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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. Good taste for a Dummy.....
  2. Grandpa Fred's body double is on site.
  3. I'll upload a video of the test fire, see if produces.
  4. Maybe it's taking the long way around our hurricane alley? Should be shook till polished.
  5. Maybe the folks in Florida/Alabama have to worry most, not you Vegas "dry heat" people? This one has no "night-sweat rust" anywhere on it.
  6. You get that differential locker installed comrade?
  7. The situation is under complete control.....but if I don't finish this thread do a search of "Wausau Daily Herald" to find out how I died.
  8. I'm going to blow her off and see if I can catch Takata Shrapnel on my scatter target.
  9. Paid him $2,000 over bluebook. Very decent to him. High five Walmart. Glad it fell off right away and not a week later. I just did $500 in parts repairs (8 hours) to it, he presented receipts.
  10. Lol Got 50 feet of lead wire, just need a victim.... Maybe Walmart Technician?
  12. Attach firmly...
  13. Any of our military vets ever wire a Claymore? Yellow and Black to Black? Red to red? Looks like single chassis ground, one ground to exploder disc stack and one red to exploder disc stack.
  14. Grandpa Fred took his Toyota in for an oil change and Walmart left the filter loose. Poor Toyota is getting her jewelry stripped for the funeral.
  15. Rock got back to us with a stack muffler that will bolt on with no fabrication. It is a 5"inlet/5"outlet @ 51" length and 9" diameter. PART # M-132 Cost w/mark-up $127.00
  16. I think the question is if a clutch brake works without grease applied.......... "the guy said the clutch brake will not work if the clutch is not greased. Is that true?". It will traction without, but smearing a squirt onto it during install is a fine practice, especially with a non-compressible two piece or split. An chronically ungreased throw-out is going to lead to bigger issues than just a dry clutch brake.
  17. I'm going to disappoint the squirrel and snake lovers then.....I'd probably let him finish the meal and then "crush they head" Gen 3:16. Two birds, one stone. Those flying squirrels are funny and cool, but they lounged around in my rabbits hutches all night eating corn like they own the place. Was outside tossing logs into the wood boiler one night and shined my light into the rabbit hutches. The flying squirrels and rabbits were hanging out inside, chewing cud, like folks.
  18. Saw a youtube vid.... half boy/half monkey. Probably the same guy. Some would argue grease has positive affect......don't give more than "A" pump.
  19. Congrats! God bless the boy. Jaundice....umph...Remember rolling my boy in the sunlight like a gas station hot dog 🌭 ( new parent years). # 5 coming in October for us.
  20. They didn't install one. Coincidently, after eliminating the filter they had a rash of engines coming through with casting sand plugging everything. Mostly compressor coolant elbows.
  21. Had to get a truck from Camp Auto & Truck, Wayne, NJ to Wisconsin....really was that complicated. Had to give Chris Christie a foot rub.
  22. No strange animals here, just dozens of chuckleheads in welding helmets running all over. Pretty much looked like a cheesy 70's "Dr. Who" episode.
  23. You were perfectly safe till you spit out the milk and grabbed it from your mom's hand.
  24. https://www.truckpaper.com/listings/trucks/for-sale/20131787/1990-mack-superliner-rw713
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