianity and this is His scope through which I view history.......... Folks think they have achieved a new higher level of thinking, but they haven't. Chapter 2... "For example, one man said to me, "three hundred years ago people in England were putting witches to death. Was that what you call the Rule of Human Nature or Right Conduct?", But Surely the reason we do not execute witches is that we do not believe there are such things. If we did......if we really thought there were people going about who had sold themselves to the Devil and received supernatural powers from him in return and were using these powers to kill there neighbors or drive them mad or bring bad weather, surely we would all agree that if anyone deserved the death penalty, then these filthy quislings did. There is no difference of moral principle here: the difference is simply about matter of fact. It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there. You would not call a man humane for ceasing to set mousetraps if he did so because he believed there were no mice in the house."
  5. Ironically, Bill Cosby was the only other talking head I've heard, in recent history, having a frank, objective, conversation about the State of the Black Man in America.
  6. Only comment is pin sticking wires. Don't do it (or I should say "don't have done it"). Get a break-in to enter the closest harness pin from the weather seal side. Got mine from CAT. Your in salt country. A year from now you will have a little green dinner mint show up right in the middle of your harness where the copper once was. If your pump actuator is going why is your comm dropping out to create the codes?
  7. Which diff? Power divider lock out?
  8. If you want to improve runnability get the last update file. If not happy get the file+injectors. If your still not happy.....a tuner you can manipulate.
  9. Mackpro can tell you your level if you list your vin on this posting. He is plugged in to central. Have you upgraded the injectors yet?
  10. The custom exhaust is suppose to be here next week.
  11. Pull up a chair friend........
  12. I worked for a fleet as a mechanic and driver for four years. My experience from paralleling the lifestyle was to never touch the idea of driving a truck with a sleeper. The divorce rate for haul drivers at our fleet was 100%. Most drivers had a common personality trait.... Vets and/or people who dislike being told what to do or how to do it. Force those people to wear a tracking device, govern their truck, regulated their hours in real time, cap their income potential....turn that around you'll get good drivers. Those guy sacrifice a lot to be in a cab, shouldn't cost them their dignity.
  13. Best not to worry about single occasions..........So you hit a large red mud puddle on the iron ore pit haul and soaked the two uninsulated EUP terminals and engine heat dried it out? Not unthinkable?
  14. Glad she takes time out of her busy coaching career to talk Mack.
  15. She seems pretty atypical for this sight. I think I have seen her before though? Otherdog?
  16. Thing of the inventory luxury tax they could come up with? You'd end up floating the toy hanger on a barge in international waters.
  17. I'm seeing a pattern on this site. Lot of middle to late age males with a Helluva lotta toys!!! Fine toy boxes mostly.
  18. When your in the parts x-over click on the little icon of the book (manual) that appears during part search. They have some really nice breakdowns that are easy to interpret, even for disassembly layering.
  19. www.skarlupkaservice.com PAI distributors are notorious for thin (or no) stock of parts. PAI is usually a pet project for a bigger sales agenda. Generally they take the order and drop ship direct to you and up-charge any returns for restock. I thought PAI was rinky-dink enough and tried to become a distributor so I could buy parts direct for my moonlighting projects. Shot down! ExpL- Called and confirmed your part, as popular as it is, is not in stock at this dealer.
  20. Good sign, likely not mechanical fail (spring, follower, cam)
  21. According to my dist an owner/holder of PAI has legal right to the patents and intellectual property of Mack. On certain stuff they buy Mack and re-label. I note about 20-30% lower price as an average. Some dash switches are 50+% less than Mack counter price. No complaints for quality. In fact I know a certain *Cough-* dealership -*ahem* who buys PAI cam replacement kits because Mack no longer does certain kits.
  22. The PAI conversion for 313GC5227MX is EM87630.
  23. https://www.paiindustries.com/catalog/figurelistPartSearch.php . You enter your Mack number and it will convert it.
  24. Broken EUP springs also an issue and can scribe wall of EUP bore. Good Luck!
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