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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Would cost too much, camshaft/tubes/pump/covers/liability/etc. Follow Mpro's SB-recipe and you have a "good enough" brake without redesign. We used to drop the pan, leave it as a catch pan and hook the shop motor oil fill system into the engine oil gallery. I would lay under while one person would pressurize the engine. We would note the amount of oil loss from the cam bearings. If the bearings looked tight we would start small on PI updates.
  2. They started July 2, 2000. 2005=powerleash
  3. Most issue was getting enough oil to the top of engine to feed engine brakes. While your looking at trucks you will see units with external oil lines feeding the valve cover base housing, that tells the story. They tried... 1. high volume oil pumps 2. tighter main bearings 3. external oil lines 4. upgraded rebuild kits that let Jake run on less volume IMO the final Mack Powerleash was the only good (gray engine) performer they made. powerleash.pdf
  4. We had a pow wow on how bad the early engines were.......our "crack-pipe" plan for the engine was to have the Jake relay also power a solenoid valve that applied 10 PSI of regulated air to the brake system and had a loud audio recorder in the cab that went POP POP POP POP POP POP POP .
  5. Rockies are full of organic government beef. Lucky, lucky man HG.
  6. Evening Nigeria...... Google Mack e media and search SB215026
  7. Kamp Dogg you cheddar-head If Luck is a Lady then Karma is her nasty, hag, sister... R.I.P. Aaron
  8. WOW!! ....Build a dedicated thread on BMT for the BETTERMENT OF MACKIND!!! While your brain is fresh from the fight.
  9. High five on a good find. We bought our (pretty clean) 1998 for $17,500 with, I think, around 800K miles.
  10. I started a Lutheran Pioneers group at our church. We do all the things "progressives" generally hate...... Boys become men, Girls become women, pray, bible study, Speak of God openly, learn gender specific skill sets, explore patriotism, etc. Scouts have a noble history and would still if they stayed out of California. Follow the cases and all trouble started in Cally and Jersy. There are a bunch of alternatives to Scouts that will permit you to legally use your good sense. I had my eye on Trail Life USA too, they have a great set up.
  11. Liberals generally protect themselves from criticism by making it perfectly clear, upfront, that their moral compass has been smashed with a hammer. Example- "I was born a boy and now I'm a girl who dates boys and has a polygamous relationship with my pets, all because the 1% is too successful (liberals cheering)". Keeping that in mind....a man molesting a woman becomes refreshingly normal, even boring, for them.
  12. Starting to look like you are a prophet on this.....
  13. Is it strange to want to kiss an engine?
  14. If I were in your shoes I'd take it down to the dealer (or inj pump shop) and let the oldest, ancient knowledge, guy in the shop give me a guaranteed proper timing set. Ive done it a bunch of times and would still take mine in. Can't substitute proper flow-time tooling. Can't take chances on engine damage.
  15. I would not gamble on a guess. Take a measure, sure they have a fit.
  16. R.I.P.(pieces)
  17. Critically......Guy at work has one on his pick-up. I figured He ran out of stuff to buy. As long as your fuel pressure never falls under spec your golden and horses are well fed. If you pop your cap on the Mack you can see aeration occurring as fuel sky drops into main column. If you run low fuel level in tank you might pull fine air bubbles. i, personally, would spend the money on converting drivetrain to synthetic, good tune up, taking baby girl to Applebee's, etc.
  18. Someone has to pay 💰 for the green movements fantasy ..... unfortunitely. If you want to beat the system bad enough you will. Still a lot of good tier 3 and older out there.
  19. Makes you wonder who the errie little person hiding behind the exhaust manifold is? Engine Nome?
  20. Ironically, I had a goat bum rush my compact from the side, middle of the day, wide open run toward my left. I saw him, he saw me, he jump so high I drove under the rear half of his body as we crossed. Thought to myself " glad I didn't have the F150, it would have been in my passenger Seat.".
  21. Vacation spoiling Road 🐐Goats . Hate'm!
  22. If traveling... WD-40 common wrenches/crescent/reg. vice grip/needle nose v. grip for air lines that are going to blow multimeter test light bag of misc electrical connectors (butt/splice/eye/etc) crimper stripper plyers one 12ga jumper wire...10 feet long w/alligator ends roll of 16ga wire two gallon distilled water for batteries(coolant mixing) and jumper cables download diagram of truck wiring hammer and pry bar to break shoes free from drum Piggyback kit 5/16" ratchet for hose clamps 2 gallons SCR coolant conc LED headlamp magnetic tape of C. W. McCall greatest hits
  23. You never disappoint!!! So if you got a vin number from a truck with 460XT, and your dealer used that vin number when entering your truck into his Dealership's customer base (service writing, etc) + access Mack database, and you had a work order written for "EECM failure to communicate, Replace & program EECM to original"...............you could have the program! Doesn't seem immoral if the vin-donor truck was salvage in some junk yard. ` Could be the Pepsi talking........but I recollect the valve cover ID tag of the engines reading "E7-460XT"?
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