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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. I will drive out and find out what he wants for it, also there is a Mack set of rear drives {frame cut off} that go with it I believe. Truck Shop
  2. He bought it that way, He has the nose except for the radiator shell. He said he would sell it fairly cheap. He had a 1955 W71ST cab over that he just sold this last spring to someone in Pennsylvania, it was complete and the cab was in very good shape. He's putting his effort in GMC's. Truck Shop
  3. The yellow is GM the blue is Napco Truck Shop
  4. Some GMC's and a few other trucks I ran across today. 1948 FWD power line truck, 59 B61 and a 1962 702 cu in V12 GMC that the owner started and ran for me. Truck Shop
  5. Wow nice 53! Raymond Loewy was quite the designer. Truck Shop
  6. For us the pay isn't a problem, and at 72 Gayle can out work most guys that are thirty. But the one line that I always hear from employers is everyone is replaceable. Except they forget they are replaceable too. And I like to remind them of that, I was looking for a job when I found this one.
  7. There is the factor of most employers are happy that some people are staying in the job market that should be looking to retire. Although most wouldn't admit it. The common sense factor of older workers comes into play here. The owner of my company is constantly gripping about where did all the good drivers go. And he is really worried about replacing the two others in the shop along with me. We are a old crew in the shop, I'm 61, Jeff is 62 and Gayle is 72. We are all farting dust. Truck Shop
  8. Here are a couple of Toronado's one a 66 the other a 67 that I restored mechanically. Paint and body was done by a friend. I don't own them was hired to restore them. Anyone else have odd or limited production cars and pickups they worked on? Truck Shop
  9. Heat the center of it then nail it with a large drift and 3# hammer or heat and use a air hammer. The best way I've found to remove rivet heads is use cut off wheel and cut a X in the head down to the shank and use a very large chisel, the heads will pop right off. Truck Shop
  10. I can't help ya either, but I like that old school Peter Car on the cover of that issue. Truck Shop
  11. Except you left out some major calculations. Cleaning the DPF filter and replacement will eat a hole in the diesel savings. Your lucky to break even on fuel savings after dealing with that. That is the #1 gripe even with big fleets and that maintenance is the same weather you own one or a hundred. Lose the [ONE box as it's called in a Freightliner] and you just dropped 10 grand. So actually you really don't understand. My last reply on this subject. Truck Shop
  12. Almost two miles. https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/2017/06/22/canadian-solider-breaks-record-longest-confirmed-sniper-kill/103110110/
  13. That cab and grille combination on the 73's was a great design. Next to the LT one of the neatest looking trucks ever built. Truck Shop
  14. I ran this old girl for quite a few years and made money with it, never let me down no payments either. 1966 with a 64 Truck Trailer sleeper. So yes it can be done. Truck Shop
  15. First I would sand depending on surface using 320, 400 then 600. I use a DA air sander. Then most people use rouge on a 8 to 10 buffer wheel. This one I'm doing now I'm short on time so sanded and Mother's mag polish is all it will get for now. Next year I will go back over them when I have more time.
  16. Sure go out and buy a truck that's only five years old, hell it could send one through the side of the block just as easy. It's a truck- a perpetual wear out machine, open the hood in the morning and dump a sack full money in there and drive away. New or old trucks are all the same. Truck Shop
  17. I cut them vertical because that method is how Kenworth says to do it on a frame repair. Their frame service section lists vertical cuts only and six 5/8 bolts equally spaced two inches from weld, three each side. Truck Shop
  18. The only way I can see that Fuller/ Eaton working is with a auxiliary gear box or change drive axle ratios also. That transmission pictured could either be a 12513 or 14613. The slave valve on the side is the early style IIRC 4688 model. It does have the tall shift tower. More than likely it is a RTO, more common than the RT. Truck Shop
  19. Well if I could work on it full time and had all the parts when I needed them I should have been done two weeks ago. But with all of our trucks and trailers and outside work on farm trucks getting ready for harvest it's eaten up a fair amount of time. Truck Shop
  20. Yes Truck Shop
  21. The Hendrickson northwest field man showed up at our shop today and inspected the broken axles. He admitted it was metal fatigue that caused those axles to break. And those axles that broke were first generation and redesigned twice since. As far the air pressure being to high- 70 psi is not out of range for our application. As far as correct height he looked at two other trucks we have{ same model and wheel base} measured and found nothing wrong with installation. And all of our trucks have factory installed drop axles. So That's- That. Truck Shop
  22. He grew up just four blocks from my house. My wife met him when he first started the Batman role. She said he was a very ordinary type person. Truck Shop
  23. Reminds me of a move on two transformers to a wind farm where I live. One pulling and two pushing. Great pictures! Truck Shop
  24. Too bad your not closer to me, I have lots of Conmet steer and drive axle hubs hub pilot. Truck Shop
  25. Eaton road speed calculator http://www.roadranger.com/rr/CustomerSupport/Support/Calculators/index.htm Truck Shop
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