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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. The finest slogan or phrase I ever lettered on the side of a sleeper was { The Memory Maker Inn }. Truck Shop
  2. Nice work he does, wish my hands were more limber so I could do the freehand sign work I did in the 70's & 80's. Truck Shop
  3. The only one I found on the cover of Over Drive is this one and it has a Merc. Truck Shop
  4. There are two sides to free speech and Trump used his to throw red meat. And I don't watch sports, if I do it's only a few super bike races. Truck Shop
  5. You have to bee skinny plus be able to climb with these type of sleepers. Truck Shop
  6. This a good video if it comes out right. Truck Shop
  7. Walla Walla is located in S.E. Washington State.
  8. 14.0 liter Series 60 DDEC-4 {550 HP 1850 torque}, makes the drive tires last longer. 1810 Half round joints 208925-25 2050 ftlb clutch RTLO18918B Big Eaton Drives 3:70 14,500 Lb front axle 4707Q+ shoes Vickers cast power steering pump. No TRW aluminum One Stack, Painted olive drab with flat black wheels, No power accessories in cab A/C only, 42" sleeper. Truck Shop
  9. Here's the other oddity I was the second owner of that Pete. The original owner Amil Pasco ordered that truck in July of 66, they asked him if he wanted a tilt hood. So he ordered it with a tilt hood and air assist, Pete came out with the tilt hood in the later half of 66 and Amil owned the second one sold with a tilt hood. I remember him telling me drivers used to come out of the truck stop dinners just to see the hood tilt. Truck Shop
  10. Some other trucks from the show Truck Shop
  11. That Pete is a 1966 owned by Dave Autumn retired from trucking. He always liked my old 1966 Pete that was originally owned by Amil Pasco. So when he retired he built this one so he would have one like my old Pete. Although he modified this truck and made a long hood out of it. Truck Shop
  12. A few pics from the truck show today in Walla Walla. And there all green Truck Shop
  13. Great choice of colors! Truck Shop
  14. I like those trucks in the back ground too! Truck Shop
  15. I believe that's a 58 or 59-DR-860, didn't know GMC made a extended cab. Truck Shop
  16. Those were called purple people eaters- and if you didn't warm one up-they were known for sticking pistons.
  17. Thanks guys, waiting for lettering also plus finishing up a few small things. Truck Shop
  18. Anyone who wouldn't like that Mack- doesn't know a thing about class. Truck Shop
  19. This company has service kits for all carburetors and they do complete rebuilds also. I bought kits from them for two forties Indians, good kits. https://daytonaparts.com/ Truck Shop
  20. Here is a story that made the local newspaper some years back. A retired couple that moved here bought a place on the edge of the valley, base of the Blue Mountains. One night he heard a noise in his garage/shop which didn't have the power hooked up yet. So he grabbed his trusty mag-light and went for a look-see. He shined it all over then bent down to look in the shelves on his work bench. He move the light according to the story from the farthest part of the shelf back towards him. Then {IMO} he filled his pants, Staring straight at him from four feet away was a full grown cougar that climbed on to that shelf. He was smart enough to keep the light aimed at the cougars eyes and backed his way to the door of the house. Sheriff took care of the cougar. Truck Shop
  21. This has nothing to do with gray or blue skies but any of you folks remember the sonic booms of the 60's? Where I lived was on one of the flight test patterns for the RS/SR 71 plus all those F4's buzzing around. I liked it when you would hear the double Boom. Truck Shop
  22. A single duck VW Truck Shop
  23. If she moves to two other forums I frequent she won't make it five days. They have a zero tolerance program. Besides that, BMT is one of the best sites around-good folks. Truck Shop
  24. Price is high and years are off but the cab and nose are pre 1964 https://greatfalls.craigslist.org/hvo/d/1953-kenworth-heavy-haul-truck/6224704925.htm Truck Shop
  25. Some filters are better than others for sure, but if a bearing goes to hell and a rod puts a window in the block the brand of filter doesn't matter much. IMO The thing for trucks is the oil change intervals are done at the right mileage and on time every time. Truck Shop
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