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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Manders Diesel. I've gone through the yard picking. They have 10 acres of Macks and constantly turn-over. They snatch up most of the Macks that hit our auction houses in the tri state. You always need to test or examine when you get the part in your hand. They always, in our experience, take it back if your disappointed.
  2. Clicked on that for curiosity. It leaves you wondering how twisted as the CIA was (is)?Bunch of madmen w/reckless abandon. Torturing each other till they committed suicide?
  3. Dual draw dual return are a pain. Replace or disable the 3 way fuel union. Draw and return fuel from only one tank. Run a 3/8" or bigger low level crossover line (equalizing) between the two tanks, typically supported by a steel member bolted between tanks. Install emergency shut-offs at both low level fittings in case road debris rips it off. Good luck!
  4. If you chase the compressor head you may want to pull it off, have it crack checked (magnafluxed, etc) at your local motor service shop and install with a new gasket. Great time to install an unloader reseal kit in head also.
  5. Something is shaking loose, your going into shutdown. Low coolant, high coolant temp, low oil pressure, etc. Could be a real time issue, could be sensor (or support system) failure. Do you know how to blink code manually or have plug and play equip?
  6. Looks like the apple only bounced once when it fell off the tree....... Paddock's father, Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, was a bank robber who was placed on the FBI's most-wanted list in 1969 after he escaped from federal prison; he was taken off the list in 1977.[50][51] The FBI wanted poster cited the perpetrator's father as being "diagnosed as psychopathic" and having "reportedly suicidal tendencies".[39] According to Paddock's brother, they never met his father and rejected the idea that the shooting was a way to emulate his father's criminal tendencies.[49] The pic on the right looks like he would be a lot of fun at parties w/his nutty beard cleft.
  7. I think Mackpro lays it (injector matching) out on page three of the thread.
  8. I was taught to think of engines like batteries..... power low, burns slow. I watch Mackpro's threads about MP series cup and injector, waiting for my day to come, but yet our Volvo D13 has been running 24/7 for 2 years straight and no such issues. Same engine platform as MP8. Only difference is ours is derated (334 horsepower/1,000 Ftlbs of torque) instead of pumping 505HP and 1,860 Ftlbs torque.
  9. ...........but think of all the awesome youtube videos they make .
  10. I'm just playing Devils advocate.... But.....That stuff does happen if you beat a 460XT. My truck is sinking in the mud....Do I A. let the dozer push me out B. Hammer it to the floor. If you answered "A" do the upgrade If you answered "B" go work for someone who owns a 460XT
  11. "Mike McGarry, a 53-year-old financial adviser from Philadelphia, said he threw himself on top of his children as shots rang out. “They’re 20. I’m 53. I lived a good life,” McGarry told Reuters. The back of his shirt had foot marks from people who stepped over him in the crush to flee." Hate when it happens, but some great hero always rises out of the bloody, senseless, mess. See the absolute worst and best. That being said I'd like to get back to the days when I was a kid. Desperate, suicidal people use to drive to a park in the middle of the night, stick a gun on their temple and pull the trigger. Everyone would mourn and wonder how we missed the signs. In the age of the raging narcissist the SOB's try to kill everyone first. Filthy devils are getting more clever.
  12. If I where the guy jerking you around it would sound something like this. "if you want your block to last another decade keep what you have. Here's what you have to look forward to pushing a 12 liter to 14 liter HP range...... -cracked heads -higher pyro -less MPG -coolant in your oil because of wormholes under your sleeve shoulder - shimming sleeves to max protrusion to help head bounce - sustain overload pits on your top mated gears of diffs Then, once warned, I would just do it cause ultimately the customer is always right and I want you to come back to me for the listed repairs.
  13. Guy from Africa once told me a saying....,,,"When the topic of conversation shifts to dry bones old women become nervous".
  14. I knew you'd come for me if I wrote that, Wink! You gave a good, fair rebuke, but I disagree with watering down (or ignoring) ethnic differences. I enjoy it and have no desire to overthrow and rule the black population of Milwaukee for example. Have enough management challenges with my kids. If I was going to overrule though, I'd likely use Snoop Dog as a cabinet member to throw-off da haters. Notable google search "20 worst dictators of Africa". Hate is a universal condition in the sinful heart of man.
  15. Dredge through all the political incorrectness of that statement and you have an unfortunite truth. It's not universally true, but is a pattern. You don't see engineering patents rolling out of Africa as you do Asia, America and Central Europe. What you do see is the Boston Marathon start with all those people groups and end with a common looking fellow from Ethiopia running over the finish line first. Natural talent for athleticism and music. Blacks dominate a handful of millionaire sports and music venues.....see if they end up driving em into a tree? NFL would be the first, so not a pattern yet. Our OBGYN doc is a black gal from Texas. She was listening to our babies heartbeat rhythm and broke into dance. Pretty sure they "master-raced" dance too. Girls got moves.
  16. Those engines were such a good stock, reliable, money making motor. Be careful with it.....,with normal product improvement updates, you have one of the best stock engines Mack made. Good luck!!!🍀
  17. You can injector swap with no other additions or EECU flash. K&S says 30 hp.
  18. Your truck will try to store enough air for the chamber release, but barely. Note, at day start-up, or after storage and leak down, your air bags (and cab bags) come up when the truck reaches 60-70PSI. The truck will try to maintain vital air supply since suspension is non-essential. Chambers can still drag. Gotta find that dirty sucker who stuck his finger through the bag!!!!!
  19. Thanks for your service 41.
  20. Looks like the average drop in sale of tickets is 18% from last year.
  21. Keep a trained eye on the dash gauge, don't let it hover below 70-80 PSI without doing an audit on the truck to fix parasitic air leaks. If you can hear/identify/locate the leak it is a good argument to fix it ASA-Available. Good luck!
  22. 1. This IS the political section of the site. 2. Your quoting the Jester (rock) .....so totally confirming and justifying my comment. 3. This didn't start with Trump. 4. We are staying on topic to original post 5. IS THAT YOU TEAMSTERRRGRL!!! XO. NEW IDENTITY?!!!✌🏼
  23. Painful to watch, but I still would like to see the coverage from that cameraman standing on the secondary wall. Guy was playing roulette.
  24. It is a strange relationship America has with Hollywood. In the medieval times the Kings ruled from a throne and were entertained by the court Jester(AKA Fool). In modern times the Jester (AKA-Hollywood) kicks the King out of the throne and people listen intently to everything the fool says because He is more entertaining than the King.
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