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Mack Technician

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Everything posted by Mack Technician

  1. If it is the 2000, they are talking about breaking the centering stud for the yoke bridge. They set the bridge adjustment wrong during the cam repair or it was fatigued by the cam failure and now just gave up the ghost or it's just plain worn out from 17 years of hard labor. Mack has a procedure for removing those. It was an issue. Find out what cylinder had the cam failure vs what cylinder lost the centering stud. You need to know that fact if the hair starts flying. If the cam failure did not occur on the same cylinder that lost the stud you have a point to make.
  2. I once had a dash "smoke out" on a truck that was pulsing the thermal reset fuse. The guy had been driving it that way for days (weeks?), eventually the fuse will fail closed and WHOOF. Burned the harness from the turn signal switch to the main power in about five seconds. Glad I was driving around the lot not on the road, rubber insulation smoke is tear gas. Fuse turned a defining color.
  3. Pulse is not normal. It's not logical enough to be switching it's own polarity. You must have a thermal auto-reset fuse opening and closing relative to it's own temp. Follow the circuit backwards to the cause of short.
  4. This is your vintage. Enjoy! Tilt ray is your relay for headlight dim. Go to the tilt ray relay spade 86 & 85 for answers. Test 3-E-0.8 for ground and 3-B 1.0 for power. Manipulate them with switches and then you establish if it is a switch issue. schem1.pdf schem.pdf
  5. Simplicity is dead nidfd112. Two 2006 Mack 12Ltr pictured. Neither one was without issues, but man, what a mess of support systems on the AC. If I was vocational farm cash cropping, day trips, I'd grab an AI. I'd try Mackpro, he may know about the running miss.
  6. Experienced it on our Elkaholics Unanimous bus...... 6.6 liter Brazilian Ford mechanical diesel. At deceleration the governor racked fuel to zero. I put a chrome straight pipe pointing out the passenger side 1/2 way down the chassis. Engine was in perfect tune, had it running like a top for Montana Elk trip. We were rolling through the Beartooth Pass, went into zero fuel and engine over speed downhill for minutes, powered into pedal and had 10' fire bursts shooting out the exhaust hitting dry pine overhangs. Had to change our game plan, started teasing easy into the pedal to get pistons hot again before throttling, fireballs stopped. I never saw that in an ASET AC engine, '06. Never saw electronic engines go cold either, they have logic. I'd be tempted to put injectors in it. Unseated tip bleed up? CCRS are a real hag about air. How many hours on the injectors?
  7. Check for boost leaks for high exhaust.
  8. Archive from Mackpro. They programmed the issue out, time to go get your ECM flashed?
  9. Need to install a 1K ohm resistor in-line with wire for intake air temp sensor. It will correct the smoke/stumble fueling issue. Use solder. Radio shack will set you up.
  10. I was performing this diagnostic last month for a truck that would pop the air dryer purge open and continue to chatter compressed air out of the bottom of air dryer purge valve. The new air governor was only letting about 30 PSI into the unloading circuit. It was enough to open the air dryer purge, but not unload the sprung unloader stems in the compressor head. Warrantied reman air governor and bought a new instead of reman, problem fixed. New part fails are hard to diagnose, it throws a tough variable and makes you second guess yourself. I put a gauge in the wet tank too. Pop out the safety valve and an 1/8" pipe nipple gauge slides right in.
  11. I put the bowls under storage items out of direct rain and away from house/buildings. Under camper, pickup, all the things mice love to destroy. One weatherproof bait station in the woodpile. I move the fight to them. Last week, window open, I heard a blood curdling midnight death squeal 😵. Wife was running around the house thinking it was our kids. Found a stiff coon in the morning. Those things can't give up the ghost without waking the entire country mile.
  12. Nice shot. Often wonder what the shot spread is at twelve feet. I put out a couple dog bowls of rat poison all summer, open to the public.
  13. Nice line-up! Get me on that tea cup ride (pic 2).
  14. If I was complaining it would look like this "That old bat is suck'in water out of an Arizona stone!!".
  15. Makes you wonder why? I'm not certain, but do ponder if his wife gets a bigger payout if He dies employed. Don't even want to think that would be a factor, but consider Bud Dwyer. Still got that news conference video stuck in my head to date (and "Hey man, nice shot" song). He wouldn't let himself go to jail and he knew his goose was going to cook so he stood in front of a TV audience, declared he would not resign from office, had his assistant hand him a mystery envelope, pulled out a .357 and punched a hole in his palate. Ends up he secured a 1.28 million dollar death payout to Mrs. Dwyer by doing it before fully convicted. Bends my mind, the most selfless, and simultaneously selfishly greedy, act committable.
  16. What year truck? 3-1 is failure on exhaust temp sensor. 7-3 is speed control set switch shorted to voltage.
  17. Never a wrong time to pop the valve covers and take a look at clearances.
  18. Never mind.... after last nights debacle. McCain must be in legacy mode.
  19. I'm hoping Trump does anything, worth while (and attention), instead of the last eight years of......... Gitmo closure....fail Pulling troops out of middle east.....fail Quantitative easing to stop 2008 bleeding.....fail Affordable healthcare....fail Push Russia out of Europe.....fail Stop Nuke program in Iran...fail Slow Nuke program in Korean...fail Supporting the only Democracy in the Middle East....fail Maintaining domestic race relations.....fail Maintaining respect for police and civil authority.....fail Protecting Unions......fail Protecting manufacturing in US....fail Protecting veterans...fail Protecting the constitution....fail Immigration control..........fail Strengthening cyber security so Russia can't mess with our election....fail Saving horned owls from Golf Range encroachment..... fail (this is possible embellishing)
  20. Cool pics, I just hit my "10 likes per day" quota.
  21. Just judgment enough to discern. Last year we had a local fellow come to church, at late evening off hours, with a handgun to kill himself, possibly others too. Pastor saw him get out of car and tuck the gun so he locked the front door till guy agreed to put his gun back in the car. Let him in, talked him down and had the health care people come and get him, but didn't tell white coats about the gun. Got the guys parents to confiscate the gun. He went and visited him regularly. See him around now, he is doing OK. We have our eye raisers too.
  22. That's hilarious!!! My wife is from Dakotas. Gotta be tough and frank to survive on 15 inches of rain, 12 months of wind and 13 months of winter.
  23. Sounds like a great opportunity to minister to the people! Church is a home for the sin sick. We are always hoping for folks in spiritually difficult circumstances to come in through the door........but we mostly just get our regulars.
  24. Popped a forward snap ring off our 05' T318L synchro last month. We bought a shaft retaining plate and I was able to fish the junk out of the front box. Was feeling confident so I had told the boss, before we bought, to avoid T200 cause you wouldn't know if the rear output mainshaft was upgraded. What a jinx, we got 7K miles on it and "pop". Have they come up with any other rear shaft improvements since 2010 (other than the high torque output shaft for cummins)? I don't see any.
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