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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. All good reasons to change your channel. It leaves you wondering why they can practice their 1st amendment freedoms on the field, but an off duty officer couldn't legally carry his firearm into a stadium? Why can't a civilian legally carry during a stadium visit since it is a second amendment right and they have a purchased the permit with background check? Think it through and it starts to reek of some constitutional cherry pick'in. I'm spending Sunday watching the leaves change colors, enjoy.
  2. My hippocratic oath makes it illegal for me to do surgery on a good heart.
  3. Agree. It's happening in 2017, even to the non-Trump style people. Look at the Moore Vs. Strange primary in Alabama on Tuesday. Trump was stumping for Strange and Moore ("non-Trump style person") ended up winning. First thing Moore did was get up and endorse support for Trump. He didn't have to (~maybe~ except because Trump washed over Alabama 9-0 in prez election). Populism sounds like a swear word till you realize Trump is just saying what your thinking (NFL, Hillary, Kim Un, liberal bias media, etc, etc, etc).
  4. You guys are being really hard on these players. They have no safe places when they are out on that field. Seriously though.... proud to say I don't watch NFL. I quietly cope with fantasy league co workers. Guess I don't "get it", but Seems Fun for them?
  5. Waste oil and a pump weed sprayer....?
  6. List your solution when you find it. Helps the base.
  7. Had similar issue on DMM. Plugged radiator cores. So bad couldn't rod it out, had to install a new core. Water traveled through, but only on 25% of cores. Actual internal plug was exact shape of fan footprint.
  8. Seems like gallon per ton mile will baffle the average Joe. We will need snow displacement per gallon for plow truck enthusiasts. Carbon pound displacement per mile for the kids who immediately install coal rolling tuners and adjust mpg. My ice shack is intentionally ultra light(900 @ axle) to keep me off the lake bottom. I get 9 mpg pulling it because it is like a drag car parachute. If I put the shack in a car crusher, cube it and drop it in my truck bed I'm getting 15-17 mpg. Not a simple equation for work trucks.
  9. 1. Always list your truck year, make and model. 2. Never date girls who hate their mom.
  10. Should ask to see the hammer, stick a grease fitting on his forehead with a piece of tape and hit it. "There, see, my truck didn't like it either".
  11. AI is a trainable Dog 🐶 emissions system. AC is a high maintainence woman emissions system.
  12. https://www.truckpaper.com/listings/trucks/for-sale/7912655/2003-mack-granite-cv713 This is the truck I would buy to do your job. I recognize the chassis, it is a Michaels Construction truck. Short and stout with a good turn. Been for sale for one year, hot potatoed from Michaels auction to this dealer. They used it for pulling wire stock through off-road power line right-of-ways. Think they fit with 300AMI engines.
  13. Chopped edges....hard lines
  14. I really like the thing. Maybe my generation of kids who went nuts on Transformers will snatch'em up. They are staying in trend with light automotive body preferences.
  15. Volvo gave birth to identical twins. They deemed one a bastard and the other blessed. They gave the blessed son a dollar and the bastard ninety cents. Blessed bought chrome hubcaps with his dollar and bastard bought brass knuckles. Guess we have a winner.
  16. Buncha. Stay low tech emissions and beat the system. $ 🐮 $
  17. Seems like an entitlement war that Mack won with reputation, funny. #1 Mack MP10@685HP #5 Volvo D16@700HP Volvo reads this article they will derate the MP10 to 665HP.
  18. Thing packed solid, snapped the 3.5" rod AND bent the cylinder tube. Messy.
  19. lol...bad ass ...I wouldn't have flicked you in the ear unless I had my running shoes on.
  20. Mack part number 88800186
  21. Second time it came in, 30 days later, it became apparent...... Yup, that took some serious swinging to unpack. Anybody looking for an operators position? Must be able to blow out chips.
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