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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. The east must be running dry of Macks.------------I looked at that one last fall shes pretty tired and used. Truck Shop
  2. These rigs are owned by a logger named Bob Jacks in Jacksonville Ore. just west of Medford. Truck Shop
  3. No that KW is in San Luis Obispo, Truck Shop
  4. Damn straight cheap at $5,000 https://portland.craigslist.org/clc/hvo/d/1952-kenworth-oil-spreader/6568183047.html Truck Shop
  5. Straight and it definitely runs. https://portland.craigslist.org/yam/hvo/d/1958-vintage-mac-service-truck/6547595710.html
  6. Sometimes equipment that's brokered for sale is a good thing, brokers want to make money too. But if it ain't sell'in sometimes the prices will drop. And there just it's that many ruby's left setting anymore so if it's rusty or has a blown engine well you have to take what you can get. Truck Shop
  7. Except I see several more ads for other trucks by the same person and in the back ground of a pic for 80 KW is guess what? Another B-73 or B-75 or B-77 setting painted white. Truck Shop
  8. Who ever did this work did a fine job on a B model. Truck Shop
  9. i only check craigslist to Wyoming, West Coast is in my territory. Truck Shop
  10. Well that's all the more reason it should stay on the west coast, besides most of the old macks are hoarded on the east coast. You have to leave a few out west so we don't have the expense going to the east coast to see them. Truck Shop
  11. Me also Truck Shop
  12. Conducted by the one and only Ennio Morricone
  13. Thanks for correcting me, I edited the post. Truck Shop
  14. Actually I could own it and use my wheel lift to go it. But I don't know what I could do with it along with all the other stuff I find. My body is running out of fuel. Truck Shop
  15. Little on the high side but it looks complete. https://redding.craigslist.org/hvo/d/older-model-mack-water-truck/6551120363.html Truck Shop
  16. I had one of these with 2sp kick back in the mid 60's it was a tough bicycle. Then twenty four motorcycles through my life, several junkers and several nice ones. A pic of one fast and one fairly fast 05 barge I owned. Had three wings truthfully the 95 1500 I had was the best one. Truck Shop
  17. Glad hands are there so I have trailer brakes if moving a tractor and trailer together. Female socket for tow lights. And yes Zacklift makes a fifthwheel attachment for moving trailers.
  18. I told him to focus on my good side and it didn't seem to help much! Truck Shop
  19. I showed this video to a friend that is a retired engineer and he estimated 35 to 40 mph on the train. The stopping distance at that speed on hard braking and depending weight of train would be over a third of a mile to a half mile. Just his opinion. Dumb Shit truck driver not reading signs and knowing his rig/ That's my opinion. Truck Shop
  20. AU-7064-T is one model of short hood. Truck Snop
  21. I'm with you on those A Cars. The B series 73, 75 and Lt's are first place with me followed by 50's and early 60's A Cars like the DC102"s. Then the 523 KW's then 351 Pete's. Truck Shop
  22. It's getting a 30,000 Lb winch plus with air ride when setting the truck being towed back on the ground once it's tires make contact the tow trucks suspension takes time to equalize. Steering is really good it runs down the road with 8,800 on the steer axle with one in tow. The steer empty weight with full tanks is right at 12,000. Total dry weight is 28,000. Truck Shop
  23. Great photo's, that tandem axle ladder fire engine is neat looking. Truck Shop
  24. Many of you have probably seen this video, but what the heck. Truck Shop
  25. Hope you can post some photos, I like those LTL's Truck Shop
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