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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. Well I will start first with a picture of myself and partner in crime in our shop. That's me on the left and Gayle the other mechanic on the right. I do look somewhat like that. But everyone tells us we definitely act like these two. Truck Shop
  2. With harvest and many other things going on it got put on back burner for a bit. Too much work going on, but we will be back on it soon. Thanks for asking. Truck Shop
  3. This doesn't have anything to do with D's or R's. What it has to do with is a group who hates, and when they run out of their favorite people to hate they will just find someone else. It's been in progress since 1865, and here it is 2017 and it seems some Americans haven't learned much. Truck Shop
  4. Now you guy's know you can't market those ideas with out a set of these, especially that poop alarm. But wait there's more! Truck shop
  5. The guy that owns it is retiring from farming, and he is getting rid of several things this being one of them. I have had an eye on it for years, I don't believe he wants much for it. I know his son in-law and he told me they just want to get rid of it. Truck Shop
  6. Believe me I'm not a torsion fan-that would go and a 260 wheel base change also. Truck Shop
  7. I was hoping it had a 12V71. Truck Shop
  8. Looked at this 110" sleep KW today, it was a little warm out 99*. 1979, 8V92 on torsion suspension. No rot living out here, been setting for 11 years. Use to drive one of these. Truck Shop
  9. My dad had a sign shop from 1948 to 1983. I learned how to freehand letter and pinstripe working with him. He did some of the best bomber nose art during WWII. When he left the service in 46 he worked for Seagrave in Ohio gold leafing fire trucks till late 47. He was a pro with gold or silver leaf. We lettered hundreds of truck doors, his lay out was just chalk no tape and normally the customer wanted script. I remember a customer asking why we didn't follow the chalk lines in the lay out-my dad replied the chalk is only to make sure the spelling is correct before lettering. He passed away in 83 I lettered truck doors for a few more years then gave it up. Some damn fine lettering in those pics above. Truck Shop
  10. He is forced to kill his own son.
  11. The duel-The Big Country
  12. The 1959 classic The Big Country with Gregory Peck. Burl Ives played a role as a true hard ass no one could have played that part better. Truck Shop
  13. Mack had the brains to gear drive the air compressor instead of the belt run stuff everyone else used. Truck Shop
  14. One of my favorite places Palouse Falls State Park, 55 miles from where I live. The world record kayak run over a water fall was set there. He did this in the spring when run off was high to shoot him out and away from the rocks below. Truck Shop
  15. 1956 The searchers-John Wayne's best movie IMHO. With Ride Away by Sons of The Pioneers. Truck Shop
  16. From the movie War Wagon- Kirk Douglas-mine hit the ground first-John Wayne-mine was taller. Truck Shop
  17. Themes from westerns were some of the best, I had these on a flash drive when I would travel on my Goldwing. Truck Shop
  18. The company I work for has 20 Freightliner Coronado gliders with the 14 liter 550 hp-1850 torque Series 60. We have had a few problems with them, but there recon engines so we expected some problems. But over all those engines have out performed the ISX and C15 engines we had hands down. Just the price of injectors alone for a DD15 or 16 will damn near scare you away, $958.00 each. Plus the DD15 is not that friendly to work on. Change a air compressor on a DD15 and you will understand. The Series 60 powered glider is a good way to go, we bought ours from Freightliner. This truck pictured unfortunately was wrecked last year in a head on, and it was the fault of the other vehicle. Our driver was ok. Truck Shop
  19. On cool crisp mornings a Hall Scott with a straight pipe like that one could be heard a long ways off. An acquaintance has two Hall Scott 1091's stored away, came out of loggers they ran years ago. Truck Shop
  20. If it's a 180 it should be NH 180 672 cu in ? Truck Shop
  21. I have always lived in the northwest and have traveled so many scenic roads, you don't have to go far to find one. The north Cascades highway, Lolo Pass , Grand Coulee area, White Pass, Stevens Pass, Highway 2 from Sandpoint Id to Kalispell Mt, Highway 101 around the Olympic Peninsula, Highway 93 through Salmon Id the list goes on. But one of the best secrets is all the great motorcycling roads in the Oregon High Desert, 20 corners per mile on lots of those roads. Going from Joseph Ore to Oxbow Dam is 88 miles and will take 2 1/2 hrs to cover. Great pics HeavyGunner. Truck Shop
  22. Well if that reads correct at 425 HP then it would have a 4MG or 3ZJ air to air. The 4MG didn't come out untill 1986. So I would think it probably has a 7FB 400 HP B model in it. And some installed that super ten in there. Those transmissions were not available in 81. Although it is a easy swap, the super ten is the same length as a 13spd. Heavy duty looking truck though. Truck Shop
  23. It has a aluminum frame and that rear suspension is Hendrickson RS380. Walking beam with a 60" axle spread is the best off road. It is popular in Canada. Truck Shop
  24. A little high on price but looks fairly complete Truck Shop https://bend.craigslist.org/hvo/d/autocar-ntc-semi-tractor/6213850106.html
  25. Your correct it has front brakes, which I found odd when taking the pics. Truck Shop
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